How did men go from being the respected head of the household to the butt of every joke in popular culture?
How did men go from being the respected head of the household to the butt of every joke in popular culture?
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It's deeper than that. There are Jewesses controlling the Jews and I'm not even memeing or trying to be snarky. The eternal enemy is the woman.
Cultural Marxism and atheism.
They are trying to destroy good ol' Christian values.
Homonationalism when
there should be a homeland for the guys desu
gay Zionism or something
give them a section of South Western Brazil deep in the jungles of Brazil to start their new nation
unironically the actual Pope proposed sending them to reservations in Patagonia, when he was bishop of Buenos Aires
This. Always the Eternal Female.
Women are physically weaker and have been at the brunt of physical violence for all of human history. So they fight ways to compensate
>When did stations of respect become the butt of jokes?
You ever read a book there bud?
Because most are secure enough in their position to take a joke.
Underrated post
Only people balls deep in victim culture will disagree with this.
Because back then it was almost the opposite. Also What is it with some men on the internet and latent homesexuality?
Jesus man, current year and et cetera. It's okay to be gay. No need to dish out your frustration on women.
Change the background to yotsuba and it's like I'm really on /pol/.
cultural marxism
Fuckin kek. You need to get laid, my dude. What a fuckin spaz.
>Haha, I grew up as a kid watching family sitcoms therefore the world must be exactly the same!!
Why are you conspiracytards always so pathological in your beliefs?
stay mad roastie
Haha, okay. I'll continue actually getting pussy while you keep jerking off over your ideology and hating women because you can't get any :^)
Social conditioning of the age. We are all just puppets, and the strings have only grown to be more encompassing with tech's growth.
In 10 years black men will be at the top of the chain, women back down under thumb (theirs, large and niggly) and the white man will have become a virtuous and survicalist unicorn.
Not sure if any reply ITT is serious or if the spillover from /pol/ has entirely overcome Veeky Forums
>this level of selection bias
Do you even communicate with people outside the Internet and in particular outside of Veeky Forums and websites you frequent to verify your worldview
>men who can't get pussy hate women
really makes you think
for our next demonstration we will show you how Bengali children working 13 hour shifts in sweatshops hate capitalism
Pandemic of (((Demonic))) jewish spoon salesmen undermining the male role.
Hey look! It's Phil, the Prince of Insufficient Light!
I remember the 20 minutes or so at the beginning of this board's launch when it wasn't basically /pol/. Good times.