/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Leaf never

I have a Saber myself.
Hold on into him,all those less popular 5 star might get unique PRF soon to make people roll for them.


Kempf is the mystery GHB


Add me!
Lissa +5

ID: 6404738024

Post cute taps

I just realized that the "laughing at us" is just shitposting
Every other general that comes here is either dead or hasn't has content for weeks or is a pseudo game (aka a visual novel [read: reddit novel])
And the other gachas don't even have it good, dokkan has a monthly dev fuckup with seeding accounts taking the first place, granblue fantasy is whale bait, fgo is whale bait and doesn't have any gameplay basically, it's just a glorified visual novel waifu collector, the only generals that don't come here to shit all over the place circle around fun games with content and an actove player base.
Xenoblade didn't sell well because people who enjoy xenoblade didn't enjoy the generic anime trope with reddit humour that is xenoblade 2 so it attracted a new fanbase a la awakening.
Fate is a visual novel series with some forced "make animes to profit of it" and it's not even popular outside of japan or in there, it was just your average flavor of the month fad for a few times, just because the japanese equivalent of instagram attentionwhores like wasting thousands of dollars in a gacha doesn't mean that it's the big hit, but pretentious weebs just think otherwise.

Im not trying to say this general is perfect since it has its flaws like crossposters or tripfags but just stop littering even more already

MVP wife!

Arvis is being reran, it's FE4 Gen 2. Are you ready for Mjolnir's master, Bloom?

t-those aren't playing cards, julia!

>Dont have enough inheritable skills for a flier team so all my girls are still vanilla
>Toss Ward and fortify fliers on my other girls and try tanking the map with Myrrh
>She eats the entire map alive

This was hilariously fun and I hope I can get a DC soon for this cute dragon.


Katarina looks fat

Post lewd edits

>three Roys
>four Lyns
>four Lucinas
>three Ikes
>three Chroms
>one or more of every other lord
>except Leif

Poor him.

I hope you're right.

Why would you call her Pneuma when the entire point was that Klaus made Alrest's life forms with free will, compared to Zanza who was a dick? Even Klaus agrees to not call her Pneuma.

Kellam, with a Skill that makes it so that he cannot be targeted at all unless every other unit on his side is dead, but all enemies can Pass through him. He still triggers enemies to start moving in GHBs though, and he will still get counterattacked if he initiates combat.

>play SS because Lyon's quotes in FEH are very sad and endearing
>Lyon is seemingly very popular with the fanbase, so very curious to know more about his backstory
>finish Eirika's route, seems like he had the best of intentions but played with fire and ended up possessed, sad but nothing special
>decide to go for Ephraim's route next
What the fuck bros. I thought he was supposed to be good.

Hell yeah! In RV the sole reason I'm marrying Hayato is to make her the strongest she can be, and a Nohr Noble. I can't wait to have made that and just be done with Fates forever.

Prob my favorite FE map music. It's too bad it isn't in more stages in NM but I'm glad they used it in Heroes.

There's nothing wrong with a brother putting his cock inside his sister's vagina

Better cute taps

>Merged an extra Bert I rolled on b8% because who the fuck uses mixed teams?
>New Lyn is an armored unit

This is both a blessing and a curse, but at least I had a -Spd Lady Lel lying around. Remember kids, always keep 1 spare copy of a hero for SI just in case.


Is Valentime's Roy the new Reinhardt?

What will this be bros?

Post feet or fuck off


I like that the Heroes version is in better quality

>can't inherit Vengeful Fighter 3 and Close Counter off one Tharja
I wish it was like the dual offensive skills in that the first tier was something generic like quick riposte 1 so you can get the most out of your Winter Thots.

>beat all the tap battles on hard/expert
>they get checkmarked
>all the battles on casual/hard, casual/normal and expert/normal keep their exclamation marks

It's weird she doesn't look like that normally




I couldn't think of a third haughty healer, so there's Lissa.

Hector, Eliwood would be your sister-in-law.

>only 1 Lucina
Not cute enough.

Felicia is the cutest! She makes me the happiest person alive! I`ll always be there for her no matter what! I`ll be there to support her with whatever she needs! I could never want anything more! I couldn't go on without her! I love Felicia!

He just hates ephiram. Like every young noble that's not his sister.

Smelly farts

Maybe Charlotte will be the one to slay the dragons since she will arrive with that kill all females skill and all of the dragons thus far are girls?

My waifu is SEXY!

but is a better character than a literally who

What do Felicia's panties(!) look like?


Pregnant Eine.

Fuck off Tim.

I'm glad your wife got a buff, Feliciaanon!

What do you think is her best IV now? I've got +spd/-def and +atk/-def and I don't know which one to promote.

>150 dews away from being able to upgrade another prf
Fuck this crap my dudes

Outrealms pvp

Very sheer. I love girls in white clothing that covers every inch but has that tightness thsts so erotic compared to just a bikini

it's not even "other generals coming here," it's just /feg/'s regular shitposters

SS is filled with retards

What the fuck is this, can't the Switch take screenshots?

Yeah she certainly is looking like an "escort" there.

Christ, Warriors looks like THAT?

where's you WLissa

You mean like how a girl with huge tits feels even lewder while clothed because the size of her tits make her clothes strain against her chest?

Had to try a bunch of stuff to get this to work.

Pulse stacking(and Spur+Drive Def from Celica) got Neph to 1 shot the first red flier with Ignis, while Lilith Floatie gave Celica the point of damage she needed to nuke Michalis. Marisa can nuke either of these guys with Bonfire, but Xander fails to blow up the one in front of him so she has to eat a lance hit to save his ass so she takes it out next turn(since she's still in QR range to charge YET ANOTHER Bonfire). Meanwhile Celica and Neph can take out the things in front of them with their readied specials.

And yes, boost skills are trash on this map so Marisa is running her default A and S.Xander Def+3 like I slapped on the normal one back when I bothered to use him. Nephenee has Defiant Defense and a Brash Assault seal she didn't really need this time since Brazen Atk/Def STILL isn't available on a non-seasonal and the only things she initiated on she already had a readied special for.


>Only 110 dew till raven gets his upgrade
> have no idea what to waste my stones on.
I chose clive of all people

I'm considering which units to give blessings to. Think it's a safe bet that legendary hero's blessings are color coded (like water for blue, wind for green, earth for red, etc)?

I wonder if the 3 Nifl sisters will have all different hair colors like the Whitewings.

Are there any other units you guys want to see? I only played Fates but I can try to make some

Just like Michalis!
Just like Minerva!

Okay sweetie. Let's get started, since the new Fire Emblem will be getting an announcement trailer at some point this year. We can assume that there will be controversy and drama leading up to the release of the game. What can we expect?

My wife looks better.

>181 BST
Yep, you've only played Fates alright.

I'm so happy too!! She's even more amazing! This was with +atk -hp at +10 and SS. I would say attack, personally! You will only have an issue with doubling with extreme merges with a high speed to begin with.

Change Ephraim with Hector, Eirika with Lyn, and Lyon with Lynfags.

>>Ooo, Raigh. I'll do something with him to be a special snowflake.

What are you planning to do?

You did complete them all, didn't you user?


Stop please senpai , too early to fap here.


>>>>>>>>Xander tomorrow

legitmately excited

also someone tell me to stop lazing out and go play Berwick

why is your font different
you using some kinda extension m8?

I have 20k feathers. Should I fill the missing red piece in my flier team in the form of nu-Caeada or should I unlock the potential of Gordin so that +hp -spd Loverboy-Roy can take a bow?

It has a dedicated screen capture button


Split games again with another true route DLC
Muh gameplay and map brainlets shit up /feg/ again


Vanessa with slim sword!
Not that big I prefer slimmer girls. But basically that

>> atk on a neutral iv without buffs
>not a single stat below 30

Next seals

>Distant counter
>Close counter
>defiant atk

Are all the heroes on the GHB rotation fucked in terms of merges? I assume they won’t run a GHB quest for the ones in rotation, since they are in a rotation that lasts a year and they probably wouldn’t run duplicate GHBs.

>unironically using >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>xander
fucking kys yourselves

So Lyon is Mark, Ephraim and Eirika is the true canon shipping but they can't accept it?

So what's the Tap game reward? Armored boots?

Would stick my penis inside/10

>Raigh Blanco

stop lazing out and go play Berwick

I don't give 2 shits about Corrin's character, but I sure love Female Corrin for certain reasons!

>have over 400 dew and 300 stones
>all my units with refineable Prfs are either screwed by IVs or benchwarmers
>no regular weapons that haven't already gotten their optimal upgrade


thanks user, you're the best

The only thing that shitter is good for is giving fire blessing to your redhead girls

Sure, why not.