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guys being dudes edition

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xth for my wife Poppy

I hate what he did to pro-play

I hate how no one can 1v1 him so pros just have to pick stuff to work around him. I hate how he stalls games harder than anyone in the entire game, harder than fucking Gangplank. I hate how he can get a fuckload of shields on demand to sustain himself in any duel and get as tanky as Galio. And above all I hate how fucking foolproof he is for proplayers. He just prevents them from making any mistakes. Its amazing how Ryze is going to be the only champion in League of Legends to be reworked three times.

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!


Is Luden's first alright on Ahri? What do I get afterwards?

I want Azir to sit on my face!

>current state of LCS


Katarina is undisputably the tightest champion in the game

Is Graves a manlet? I know Braum is like 7 ft tall, but...

I will protect my support by making her wear my jacket!
I will respect my support by caressing her cute blushy cheeks!

Is there a better feeling than when a tower dive on you turns into a double kill?

How would you fix toplane?

Kog´Maw is currenlty the lowest winrate champion. 50/50 chance he will be rebuffed in the next 3 patches or stay bad for some months like Losecian

EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME I'm in promos, we're winning, someone gets mad and then starts fucking feeding. EVERY FUCKING TIME. Plat is fucking cancer.


Are any of these worth getting? Thinking of getting anivia

its a little expensive for a first item but if you get kills or are a farm god then sure

Is this achieveable natty?

>Riot please nerf this 40% winrate champ


And yet supposedly Kog'maw is still strong. Somehow. Or at least thats what I've been hearing.

>Diana: Hey guys I just found out about a lost forgotten persecuted people

>Viktor: Hold on terminally ill patients I will give you a treatment

>mfw these are the "good guys"

explain yourselves lolbabs

whats the deal with the change to ryze ult? what was that for?

How does Leona have such a nice ass?

Post em.

>religious nut for a mom
no thanks, might as well take trailer park trash like Jinx at that point. Also how do above average genes and athleticism factor in? The easy answer is someone who is a healslut. But for someone who will actually push you and has a sense of honor, you'll have to look for someone like Quinn, MAYBE Irelia/Karma/Cait, depending on how fanatical/workaholic you interpret them.

Diana went full lunatic though after she was rejected last I checked the lore. You're right about Victor though. His villification just a product of his environment so a large degree.

Riot appeals to edgy teenagers with muh grey morality xD
Glute bridges

>tfw no qt petite gf

Someone make an edit with Jinx and Sona pls

I've considered buying the fiddle one just in case his rework actually is a success
I hope they alter his reliance on drain

when are they going to buff J4

If you dive a carry and catch them you should be able to kill them. Every other carry has the necessary defensive tools to give them a fair way of backing off but thats it.

Ryze presses his ult and then Zhonyas and is guarunteed a tahm-kench tier escape and is virtually impossible to catch out.

Because it's a supports ass!
Leona is a support and as such every fiber of her being needs to be cummed inside!

If people are still saying he is strong then they most likely got beat by one as a 0/3 Darius. The Wit´s End changes will also end Kog`Maws mid and early game.

>Sudden spike in Kayn winrate after him being kind of so-so for a while
Weird, I wonder why

unpopular opinion: i think a collective brusier buff would be good, but not actual stat buffs or a power shit from everyone else being nerfed. just giving them a key stone should be enough

when bruisers are meta and strong then you get toxic melee match ups for one team where if some gets ahead, they get far too ahead and snowball the game on champions that have high damage and high tankiness in the mid game and can just stat check everyone and what they lack in mobility, in the average game where they do get massively ahead their team should have champs that can engage or put them in position to be relevant 5v5

i think their biggest issue right now is the safety in this game being mildly higher than usual so it's harder for top lane to snowball and those champions can't get far enough ahead that they can just get a free win mid game while their enemy is useless

iunno, i rather not have the enemy top laner shit on my top and just roll through us and not be able to do anything to them because the top and jungle on your team are always garbage

What other exercises does Leona do to keep her body so toned and tight?

>gnar building cleaver first item against gp and into a zero tank comp

No. Make this an edit of Jinx, Sona and user.

"Toned" isn't a thing and only girls say that.

Can cumming inside any other support even compare to how good it would feel to cum inside Leona?

Since stopwatch is free now he can access zhonya's faster and almost always picks it up. He literally can't be killed with his stopwatch/zhonya's up because he get's tanky and his cd's are so short.

One day people will realise how busted he is with is Q and R being some of the hardest to fight against abilitys in the game. The only thing worse then them is old LeBlancs W wich was better at doing aoe damage then aoe mages

Imagine going to the beach with her, getting a boner while admiring her 11/10 body then suddenly she goes to joy and playfully sits on your lap
Then she looks back, winks at you and without really understanding how you feel the cold sea air on your dick for a moment before a wet, warm hole wraps it whole.

Kled is the cutest yordle boy! He is also my boyfriend!

Veigar is very cute too! So are Teemo, Rumble, Ziggs, Heimerdinger, Kennen and Gnar!


Consistency in reports I guess. I've not been one to judge on Kog'maws current state.

cleaver will almost always be a great item on him regardless. them not having tanks doesn't make it bad, it just makes it harder for him to abuse non tanks top but the armor shred will be useful no matter what and the 20% CDR and phase passive are what makes him and almost all bruisers always build it


>11/10 body
more like 30/10


>Diana went full lunatic though after she was rejected last I checked the lore
she just hunts void monsters while trying to find out more about moon worshippers
she's probably mad about the sun people all deciding to pile up on her to kill her but i didn't get the impression she was insane

>adc shill

She squats 2x bodyweight 5x8 on leg days

Remind me why Zoe is continually getting nerfed into the gutter even though she has very clear counters and is weak as shit against literally any assassin that exists in the game?

I would probably cum instantly to be honest

Viktor was autist and you cant blame Jayce for reacting how he did.

it literally looked like he was turning people into his personal army of evil androids. what would YOU do if a massive amount of people went missing and you found them being experimented on and pumped full of a machinery by random scientist hiding in the slums of nowhere?

also Diana x Leona thingy got retconned.
Leona is a good guy now who realizes that Diana may have been right and now Leona wants to find her so they can try to find a way for Lunari and Solari to live together in peace. DIANA is the evil one now because after being scorned she wants to overthrow the Solari and bring about a new era of Lunari-only worship.

Riot is trying to make heroes and villains more "eye of the beholder" rather than outright Dr.Evil vs Captain Goody two shoes

>tank meta is AIDS! Tanks are super OP! They shit CC while doing more damage than anyone and being unkillable!
>Fix top lane! Top lane is the least impactful role in the game! Hashinshin said so!
uh league of legends bambinos?

I think adc's are a little too strong relative to bruisers though. Not to mention laning phase is so short so brusiers have little time to shine. I watched the beyond the rift yesterday and although Hashinshit is actually retarded, he raised a good point about how much cheaper it is for other classes to itemize compared to bruisers and how short the laning phase is nowadays.

Because you're a Zoe main

Because she shits on the rest and is extremely unfun to play against

not sure if we weak to all assassins, probably is because she thrives in ranged match ups. but assassins are shit right now because the games are too slow and safe

>why is this champ that is pick/ban in proplay getting nerfed

So is this 5500 meme bundle worth it? Are any of the bundles worth it? Also, how should I use my Revels?

What can I do in the meantime?

If cumming inside your support is mandatory now, do I have to cum inside Blitzcrank?

>its another newbies vs smurfs game

Boy I sure love this matchmaking...

>How does Leona have such a nice ass?
Everything about Leona is nice.

Reminder that these are the biggest and best tits on the biggest and best waifu!

today I will remind them



she gets items and deletes all the champ except tanks with her bullshit damage

Squats aren't the best exercise for glutes.

people can't dodge

>two revel orbs for 88 or a skin shard and a revel orb

The problem with her kit is the goddamn E, if they just nerf that shit with a long ass cooldown then she would be somewhat decent to fight against.

When are they going to scrap Dark Star Jarvan and give him a skin inspired by something more fitting?

>replacing her sungoddess pussy with a dick
kill you are self

I only do squats at the gym and I've had one girl compliment my butt already.

What do Revel skin shards contain?


Because squats do work glutes, in addition to quads/hams/etcs. They aren't an isolation exercise for the glutes though.

>phage passive
>when you have a long range slow and a massive permanent movespeed buff as long as you auto people
And you don't need CDR on Gnar because he has no real cooldowns in Mini form and you'll realistically only ever get off two full rotations in Mega form before either you or the enemy dies.

>here is something that is literally perfect as is
>I know what would make it better lets add a penis
just no

Give me 1 (one) good reason why you aren't having the time of your life playing the GRAB CRAB right this second

contains one lunar revel skin shard. does not include Lux Nasus or Warwick

They are

No longer reduces cooldown hitting it, cleanse drowsy now removes sleep from happening

>We originally thought that the appropriate degree of cleanse countering Zoe E was to have the player choose between being able to reposition faster before falling asleep (cleansing the slow) or breaking the sleep once it hit. Having seen Zoe get a lot of play since her release though it’s clear at this point cleanse effects ought to be a stronger counter, rather than a partial one.
They genuinely thought it should've been remove the slow or remove the sleep when cleansing it

>get 4 worse in every way players


Yeah but I mean, you can get a pretty nice butt just by squatting.

Finally a good OP

and Revel Orbs just contain any skins?

I want to play birb emperor instead

Won't be as nice as someone who does glute bridges and kickbacks though.

Considering all of Leona's body is toned and fit, she probably does squats as well as other things

objectivley incorrect

its a huge amount of weight that your body is supporting and all of your stability through the whole movement is concentrated in your glutes

yeah with a chance to get a revel grab bag, revel orb, golden revel token, gemstone, or gemstone skin shard

>make hero's less grey
>proceeds to reinforce the literary tropes used to identify good vs bad characters

Not to mention they seem to think morally gray means giving every Dr. Evil a tragic backstory. Rather than that they should have kept their evil actions justified in the present. Camille is an example of this done well, Xerath is an example of shitting the bed like you just game back from India.

yeah, for sure, there are issues. But I don't think they're as great as people saying they are. If you look at the people mainly saying why they're so bad it's literally 1 tricks or mid elo bruiser players that are playing while in metas where their champions aren't meta. A lot of them are saying that being 1-2 levels up and maybe 1K gold up means they should 1v2 the xayah rakan, the kog'maw lulu, etc. I have no issue with bruiser buffs. But issue with bruiser buffs from riot will be if they make them too strong and they become unkillable stat sticks in snowballing melee match ups. that's less fun for everyone than even now

but i do agree about itemization prices. It's easier for tanks to be low econ and useful champions than bruisers building semi carry/off tank (Trinity/Steraks/etc.)

Like, back in S6, adc go to build used to be IE/Zeal Item/BT. That combo was 3600 + 3700 + 2600 and that was when they're relevant. Now we're building 3400 + 2600 + 2600 items and we spike at around 1.5 items because our supports give us stats. the issue im seeing is that brusiers can't shine and adcs are spiking too early. make it so bruisers have a keystone that enable them to win and split and adcs that spike at 2 items

honestly, the game has many variables atm, but i think those are the biggest issues for top lane bruisers. adcs spike too early with their support and don't have a keystone

just my plat 5 opinion

You know who has a really nice butt too


>no irl jinx gf

With all the flipping and hopping she does, probably

Shitposters aside, it's because Zoe's kit inherently prays off of the opponent's lack of attention and dodging abilities which is viewed as "toxic" to more than 70% of the community because they don't want to take responsibility for their own actions and reactions.

Zoe is not nearly as broken or OP as everyone wants her to be. Her kit has two damaging spells, one that is by all honestly a very weak and slow CC that is strapped to one of the slowest champion projectiles in the game and the other one is basically a Nidalee spear that needs to be redirected and hit the target from long range to get her full power out of it. Outside of that she has a very easily telegraphed temporary warp that puts her in peril every time she uses it and an RNG factor that by all means is useless 80% of the time because you won't be getting the view spells that she can work with in the middle of a fight. Mind you both of her damaging spells are plain as day, slow as shit and the actual nuke bomb that people bitch about constantly is has a hitbox half the size that pre-nerf Nidalee had.

Why do people complain about a kit like that? Because it purely prays off of their own unresponsiveness and not need but WANT to take unnecessary risks. She is a skillful champion in the means that she cannot do anything by herself, she needs to FORCE the enemy to make a very crucial mistake however almost anyone that is platinum and below have it in their heads that they're already good when they are not, most people below platinum in this game actually do not know even how to play the game properly let alone be able to identify what they have to do to beat a certain champion. The reason why she is banned in pro-plays isn't because she is OP but because there have not been any comps designed to pray off of her very bad and clear weaknesses yet. Mind you, it took almost 4 fucking months before Ivern finally saw the light of day in pro-play and even still he was dicking the other team.