League of Legends general /lolg/

SWEETEST edition!


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>making thread before red

had to make sure his shitty child wife was the op

So if I attach a dick to a rock does that make it a boy too?

waifufags, everyone

xth for my wife Syndra

I want to fuck the night Hunter

it's still biologically a rock retard



xth for Miss Fortune
I am probably the first user to claim her right?
Now we are officially married
Miss Fortune is my waifu

>biologically a rock

Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!

simple science, really
born a rock die a rock

user, she is the townbike of Bilgewater...

That is right. The other bikers had a paternalistic feel towards her and would not let anyone touch her, so she is still a virgin.

>ITT post champs who are LITERALLY you
I'll start

I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!

Reminder that this game want you on a soy diet




mb you just need some self control

xth for my wife Syndra

1-2 persona 5
3-4 monhun
5-6 dark souls 3
7-8 league of legends
9-9 kill myself

How does it make you feel the new Swain is practically a new champion, resembling nothing of the Swain we all knew and loved?

This site is 18+

roll for 8

whats wrong with soy?

Just had the most fucked game.

15 minutes in suddenly I couldn't even press any buttons in game. I couldn't mouse click. Couldn't type in chat. I couldn't even press esc to quit out, i had to alt+F4 to restart the game.

I restarted the game 10+ times, nothing. The game litterally just didn't understand mouse/keyboard inputs, everything else worked fine.


It's par for the course by now, something begun with Gangplank and Sion. I'm afraid for Akali now.


I'm like Yasuo, really

me behind the tree ;-;

It's aids. Old swain was fun, a big AoE regen AP bruiser-thing.

New swain is just ap mage zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

GP kept 3 of his core abilities essentially the same.

Sion was trash and litterally no one liked or wanted old Sion tos tay.

It has fitostrogens which is basically female sex hormones. And can cause hormonal imbalances and mood swings in men.

play Singed

What if I actually want to have fun though

>get banned
>the faggot who copies my posts didn't
xth for my wife Syndra

that's why faggots eat it
to become women

>that cs
>diamond 3

man am i glad they got rid of that World of Warcraft-ass bathrobe with shoulder pads nonsense

user stop believing memes.

he can't keep getting away with this

but fitostrogens are not estrogens. they just have the same shape and structure but are made from different things. its like saying that rubber wheel is the same as wooden wheel

>And can cause hormonal imbalances and mood swings in men.

source needed

t- soy chugging faggot

I had something similar just now, I had just a little lag but then ten minutes in all the minions froze, I couldn't buy anything from the shop, the only thing that I can see is champions moving. I couldn't even see towers die even if they clearly did judging by champ movements. No matter how much I closed and opened the game remained stuck like this.

My point was less about the kit and more about the characters. GP was a campy pirate and Sion a goofy Schwarzneger zombie. You could say they improved but the point is they changed completely.

also worth noting that its tiny amounts.
I get that its a meme but its retarded to think it actually makes you more feminine.

You'd have to eat kilos of it everyday to become more feminine. Same with carrots and turning orange, it doesnt normally happen, and it isnt even common in asia where soy consumption is more common (who also have the greatest life expectancies partly due to it)

great argument, so basicaly there is nothing wrong with soy, thanks

>he reads the lore

You probably read Harry Potter and think it's high literature too, don't you.

Your point was that you are a faggot.

the soy meme is the next french surrender meme

america surrendered more wars in their short history than the entire history of france

is there anything more demoralizing than getting your lane camped while the other lanes hard lose by themselves? even if you live through the ganks it stops you being able to do much but farm while you just watch your lanes throw the game in the trash

And how many WOrld Wars?

>Frogs are turning gay because of Soy in the water and attack Americans again
Just give up like you always do

t. croissant muncher

It would still have no effect
Phytoestrogens can both block or produce estrogenic effects.

On humans they have zero effect in hormonal balance
It's just a v meme because soyboy is a funny word

"Guys I'm masculine and not a twink I swear!"

>the duo e-girl bot lane with a passive-agressive Janna feeds within the first 5 min
>no wards so i can tp
>they think they have a say in whether or not we surrender

>The French are st-tong f-fuck you a-america!
Sit down before we make you sit down

>Get raped by Rakan and Xayah as Bard in lane because I'm retarded
>Make the enemy xayah waste her R everytime because of my Ult

haha dumb nigger get fucked

no do some fucking research for once instead of parroting whatever sounds more dramatic in life you goddamn brainlets

this is how you spread misinformation and stay dumb

I started playing LoL about 3 months ago and I played ranked for the first time this week.

I did my 10 placement matches and got placed in Silver IV.

Is this good? Bad? Average?

I main Master Yi btw.

>The crying dying frog strikes out in one last effort to prove he's not gay and weak

Nice blog

seeing the syndrafag mad at the other syndrafag is kinda cute in a weird way

>Swift hasn't posted in a few weeks
And I was wondering why this general was so better all of a sudden.

Holy fuck is Janna W in lane retarded with these runes. I can do absolute nothing on adc to outtrade her. Thanks riot for this shit. She takes half my life in just one combo what the fuck man. I'm getting zoned by a fucking shield support

Xth for cumming inside your support!


Don't give him his coat! Get him outta here!


I hate the French so much

FACT: Lulu has the CUTEST EARS!

>tfw punched so hard in a door in my house that I can no longer play league due to my hand being fucked

Remember to not take out your anger in real life!

Janna walks up to you

Points and clicks her W and with an auto

Lose almost half your hp with she has aery

The only good thing about France are their cute, hairy girls.


Average, maybe slightly below average
Yi is fun af, don't let anyone tell you otherwise

That's not a combo

>other syndrafag
Wrong, I'm the only Syndrafag here. Not going to do the full explanation again but the other is a sad autist that is mad I never got banned.

For janna is it


>when your support actually buys zekes

Why don't they do this more often. It's such a strong item.

It's more than enough to win any trade against adcs lmao

You lost your ban virginity a couple minutes ago

>syndrafag calling anyone else autistic

Oh the irony...

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!

It is, but it's not a combo, it's literally hitting W. I asked this because the only other skill she could use for a combo was her Q, but if you are actually getting hit by her tornado then you have bigger problems to worry about, such as your mental faculties

Which one of you enabled swift? I hate that one
How can i identify the real syndrafag more easily?

New Taliyah skin when?

Soy has no feminizing effects, it's a meme

t. tranny

or 40% slow from w

You don't unironically fell for the soy meme did you? Holy fucking shit i didn't think syndranon could fall any lower.

For the same thing he has been doing for the past 3 days. Funny huh.
I don't go and copy someone else's posts out of anger, so yes he is more autistic than me.
Yes hello that's me, I love you too.

>implying that dodging a pointblank tornado when you're slowed by 400% is easy

> mu-muh CS!

reminder top lane is not a lane, it is a waiting room to teleport bottom lane

I don't think you have played against a janna recently



>ally adc locks in jhin
>enemy adc locks in ezreal
>in patch 8.3

Does Ahri's orb return count towards electrocute?