Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
>square square square square
Danganronpa fighting game when
I wish I was a girl
>anime is all about neutral
*presses 5h with android 16 at 99 seconds*
>making the thread early because a dumb newfag requested it
kys op
ryuusei is cute. mildly gay for him
More like dork hado lol
Post those stinkers
>dragonball fighterz
fun DBFZ fact
if you backdash and start charging ki, you will cause your animal-brain foe to fullscreen super dash, 100% of the time, thus serving you a 2H opportunity on a platter
brickpill me on vaginas
that feel when you wanna play online but dont wanna give sony 60 bucks
Fuck you
ps3 and pc master race
Every time I think shitposting in this general has gone too far I go to Veeky and get reminded it's not so bad here after all
>soy shitposter banned from /v/ and desperately needs a new home
Play Weiss
fun fact
dooberz has sold more than the entire guilty gear and blazblue series combined
Wish I was Birdie bros...
>Hank Hill ass
Today I'm starting my anti-sniff campaign. Please post any sniff filters you have and I will also be filtering any sniff I encounter in this or any other general on Veeky Forums.
Let's work together to clean up this place!
I wish I liked NRS games. Ninja Turtles look so good in IJ2.
Next thing you wanna tell me that water is blue.
dragon ball is a game made for soyboys
yeah dude gonna make em ragequit as mikey and use my leet coding skills as don! so epic
thanks, used the last 3
they look just as stiff as any other NRS character
The King of Fighters is a fun fighting game series and you should try it out if you've never played it! Its 3v3 system allows for unique strategies and increased depth of matchups!
am i gay if i can only like porn of sniffs if they involve them interacting with a male?
Does anyone even use this character? I swear I never seen anyone online use 21 so far.
unist dead af on release day
not looking good for our favorite plucky little fighting game
wud brown!!
lewd images general.
Is the new Uniel cross buy?
it gets my pee pee hard!!!
>in 7 days Broly is going to step on Capcuck's last dying breath
Most people that actually play fighting games can't be bothered to play 10 hours of dbfz fanfiction to unlock her.
Seriously this has to be one of the dumbest things about the game.
t. Ray Charles
does Broski ever use his mod powers?
no. crossplay between ps3 and ps4 but no cross buy
DBFZ DLC when?????????
most of the core audience are manchildren who obsess of "power levels" of their favorite children's cartoon character, no reason to pick some OC waifushitter
I bought the season pass for her
I hate story modes in fighters that much
IJ2 is honestly way better than every other NRS fighter. Give it a try, I thought the same things about it everyone else here does until I tried it.
Will dbfz be worth $40 in the summer sale?
Fuck, the Vita/PS3 version is cheaper in my country.
he's just going to get killed by a gay furry
I main my gf!!!
I hope they don't make it a tag kuso if they make one
Source: Your ass
The reason she's so unpopular is because of how absurdly tedious story mode is and the fact that you have to beat EVERY arc to acquire her. I felt like my brain was going to start molding by the point I got to the android saga because of all the boring CPUs I had to fight. Good thing there's an easy way to exploit them at least.
She has some cheesy optimal combos but otherwise she's not nearly as solid as someone like Cell or Black.
>make a story all about watch characters stand still and talk to each other
>gameplay is a literal tutorial that changes into mowing through hordes of dumb AI that can't fight back
Wow so good. I paid for a fighting game not a MMO.
Can confirm. Have the game on loan right now, but won't be able to clear the story in time plus have time to learn the character before I have to return it.
She's the main character I'm interested in playing, so now I just have no motivation to play at all.
no because it will be completely dead by then
I don't have the game, but is it really playing this time? Because the story mode in Xrd is literally hours of videos.
It's worth negative $ since it's an advert and dysfunctional as an actual fighting game
That line doesn't really match up with what's being actually shown in that graph
Seeing how you have to complete the most bloated as fuck Story Mode in fighting game history while fighting a braindead easy AI 1000 times to unlock her, it'll take some weeks to see more mains of her.
It's 100% gameplay if you skip the cinematics.
You know you can skip the cinematics right?
>I don't want story!!
>I don't want gameplay!!!
Like any fighting game on PC, it'll stabilize at a few hundred or thousand. In FighterZ's case, probably a few thousand. Expect to be fighting mostly experienced players if you wait all the way til then.
Alternatively, you could just keep scavenging key sites for a good deal. I got FighterZ for $49 at launch with pre-order bonus DLC.
I have tried it and I thought it still felt clunky compared to the fighting games I enjoy most. Didn't try to learn it though. Just some casual play at an event.
>a negro cap cuck's first attempt at graphing
broski is the sniffposter
>expecting shitposters to be able to read
>100% gameplay
yes, fighting the same AI clones that never block super dashes or light attacks so that you can just spam the same auto combo and dash and get things done quicker than actually playing since they'll read all the other inputs if you actually try.
It's mind-numbing.
The only way to revive DBFZ now is to announce Broly and female saiyans DLC.
>Expect to be fighting mostly experienced players if you wait all the way til then
You say that as if it isn't going to be the same on console.
Posting in thread lately has made me question why I even go on Veeky Forums anymore. It's nothing but bitter people who go on here to shit on anything they don't like. It's even worse when you realize that a majority of the players in this thread don't even play fighting games, and when they do they're not even good.
Yeah but he's waiting for a sale. It'd be even longer for the sale if he goes console.
I know they're unpopular but I legitimately want the female saiyans
Here have a sniff and a (you)
>i don't consider it playing since it doesn't conform to the preconceived ideal way of playing the game under different circumstances than those which i am presented with
your loss
go dash and mash online and get some ranked games done
Unpopular where?
Does ArcSys ever do free DLC updates? Like updates that just add little miscellaneous filler content in between dropping characters? Stuff like stages, costumes, lobby characters, new modes, etc.
I hope FighterZ gets that.
they do forced paid updates
the uncucked DB community
ok vappa lmao
no. and they won't
Dizzy as free at first week
>unironically acting condescending about the fact that you like fighting brain-dead CPUs
just play training mode it's the same thing lmao
I can't stop sleeping
>DBFZ will never get Saint Seiya and Sailor Moon crossovers as DLC
>Got almost 3-4x the amount of screen-time as Hit, despite him being considered really popular
Hmmmmm, really scratches the peanut.
We want to play online - with 21, but we can't. That's whole fucking point of this discussion. No one wants to do the story to be able to play her online, and online is the actual content of the game people want to play.
But then again, this is just bait, so why do I bother?
I want them too, or Kefla.
The only thing I can think of was the halloween event for BBCF.
>no one has ever forced an unpopular character before!! never!!
>screentime directly correlates with popularity!!!!!
shut the fuck up you ape
Wasn't sure how much I was gonna hate staring at the Rashid Viewtiful Joe costume in-game but it turns out it's a lot.
The most sold fighting game in history is Tekken 3 and it had over half the cast hidden behind various modes that were hard as fuck and didn't have an online function.
People loved it, people don't want online, people want to play the game they bought, people play their games unlike vappa crossposters like you who all they do is complain online all day about the game they decided to spend $60 on.
they already confirmed dbfz will get free updates and balance patches, and theyll also sell dlc cosmetics, skins, music packs, and other stuff.
I never got why they were unpopular in the first place, especially since more saiyans/super saiyans has been a fan want for about 2 decades.
Sure they got super saiyan way too easily, but they weren't bad characters.
Cute keiki.