Why is France so aesthetic?
Why is France so aesthetic?
Its a big country full of mongrels so you have several styles and shiet
Because people cherrypick all the decent touristy bits while ignoring the rest of the country.
You cherrypocked as well desu
Most of France looks neither like OP pic nor like yours
It's smells like shit and everyone is in a bad mood.
I've literally been dragging and dropping the street view man into random towns and villages and France has by far the highest rate of good aesthetics over any other country.
This is aesthetic in a different way imo
so I get that you've never been in france
nice stereotypes
Looks like any place in Germany
forgot pic
The French timber framing looks a bit dreary desu and if you're into the medieval aesthetic than Germany is your home because there are entire cities and towns that have stubbornly maintain this heritage. Unlike France and the UK even as they were counties that took the industrial revolution seriously and replaced most medieval buildings in every settlement with stone and in the case of France gave them all blue tile roofs. Also Alsace looks amazing because its a German culture thing
>Why is France so aesthetic?
to my understanding, they have absolutely draconian urban development laws, and they never fucking demolish anything
I mean just look at this, all the buildings look the same and common throughout France and they all have this blue-grey colored roofs
Beware, an extensive part of the historic architecture of Germany is a modern reconstruction due to destruction during wwii. For example the entirety of Frankfurt's old quarter has been reconstructed.
>all the buildings look the same and common throughout France
Yes, I am aware of that, but it says something that Germans faithfully rebuild so much and in the case of Frankfurt they're are massively rebuilding the old town (altstadt)
There also seemingly countless towns that were virtually untouched by the war, particularly in the Harz mountains like pic related
You obviously have never been to France. Those kinds of blue tiles are a minority and specifically belong to the North-central part of the country. In proportion red tiles are much more common. Also the timber frames of houses in Normandy are better than any of their German equivalents.
Want to prove me wrong then?
Nothing but stone and blue roofs as far as the eye can see
Until the 19th century the country was by far the richest in Europe which explains why there was so much money available for embellishment. Also the country is at a confluence of several European cultural spheres and geological and climate areas which explains the variety. It's a bit like if you picked a geographical feature of each US state and crammed it all on an area the size of a single state. Traditional houses are built with local material to deal with the local climate. It's not surprising that in a place with very varied stone and wood availability you'd get very varied houses.
The blue roof thing may be an exaggeration but you're lying if you say it isn't common. Also France is simply not as aesthetic as francophiles claim it be
>timber frames of houses in Normandy are better than any of their German equivalents
sure they are :^)
Alsace seems cool. Any frogs here wanna tell me about nice places and post nice architecture?
Of course you have good taste and wouldn't head west past the Vosges mountains (France proper)
I take that back about it being an exaggeration. Dijon is located in the east and its still have this boring stone-blue roof look
Wrong picture but that first one is a another thing about France where the timber frame buildings are few and on the main streets. Never believe a frog when he says timber framing is common in his country
goat gothic
>My hometown on Veeky Forums.
Lucky you, i'm envious
France is a large country in Europe, you'd expect it to have a couple of treasures.
It's en par with Spain, but Italy totally dominates the world of comfiness.
Germany is crowded with architectural treasures, but all major large towns have been destroyed. Prewar Germany would have destroyed France.
Look OP I can cerrypick too
If this shot was all anyone had to go on, they would believe New York was a futuristic wonderland
Looks like those buildings are falling over
>It's smells like shit
Only true in Paris
>and everyone is in a bad mood.
Only true in Paris
We got fucked hard in the war. I don't care much about having to let go of Prussia, what the soviets did to East Germany, how the Brits literally destroyed some of our islands in the north or that Frenchie got to keep Alsace and Lorraine. Hell, I can't even give much of a shit about Americans bombing the crap out of industrial centers.
But almost every town down in my native south is now a soulless piece of shit compared to how it looked before the war. Most of that is post-war growth, of course, but how much more cozy are those happy few towns that still have their historical buildings...
I grew up in healthy country air, which smells like literal horseshit and is thus still superior to Paris.
Paris almost killed me. Dunno if it's the smog or the people or the smokers or the geography of it, but after a weeks I had to leave or choke to death.
Does not
That just looks like an ad covered hellhole lad.
Real reason. They surrendered before all their beautiful architecture could be destroyed. Much of the UK was as beautiful before being bombed to shit in the Second World War. Vast areas were replaced with disgusting brutalist buildings in the 50s and 60s.
That looks like shit.
M8 you're just showing your lack of knowledge about France. While the blue roofs and beige walls are most common in the north, they do differ both in nuances (stones used for the walls, types of roofs). And they're vastly different than typical southern houses
Yes, they are.
I'm French and I agree, the aesthetics of the country were ruined in the 70s, most of the urban landscape is a mix of suburban concrete houses and commieblocks modern and old, the "aesthetic" parts are falling into ruin or being ruined by bad management of what touristic areas should be like.
>Real Anglos will unironically believe England was bombed more than France during WWII
Oh my fucking God, and this is an history board
Does too!
At least post an area with actual French people
Dude, here it's not about one's taste. If Alsace's architecture does resemble "German" one, Normandy, Britany and Parisian framed houses have a distinct style. Which I like more, but again I was raised in it, so it's to be expected.
Don't start wars
They are french
>start shit
>get hit
You've inflicted so much suffering and destruction throughout Europe, it's a scandal there are still standing old houses in Germany. Also everytime you invaded France (and that is 2 times in 2000 years, don't get excited) you tried your hardest to blow Paris because its buildings are just so nice.
What exactly makes you say that though because they're honesty not any more impressive than ones in Germany.
>French got to keep Alsace and Lorraine
>Implying it's not French clay to begin with
>Implying Joan of Arc is not a Lorraine native
>Implying it makes sense to not have the frontier at the Rhine (daily reminder we also set the frontier on deep in your shore sometimes, and it didnt make more sense)
Fucking germans man
I just say they have a distinct style. And if you were to provide pictures I could tell whether it's Normany or Germany. I'm no architect I don't know further
Yes I've noticed slight differentiation in styles, the north makes the frames slender and warp the whole building in designs
forgot pic again
Not like the french were any better. The Paris commune Comes to mind when i think of wanton destrction and anti science leftists
comparing the Paris Commune with the third Reich in terms of impact
>Can Hans get any more retarded?
At least when we invade country, we bring them good things they literally still use today.
>All my problems are Germans
Fucking crybabies
>I can't read for shit
Fucking crybaby
>Be from comfy San Sebastián.
> Make a trip to southern France.
>Awful city planning
>Awful food
>Even worse weather than in my city. Sad!
>Shit food.
>Only decent restaurants were Basque ones (which were 50% more expensive than in my comfy town,the gastronomical capital of the world!)
>Full of dumb and violent niggers.
>Full of mosques that smelled like shit
>They were destroying fucking churches
>Mediocre architecture.
>Everything was expensive
>Ouiaboos will unironically defend this shit
>i'm complaining about someone's else reprieved complaining
Fucking crybaby
And how many times did France invade Germany, massacring its population and burning down everything in its way?
And Alsace-Lorraine is historically German, just as most of France was historically not French.
It's a common misconception that WW2 is the reason Germany has so few old buildings. In reality, most "medieval" things in Germany were actually built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Don't believe me? Look at any old looking building in Germany that's more than a hut, and you'll find it was built under the Kaiser by fake medieval style architects like Bodo Ebhardt, as part of a campaign to create from scratch an architectural heritage that Germany simply didn't have.
For the same reason the Germans systematically demolished any French medieval castles and cathedrals they could get their hands on during WW1.
That's simply not true. And it is known for a fact that it was France that burned down entire cities, palaces and castles in Germany. The Heidelberg castle is just the most famous example.
Speaking of 'fake' buildings: The Chateau de Pierrefonds and Carcassone were actually built in the 19th century.
When France invaded Germany, it didnt burn towns, massacred civilians or destroyed culture as you did. NEVER. Do you really want to read about Blucher, Hitler, their ideas about Paris? Also, are you retarded? The whole Germany thing isn't historically German. France is an older country, and Alsace Lorraine is historically and logically French. I believe already mentionned Joan of Arc. The land switched hands many times, that is true. But lately, we gained it from no one (the HRE) during the only just war that Europe has seen in the century: French Revolutionary wars. You gained it just to have a bit more time to prepare from a French invasion, EXACTLY like the French when they occupied the Ruhr.
Daily reminder that Alsacians have Germanic family names because Hitler forced them to change in 1940.
I was reading about Speyer and its important Cathedral and I found this
>Although repeatedly occupied and ransacked, town and cathedral survived the Thirty Years' War (1618–1648) with little damage. During the Nine Years' War (Palatinate War of Succession 1688–97), the people of Speyer brought furniture and possessions into the cathedral, stacking everything several metres high hoping to save them from the French troops of Louis XIV marauding the town. But on 31 May 1689 the soldiers broke in, pillaged the imperial graves and set everything alight. On that day almost the whole town of Speyer was burned down. In the heat of the fire the western part of the nave collapsed and the late Gothic elements were destroyed.[11]
>In 1792 Speyer was again occupied, this time by French revolutionary troops, and once more the cathedral was pillaged. During the Napoleonic Wars (1803 to 1815) the cathedral was used as a stable and storage facility for fodder and other material. In 1806 the French had in mind to tear the building down and use it as a quarry, which was only prevented by the bishop of Mainz, Joseph Ludwig Colmar. After Napoleon's victories over the Prussian and Russian armies in the Battles of Grossgörschen and Lützen in 1813, around 4,000 wounded soldiers came to Speyer. After the battle of Leipzig there were even more and the cathedral was needed as an army hospital.[24]
Are the French the real niggers of Europe? Some good Catholics they are.
>Speaking of 'fake' buildings: The Chateau de Pierrefonds and Carcassone were actually built in the 19th century.
No. Just no. Of course an entire city will have more modern parts, but as a whole, both were started in the Middle Ages. Fucking liars.
>When France invaded Germany, it didnt burn towns, massacred civilians or destroyed culture as you did
Read Literal example of "we dindu nuffin"
>Daily reminder that Alsacians have Germanic family names because Hitler forced them to change in 1940
Why don't you renamed Staßburg if its always been French huh?
Yes. Look what they are doing to their churches. And just to build smelly and ugly mosques! SAD!
>as you did
>as you did
>as you did
Do you even want to get reminded what you did in WWII Hans ? War is war, and I only compared to what you faggots did. We did what war required. You did way more. Don't count on me for pitying your shithole.
You're probably very young, which might excuse the blatant lack of education, but the French invasions in the 17th, 18th and 19th century were far more destructive than anything Germany is to blame for in the years to come.
Also France isn't an older country. France was invented in the 17th century after the king enforced his doctrine that anyone in his realm would have to obey to but his god and speak his language. This resulted in a cultural genocide. Even to this day, France hasn't made any efforts to protect its minorities and their culture. Because it is probably to late by now.
And you didn't gain the lands in the Revolutionary War. You conquered and Alsace and retrieved Lorraine as a result of a treaty.
And I guess Hitler also renamed the Alsacian cities with German names they are still bearing.
Jesus. Do you have Polish parents per chance?
What a pathetic comparison. Heidelberg Castle wasn't destroyed but merely damaged so it could no longer serve as an immediate fortification, and that was during the 1600s.
Germans on the other hand used 30 tons of dynamite in the fucking 20th century to blow Coucy Castle into dust, which was probably the most impressive medieval castle ever built, with absolutely no strategic reason whatsoever, but simply in an effort to erase history. ISIS tier.
And no neither Pierrefonds nor Carcassone were built in the 19th century, they very much already existed and were only restored.
>. We did what war required
Like blowing up part of la Alhambra or sacking the church of Burgos? Yeah frogs did never nuthing wrong. They ware the guud goys all along
>looks for examples of France destroying something
>only finds examples of France not destroying something
>"fuck it I'll post it anyway"
Do you have the autism?
>No. Just no. Of course an entire city will have more modern parts, but as a whole, both were started in the Middle Ages. Fucking liars.
>The city (Carcassone) is famous for the Cité de Carcassonne, a medieval fortress restored by the theorist and architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc in 1853
>The Château de Pierrefonds includes most of the characteristics of defensive military architecture from the Middle Ages, though it underwent a major restoration in the 19th century.
>You're probably very young, which might excuse the blatant lack of education
Starting off with insults, mkay
>were far more destructive than anything Germany is to blame for in the years to come.
>Also France isn't an older country. France was invented in the 17th century after the king enforced his doctrine that anyone in his realm would have to obey to but his god and speak his language.
> Even to this day, France hasn't made any efforts to protect its minorities and their culture. Because it is probably to late by now.
>And you didn't gain the lands in the Revolutionary War. You conquered and Alsace and retrieved Lorraine as a result of a treaty.
>Jesus. Do you have Polish parents per chance?
No, but you do. You know how's the "German" people don't live in Germany, right?
>what is restoration
Restoration means restoring a damaged building to its original state.
It doesn't mean building a bunch of fake medieval-looking shit all over the place so you can pretend to have a history because your country was literally Africa tier in terms of architectural heritage, and the combination with your pathetically overblown national arrogance and racism was starting to create some cognitive dissonance.
>Heidelberg Castle wasn't destroyed
It was blown up along with the city by the French, just as HUNDREDS of castles and palaces. Another example:
Burg Rheinfels
>>looks for examples of France destroying something
>implying i'm a cherrypicker
I wasn't, retard. I was reading like a student of history would.
We were the good guys in that war though. Spain rebelled through English propaganda, but we brought you more good than bad. I'm not well versed in the exactions of the French Army in Spain, I have to guess they had a reason to blow up the Alhambra, (maybe to pursue the Reconquista WE started for you). But maybe it's was just the side, thug and not so great part of the Great Army that we sent to Spain.
I'll also have you remember, though I doubt you will, the treatment Spaniards gave to French POWs, that the Nazis could only inspire from to use in concentration camps. Not worthy of a human being. (not talking about the POW, but about the guard here). Oh the irony, you'll take pride in that :^)
Holy shit, thank you so much. I was trying to find the name of this castle and how the French spread "nuffin but goood thangs n shieet"
>still comparing fortifications getting damaged in the normal course of 17th century warfare with Germans systematically destroying architectural heritage in the 20th century for literally no other reason than their burning anuses and inferiority complex
>Restoration means restoring a damaged building to its original state.
>It doesn't mean building a bunch of fake medieval-looking shit all over the place so you can pretend to have a history because your country was literally Africa tier in terms of architectural heritage, and the combination with your pathetically overblown national arrogance and racism was starting to create some cognitive dissonance.
You're free to provide us with evidence of German 'fake' medieval towns.
So far you've just mentioned Bodo Ebhardt, who restored a couple of castle ruins - ruins of castles that in most cases where - again - blown up by the French.
>We were the good guys in that war though.
>Invading your allies
>Good guys
>Spain rebelled through English propaganda
>French historians
> but we brought you more good than bad.
> I'm not well versed in the exactions of the French Army in Spain
Of course you aren't.You are a dumb frog
> I have to guess they had a reason to blow up the Alhambra
> (maybe to pursue the Reconquista WE started for you)
Kek.ChrlesMAgne was BTFO by a bunch of Basques
>But maybe it's was just the side, thug and not so great part of the Great Army that we sent to Spain.
Nah. It was until Napoleon chimped ot to Russia
The more I look at history the more I realise there is almost no difference between Germans and Muslims.
Well here is intellectual integrity in it's purest form (I'm from the outside btw). Bodo Ebhardt vs Violet le Duc, one is worthy but the other's not. lol.
>You're free to provide us with evidence of German 'fake' medieval towns.
Don't you have like a Bavarian prince or something that spent his life doing that? I think I recall he's quite famous. Pic related.t
Why doesn't France rebuild what was lost like the Germans are doing in Frankfurt. Are the French ashamed of your heritage that they refuse to rebuild the "systematically destroying architectural heritage" ?
>Are the French ashamed of your heritage that they refuse to rebuild the "systematically destroying architectural heritage" ?
Yes. They destroy 2 churches a year to build mosques.
Stay buttmad. Spanish succession had 1/2 chance of rebelling against France. That's the reason Napoleon invaded it. It was his biggest mistake imo. But I can see why he did it (far from le evil ogrz depicted by anglos)
Just like how Marseilles has no difference between France and Islam
>burning anuses and inferiority complex
Yeah, Medieval castles sure were a thread to a 17th century army.You were also burning down cities and blowing up churches. See Speyer, Worms, Mainz - imperial domes that reminded you that your country was just another kingdom when it were Germans that elected the emperor.
Bodo Ebhardt and his ilk didn't "restore", they built things completely from scratch, or "expanded" some old mudhut into a huge looking castle to make people believe that's what it originally looked like.
I mean shit, I wouldn't mind you building your little Disneyland of fake history if that's necessary for your mental health, if at least you didn't go around destroying other people's things because of your envy and because your country has the collective mind of a deranged 5 year old little shit. That's what makes you literal niggers.
People can say what they what about Germany but at least there's not government mandate to tear down 2000 churches. Not like Pierre is going to build anything meaningful on top of them, probably mosque's
>Spanish succession had 1/2 chance of rebelling against France
WTF are you talking about? The king of Spain allowed French troops to enter Spain and invade Portugal and Napoleon chimped out like a mongrel.
The whole point was that every country has blew up monuments and that Frenchies are not an exception as they blew part of a monument of magnitudes that you cannot find on your nigger infested shithole
You don't rebuild medieval buildings that were destroyed to their very foundations. That's cheap and fake and archaeologically destructive.
Yes, fortifications were still being used in the 17th century dumbass. And they weren't even destroyed, just damaged enough to be rendered useless as fortifications.
>Don't you have like a Bavarian prince or something that spent his life doing that? I think I recall he's quite famous.
The single most prominent building of an era is sure evidence that most of the thousands of German cities and their historical old towns are fake.
Who do you think built that church in the first place you stupid idiot?