>russian ยด''""spaceflight"""
Russian ´''""spaceflight"""
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>american """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""space"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""flight
damn it in the heat of the meme I forgot the picture
>Soyuz is currently the best way to get humans into orbit
In fairness, the Russians are winning by default right now until Musky gets his shit together.
Rip tom hanks
Mussels has gotten his shit together.
Cant you even meme correctly?
Holy shit that video makes it look as if our atmosphere only reaches up to like 5km. How sped up is this?
Doesn't that waste a big fucking amount of fuel?
Or maybe Elon doesn't care because he knows Lithium is the wonder-fuel of the future?
Someone post the one with the pig
Don't worry senpai, i got you covered.
I think the recycling of the rocket is better then the savings made by the reduced fuel consumption of "normal"rockets
What the fuck is even going on here? They get a pig drunk on wine, load it into a cannon and then have it parachute down?
The fuel is cheaper than a new rocket. That's the whole point.
This clearly shows the Soviets winning the space race, no? Unless of course if you count an arbitrary 'end' (moon landing) winning the space race, even though America stopped there and Russia continued, in more fruitful endeavours.
The space race never ended.
You're gonna see some serious shit once NASA finally gets their SLS ready
The space race ended when the Soviets did..... Russia and America have been working hand in hand since then.
This is a history board you know.
They're proving pigs can fly.
>first robot on moon is relevant
>first human being on the moon is not relevent
Hmm ill admit that got me thinkin'
How is it relevant today?
>All these easily reproducible achievements that have been done hundreds of times
>50 years later Americans have still been the only ones to land n the moon
Ur rlly joggin my noggin
But putting a man on the moon is just as easily reproducible today as those other achievements.
It's just nowhere near as necessary. Shit it wasn't really that necessary when we did it. Fancy PR stunt though
>just as easily reproducible
>just as easily reproducible
stopped reading this shit uninformed opinion right there. You almost make a good point if not for your blatant stupidity.
>as Komarov sped towards his death, U.S. listening posts in Turkey picked up transmissions of him crying in rage, "cursing the people who had put him inside a botched spaceship."
You can land a robot on the moon for prolonged periods of time to do research and collect samples. Getting a man there to dance around for a few minutes and take some selfies is pointless.
explain to me how having dogs and monkeys and women in space is important but landing on a man on a rock in space is not important
>explain to me how having dogs and monkeys and women in space
My comment was specifically about robot on the moon, you illiterate fuckwit.
>its a "let me reduce something insanely revolutionary to an inane degree" episode
wow great argument fagtron you sure convinced me with those hot memes
gee i dunno how being the first to land people on an extraterrestial body isn't revolutionary
Because it doesn't actually achieve anything you dumb fuck. Why do you think we've had so many rovers on mars instead of blowing billions of dollars just to try and get one dude there for a couple of minutes? I'll give you a hint, the latter is absolutely fucking pointless past a symbolic sense.
>My comment was specifically about robot on the moon
im well aware of that nigger
you can seen humans to the moon to do the same fucking thing
besides landing a living thing on a rock in space is a feat most of the "historians" here could never do
Probably trying to study the effects of extreme acceleration on the body. We did the same with chimps.
>us vs russia
>it was actually Nazis that did all the hard work
It WAS mostly ex-nazis both sides were funded mostly to show witch of their shitty political ideas were better
>Why do you think we've had so many rovers on mars instead of blowing billions of dollars just to try and get one dude there for a couple of minutes?
Because its really hard?
Certainly not for lack of trying.
>Because its really hard?
So is creating the technology for efficient data gathering on other planets. It's also expensive. Except one is actually a fruitful endeavor that opens up additional possibilities while the other is a political vanity project.
>landing on the Moon is not relevant
>but dogs and women are
> come from behind to win
> opponent claims they should win because they were first everywhere but the finish line
>claims moon landing was the main goal of the space race
Google "space race firsts"
The US has plenty to go along side landing on the fucking moon
nice fireworks
Ok, lets try
>First intercontinental ballistic missile
>First artificial satellite
>First human-made object in heliocentric orbit
>First lunar spacecraft
>First animals and plants returned alive from space
>First human spaceflight
>First mid-course corrections
>First planetary flyby (Venus)
>First extra-vehicular activity ("space walk")
>First soft landing on another celestial body (Moon)
>First photos from another celestial body
>First crew exchange in space
>First remote-controlled mobile vehicle on another celestial body: the Moon
>First soft landing on another planet (Venus)
>First signals from another planet
>First human-crewed space station launched
>First communications satellite
>First weather satellite
>First satellite recovered intact from orbit
>First pilot-controlled space flight
>First reusable piloted spacecraft and the first spaceplane
>First geostationary satellite
>First orbital rendezvous
>First spacecraft docking
>First human-crewed spaceflight to, and orbit of, another celestial object: the Moon
>First humans on the Moon
>First space launch from another celestial body
>First human-made object sent on escape trajectory away from the Sun
>First planetary gravitational assist (Venus flyby)
Shitposting aside, the SU clearly had an edge. If the commieshits didn't collapse we'd have had 0.1c ships and an US or SU Mars base by now.
The dogs and monkeys that were sent were the first living things ever put in space in a time when people had no fucking idea how that would affect a living organism.
SU deaths related to spaceflight: 4
USA deaths related to spaceflight: 14
What happened to their faces?