/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #468

Handholding Edition
Previous: >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa
Writefriend Guide: dropbox.com/s/nad0e24aqc5j4tk/The DDLC Writefagging Guide.pdf?dl=0

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
Map: zeemaps.com/map?group=2793739#
"Your Reality" sung by (You):

>Reminer that they share info with cops
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


first for roman reigns

I love you

Would be cool if we could make a list of good VN's to play if you love Doki


i love sayori!

I love my wife Monika!

I LOVE MY WIFE! We're going to have a very special date soon.

>You open the door to the club room, silence and beams of sunlight meets you.
>You wait, only to be met with more stillness, more motes of dust floating lazily in the light.
>You look around and notice a note on the teachers desk.
>You flip it over and read it.

This is good post.
I love you too