Can Protestantism be blamed for shit like this?
Can Protestantism be blamed for shit like this?
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More about being a hillbilly than anything desu
No, Christianity can.
Ulster Scots are niggers in every country, "the scum of many nations"
And people won't say the same of Islamic extremism.
> nuffin to do w/ religion, it's all economic oppression resulting in extreme re-interpretation of otherwise innocent scripture.
>dirty sand neggers
>wtf i hate the koran now
So glad there's no shortage of hypocrites to keep my sides in orbit.
no, niggers are to blame for shit like this.
How is this the fault of Ulster Scots?
Reminder this is how you make white republicans support gun control. See Reagan/Panthers
I don't think anybody's said they're not Christians like people tend to do for ISIS because of sandnigger sectarianism and constantly saying everyone that isn't X sect is an apostate being popularized
obviously you've got a problem with Protestantism (even though it's enshrined by them) where you don't have a centralized church and you get loads of crazy sects popping up
whatever each individual KKK member was they tended to justify their hatred of nigs with scripture that they twisted, as I assume ISIS do for a bunch of shit with the Quran
hillbillies are descendants of Ulster Scots
Kek. America hasn't had an actual riot in decades
big Mike Brown, Tray Tray and all the other chimpouts weren't bad, not L.A. riots tier though of course
who appointed you chief riot rater anyway faggot
They're also the descendents of Germans, Swiss and Scandis. Hillbillies are basically just white, ultra religious trash.
overwhelmingly Ulster Scot even with some admixture here and there of other Protestants
the term hill billy comes from their love for King William of Orange lad, and their pioneering earlier in American history was a hand-me-down from the border reiver days
Does burning crosses, lynching niggers and dressing like fucktards actually have a Biblical basis? Because islamic slaying of the infidels does have a basis in the Koran.
Stupid fucking Ali Baba and your shitty analogies
they say blacks are descendants of Ham and are thus subhuman
Even if they were subhuman there is nothing in the Bible suggesting you spring them up.
there's probably some obscure verse they can use
>burning the cross
Absolutely heretical
Yeah Abdul, so you've got nothing. Now scram back to your hovel.
I'm not the sandie OP I'm just saying there probably is, prods are sneaky folk that way
tbf, border scots are universally cunts. So it's not that surprising. My mum is a border scot, she's hard as nails.
are they like travellers?
I heard they ride around on ponies
Violent as fuck. When the crowns united they could no longer spend any time slaughtering Northern Englishmen, so instead took to slaughtering highland scots. When that stopped they went abroad to slaughter anyone who wasn't protestant, so America or Ireland for example.
The British Empire was basically forged by bored Border Scots who couldn't kill anyone at home.
it's what the thread's about though
>When that stopped they went abroad to slaughter anyone who wasn't protestant, so America or Ireland for example.
I've read that they knew fuck all about Protestantism because missionaries couldn't reach their lands in Scotland due to banditry, so they only 'converted' when they reached Ulster during the early plantations out of expediency
I get what you're doing but let me ask: Have you ever seen a picture of someone holding a head that wasn't a fuckin' Muslim?
Nah, Protestantism was already deeply entrenched during the English Civil War, hence the dividing lines in Scotland during that with Royalists (and highlanders) tending towards Catholicism and Parliamentarians tending towards Protestantism.
When James I came to power, there were no more wars between England and Scotland so these violent cuntfucks decided to go to Ireland and kill fuckers there. Religion might have been secondary to culture (the Border scots always did consider themselves more germanic than the celtic highlanders and potato-niggers) but it was still a factor.
Knox is who really brought Protestantism to Scotland, and he was active round about the same time as Protestantism was becoming big in England.
>I've read that they knew fuck all about Protestantism because missionaries couldn't reach their lands in Scotland due to banditry, so they only 'converted' when they reached Ulster during the early plantations out of expediency
Hard to believe someone so well read can talk so much shit...
The Bible condemns slavery on account of race, so how could murdering blacks be related to any accurate teachings from the Bible?
Christian Reformers spearheaded the anti-slavery abolitionist movements in Europe and North America, and Great Britain mobilised her Navy, throughout most of the 19th Century, to intercept slave ships and set the captives free
I did.
The sort of Baptist "christianity" practiced in the American south could be blamed, but it's so disunified in belief that you can't categorically blame 'it' for anything.
>he Bible condemns slavery on account of race
Doesn't the Bible tell the Israelites they can only enslave fellow Jews for a period of 7 years but they can enslave non-Jews for as long as they like?
Does the Bible encourage to burn and hang blacks ?
>Germans, Swiss, Scandis
>the South
You're completely retarded. In the South whites are either Ulter Scottish, Irish, or English. The hillbillies are almost exclusively Scots Irish.
Yes, but there are specific criteria to be met for bondage. It's not just going around and catching niggas with butterfly nets.
No, but on Protestantism it does.
>Be African
>Get freed
>Rob and rape people like it's Africa
>Get mad when they stand up and say you're not going to be a savage in these lands
No. Catholics cry about the Bible being insufficient so they have to push heresy like cross burning in their church.
Not an argument.
>The turbulent marchlands of England and Scotland had not been known for their piety. Here families had hardly been touched by the reformation. Arriving in Ulster in search of land to rent, they quickly found it politic and economically advantageous to be Protestants. Barely aware of Presbyterian or Puritan theology, they conformed to the state-sponsored church. This explains why such a large number of Protestants in Co.Fermanagh became, and remained, members of the Church of Ireland (though, like many Anglicans elsewhere, some of their descendants became Methodists).
>the KKK
Wow, that random quote really made me think.
They do love that BBC though, look at those grimaces.
from Jonathan Bardon's Plantation of Ulster
I'd trust a scholars word over your butthurt and indignation lad
Not out of the goodness of their hearts, but because they knew the American economy, competitors you see, were reliant on slaves. It was economic warfare more than moral crusade.
British (and American) investors still profited heavily from investing in slave ship shares. Even after the end of slavery in America, Jew York was still *the* hub for slavery financing in Latin America (i.e. Brazil).
>a historian said it so it must be true
could corroborate it with a google search
Did you even read it?
we in russia don't like western christianity so much that even we don't call ourselves christians or orthodox christians just orthodox. because word christian aasociates with so many shit that we dont want to be a part of it. also we think that orthodox is only one real christian church.
nobody say in russia i am christian. never. just orthodox (pravoslavnij)
is there something contradictory to it that supports whatever point you have to make?
That's generally true of most protestant denominations beyond the largest ones. Anytime one group of protestants does something another doesn't approve of, they split and consider themselves not related. While that's well and good, larger and more organized religions are suppose to take responsibility for all perishes under their banner regardless of circumstance.
>Christ looked on so negatively in modern times Christians won't even call themselves Christians
My how things have come.
Yes, everyone knows nothing bad ever happened in Russia...
Isn't it convenient that your authoritarian former-KGB President for Life is such good buddies with the head of the Orthodox state church? Which only really resurged once Putin came to power? Luckily it all worked happily. :^)
That's because """"Orthodox"""" believers in Russia are state tools, not actual Christians.
Well actually, the new testament tells them to love their brother like Jesus loved us. What they are doing instead is making and idol of the white race.
The Qur'an actually tells you to go and smite Christians and Jews, and non believers. And the last commandments are the ones that matter most, essentially, the latest "prophecy". Until the whole world is muslim. So yeh, it's a bit different. But they're both wrong.