Confess your sins edition
>Valentione's Event
>4.2 Trailer
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Previous thread
Confess your sins edition
>Valentione's Event
>4.2 Trailer
>4.2 Patch Notes
>Job Guide
>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
Previous thread
I want to rub my paws all over a Tia's stiff meower tower!
memc@ is eternal
Who's this Megu? Are they a black mage?
>caring about miqo'te "lore"
>make a post criticising the game for even the smallest thing anywhere but Veeky Forums, and you'll either be downvoted into oblivion, or treated like absolute shit from there on out
I don't get it. This game has such a huge safespace hugbox community, and they turn rabid the moment they think you've insulted the game.
>1 STR difference from i350 HQ crafted to i370 fending accessories
Oh boy another patch of pentamelds
>caring about lore
Secret crush on u
It might just be my autism, but i'm almost certain this op image was used three times.
You make the thread next time, user.
Make one
One day
i passed the d.a.r.e. program tyvm
What kind of rewards (and in what specific amounts) can one expect from a dragonskin map?
Nothing, because you can easily lose on the first floor and get next to nothing from it.
How about a real answer where you don't assume everyone in the party is a retard?
The what?
This is the second time I've posted it as an OP so at least twice?
you think you do but you don't
Is melded 290 still BiS for DoL/DoH accessories? I figured they would have come out with a new tier by now, but since I cant find anything listed otherwise...
There's as 50% chance you pick the wrong door and get kicked out. Being a retard has nothing to do with it.
I get you but at the same time expecting the least is the best way to not get pissed off when you get nothing.
do not trust c@girls.
you're not the boss of my sins so yes I do
So how the fuck are you supposed to get a party together if there's a 50% chance of getting jack shit? These maps are retarded
Have lots of maps and do it for hours and hours.
Next patch... there will be a DRK reckoning...
How many times have you posted this?
How many times have you been disappointed?
Hello underage.
what class should i level? they're all kinda boring
Usually everyone in the party has a few maps apiece.
I want paladin to be finally fun ;_;
This time... will be different...
My question didn't get answered last thread. Is a node per spawn still the fastest way to farm red gathering scrips? It takes several hours to get just one of the old tomes, so I figure maybe I'm doing something wrong.
How do i vidya gaems?...
No clue, I wish I could help you but I can't.
You can trust me
paladin is fun
It's actually alright.
please let me lick them
But i'm a grownman of 24 years...
Didn't mean to quote, sorry. I meant to say level Black Mage, you haven't even got close to where it gets fun yet.
Marry me Sol.
I know it seems like 50%, given that there's two choices, but it's actually a bit more complicated than that.
Whether a door leads down or kicks you out is actually calculated when you use it. before you touch it, the doors exist in a "quantum state" of a sort.
So lets say you see two doors at the first layer. It's not that one leads down and one boots you, they BOTH actually have a 75%* of leading down, and 25%* chance of kicking you out. The chance of success goes down 5%* as you descend through the levels, to the point where at the 6th floor it's a true 50%* chance.
*(these values are actually from the HW aquapolis though, but I assume they kept the values the same)
Looking at wikipedia it's an american thing, so no wonder I didn't know about it considering i'm not from america
You are not an adult yet.
No you can't lick my gaelicat wings
You have to ask me out first.
>open marketboard
>people are trying to sell darkhold dungeon gear for over 100,000++ gil
Sure thing gramps
>tfw you will never hold hands with this lizard
Can someone link me the best written/video guides for Sigmascape 4 Savage please?
Back in HW my go-to for farming blue/red scrips was Vampire Tapestries and Moogle Spirits, those are considerably less lucrative now but fishing is still the easiest way to farm up gatherer scrips. Depending on whats good in your list i'd suggest Diao Squid just for the ease of capture in being a Lure catch on top of not many other dumb fish to get in the way.
If you're btn/min then you're basically stuck rotating timed nodes. Don't forget Zhloe/Mnaago weeklies.
I meant your armpits.
anynyan wanna jerk off to a catgirl
Dude your source is literally a fashion magazine.
>If you're btn/min then you're basically stuck rotating timed nodes.
Fuck me, that's still slow. Guess it's time to level FSH.
thanks for the info m8
Making rape jokes to Poyo in voice chat and hearing her voice tremble !
never say never is a saying.
what should I level after i get bot and min to 70 memc@
fuck off ahl jesus youre creepy
He's so perfect!
I demand middie tush
what?? you know you love it
Not even him I just want to see how she’d react being told it’ll probably happen again with the way she dresses and acts
No, that's gross.
no its not... please dont do this to me, i really need them
Post Highlander Females.
wer wuz queens n shiiet
Both of you fuck off with your softcore armpit fetish shitposting and baiting.
Post mlems
Who is this hottie and how can I be her eb
Rumps are pretty nice
post catboys (males)
fuck off
please let me lick them, you don't need to hide your desires infront of your other friends
I like this cleavage.