>mfw the first world war actually happened
Mfw the first world war actually happened
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Are you the same faggot who was posting this thread the other night? Is this some avant-guard fetish for empathizing with random historical periods?
Imagine the whole history of the world. Imagine all the animals who have been eaten alive, watched their children eaten alive, starved, burned, frozen, drowned, etc, etc. Imagine all the other worlds with their own histories. WWI is literally nothing.
Just KYS.
>20 million white men wiped off the face of the earth in 4 years
Now if that'd only happen with a snap of the fingers.
Get used to that face buddy, we are overdue for another one
WWI was the end of the best period of human history though
The Middle Ages ended 500 years before that, father.
>Western nations reach point of full supremacy
>French, German, British nations at full primacy
>Rather than look to science and the arts, they use money for arms race and unnecessary tension.
>Let Balkans cause the second most destructive war in western history cause some rotting empires heir dies.
>Allow the new world/ideology rise as new world powers.
It pisses me off. We could have aesthetic borders, beautiful, numerous culture world. Instead we have a shit multicultural hell hole that the only choices we have in the US is populism or a shit PC culture.
The saddest part is that it was so futile.
As someone who has studied the war in depth, watching 19th century Europe die in the trenches is soul crushing.
No rational person can claim it was worth the butchers bill.
You're blue-pilled on WWI. It was actually a good war.
No it wasn't.
Pick one
So millions of young men dying in a muddy, flooded trench from gas, artillery, and disease makes for a good war?
The Great War killed a generation of young men who could have made their respective empires more sustainable and prosperous.
Even if you aren't nastolgic for old Imperial Europe those 20 million men died just so Austria-Hungary would just get BTFO'd by second rate powers like Russia and Serbia.
I don't think that makes for a good war.
Yeah, for dudes like j.p. Morgan and dupont but not for the other 99.9% of humanity
Serbia was 13 times smaller than Austria in terms of population and had barely above half the population of Belgium.
Can you read? I said second rate power. Would you prefer I said minor power? I figured semantics would be the least important part of my post.
You're comparing Serbia to Russia.
And Russia is not a secondary power by any stretch.
Once again the Germanic destroys western civilization.
Exactly. People go on about Anglos but the fact is it's the krauts who started it and fucked up every time
>Muh Hitler did nothing wrong
That faggot is the reason we're in this mess.
Opinion discarded
Are you retarded? Post WWI russia was a total trainwreck. They lost an huge chuck of land, larger than germany itself, which also happened to provide 80% of the empire's grain and iron. So yeah, they were definitely knocked down to second rate power.
These ""World"" Wars cull the male population and thus enforce monogamy.
We need another culling. We need ""World"" War 3.
I don't get the people always railing against PC. Can someone explain what's wrong wih it?
That's not how humanity works, people at the top fight over dominance. States in close proximity fight one another before states across the planet. The idea that everyone was just going to get along and shake eachother's hands if x people were removed or x leaders were removed is fucking hilarity.
It was probably the only reason why your great grand father managed to propagate his low tier genes.
Calling black people niggers, jews likes, and asians chinks is now impolite and they are very unhappy.
There are doubtless incidents where SJWs go too far but on Veeky Forums it is mostly autists sperging out in anger.
It leads to censorship. Not in the "oh we can't say nigger anymore" way, but more along the lines of "we can't say this holiday name anymore or people will get offended".
It's pro-capitalism and as such anti-conservative. Say you want to make as much money from as many people as possible versus doing it a way you think it's suppose to be done. Then you
Because PC lead to censorship, like some SJW would make some dictatorship proud with all the thing they want to ban.
Also it can also lead to ignore problem like saying "Black people have an higher crime rate" will make you labelled as racist so no need to try finding the source of the problem and the solutions, because if a racist said it it's obviously wrong.
>mfw I realised that the """"renaissance"""" was actually a massive step backwards into MORE religious fanaticism and superstition
>I have no face because depicting the human form is forbidden
A small portion of the larger population with far less power than they like to let on.
As for the second part, I don't know what you are on about. This is a pretty widely known fact, just saying "black crime rates" doesn't fix an issue though. If you want to talk about that kind of topic in a substantive matter with someone who isn't tumblr, you can actually have a conversation about it.
Serbs gotta serb
>militarized nations rape countries
>implying they wouldn't eventually turn to try to rape themselves
live by the sword; die by the sword
Just think, there's some people out there that think that WW1 was "the one with nazis, right?" OR they only know what Battlefield 1 tells them about it.
> No rational person can claim it was worth the butchers bill.
Naturally, Serbs consider Gavrilo Princep a national hero.
populism is based
only for people to spread revisionism to it
Of course they do. All national partisans claim that X was good for their country. It doesn't mean it actually was.
When you're extremely powerful and surrounded by other powerful nations you become paranoid. Germany was sandwiched between Russia and France, who were allied at the time, and saw Russia's rapidly growing power as a serious threat to its interests in Eastern Europe and the Baltic. To Germany, war with Russia (and therefore France) was inevitable, and it would be better to fight them sooner rather than later because waiting only allowed Russia to grow more powerful.
So while you can rightfully blame much of the war on Austria-Hungary, Germany was also spoiling for a fight and due to the interconnecting web of alliances it was going to happen eventually with tensions and paranoia running that high.
That's only because wilhelm was retarded enough to break Bismarks alliance system otherwise they wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place, hell they could have waged war on France on nobody would have done anything
>I can't say Merry Christmas to some person about whose religion I have no clue.
>I am being oppressed
I'm a Jew. When people say "merry Christmas" to me on the phone at work I say "happy Hanukkah" and it's hilarious how dumbfounded they ALWAYS ARE.
I think there was more here than just Willy's autistic chimpout. France was still butthurt over the Franco-Prussian War, and realized that German Unification was possibly the worst thing that had ever happened to them. This was fueled by German activity in Africa, of course, but France was hardly innocent.
As for Russia, their government needed a big win to restore confidence, and they were tied to France instead of Germany because of all the French capital flowing into Russia. They stood to gain from the end of the A-H Empire, because they might gain access to a warm-water port. Alternately, they could benefit from a victory against the Ottomans, restoring pride after the Crimean War and (if they were lucky) finally reclaiming Constantinople.
I'm not excusing Germans, but I think they get way too much blame on Veeky Forums for WW1.
lol u serious
good, that's what you should be doing as opposed to accusing them of being nazis in a fit of paranoia
PC has gotten to the point where people will hate you just for disagreeing with liberals
>If you want to talk about that kind of topic in a substantive matter with someone who isn't tumblr, you can actually have a conversation about it.
not really, if I openly expressed my view that "diversity" can be good or bad depending on the situation, something which to me is just plain logic like 1+1=2, I would be fired
No Bloodborne.
It wasn't just Russia and France. What really tipped Bethmann-Hollwegh were talks of an Anglo-Russian cooperation in regards to Baltic landing operations. These were meant to be secret, but Germany had a spy in the Russian embassy. France and Russia were bad enough, but when also the British Empire was against Germany they lost their nerves. Also, it wasn't helping that Russia had little delicacy when it came to handling the situation at the Balkans. A more far-sighted politician would have realised how twitchy Germany already was and what kind of consequences a war with them would have had. It wasn't just Germany itching for a fight it was also Russia (and France) taking it to them or at least not giving in even under the premise that it would lead to war. While Germany arguably shares a greater responsibility, there were no real innocent parties here.
dobson pls
It started out being helpful for anyone who was a nonwhite or christian but white women turned it into a money making scheme for "feminism" and it got out of control.
At the rate things are going now the U.S. might be next.