What does Veeky Forums think of Wicca?
What does Veeky Forums think of Wicca?
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for fat ugly small town white girls and their skinny furry/anime fanboy guy "friends"
its the Insane Clown Posse of religions
It's bullshit.
It's written by an old fart who did no historical research, and was clearly just trying to get fucking laid.
It's a uniquely British take on the spiritualist movement and that's all it is.
Thelema for homophobes that somehow managed to appeal to hairy-legged feminists.
Completely inconsequential, and it wouldn't even be a point of contention if new age hippies and sjws hadn't gotten a hold of it.
product of entertainment industry
Cochrane > Gardner
Just like "Gnosticism" this can mean anything or nothing.
Cultus Sabbati?
Reconstructive trad witchcraft?
Garbage in the New Age section of Barnes and Noble?
I've warmed to this opinion, but he's still more full of shit than Spare.
If nothing else Chumbley gave Cochrane a backbone.
this desu
can you please elaborate on these varieties?
less pernicious than furryism
BTW, British Traditional Wicca using Gardner's Thelema informed initiations.
Alexandrian is just a different form of this with the BDSM and sexuality toned down.
Cochraine posited a lighter form of witchcraft in terms of academic standing. He predated Gardner but was probably full of shit if bringing some interesting concepts to the table. Cultus Sabbati is Chumbley's outfit, which seeks to unite the currents of everything it touches using the basic implication that Austin Spare's assertion that he was in contact with witches was valid, and that Chumbley was also in contact with them in his youth. Before you scoff this one away he was writing a PhD in the History of Religion in validation of the lineal succession when he died.
>its the Insane Clown Posse of religions
The "It's not a phase, mom!" of religions
Where's the most recent version of your books thing? Can't seem to find it on /x/.
Sweet, thanks.
It's a fucking meme religion for people who are too ignorant to have any concept of how real paganism should work. An insult to anything resembling true spirituality.
Its the Evanescence of religions.
I was roommates with a Wicca girl a few years ago, you're pretty much spot-on
>mfw she set off all the smoke detectors in the house while burning a bundle of sage trying to cleanse the house of spirits or something
Lets be roommates, user, I can show you the good historical shit and why she sucked.
No thanks senpai I'm a good Christian goy
You don't wanna drink comingled sexual fluids diluted in wine from a human skull or learn how to play the femur trumpet?
I can introduce you to the Devil if you have a graveyard, a crossroads, and a stream nearby, but first you have to harvest some bones from a crucified toad. And some other stuff.
If you are in the market for an alt-faith; why not make your own up?
All the spiritual benefits, all the cool social stuff, and you get to convert others if actually does any practical good.
That's what at least one of the "real religions" did back in the day when they were bored with sand and being destitute.
If you want Wicca you don't need faith, you need a game of Mage the Ascension.
Almost all the Wiccans and neo-pagans I know are middle aged women.
I wish I could be roomates with you. Or at least know you IRL.
Also I have serious altar-envy.
agreed, when are you gonna start your commune cult ape?
What this guy said
>You don't wanna drink comingled sexual fluids diluted in wine from a human skull or learn how to play the femur trumpet?
Oh shit, that one noice 'noif
I actually don't mind it, nice that people found faith somewhere.
Gerald should have had the balls to just say it's a new religion though, he was too insecure about these things.
For what, exactly?
Of anything posted in those two posts.
Middle age crisis
Bad side of LSD
Just a phase
I was interested in Wicca as a child because I wanted to do magic lije Harry Potter. Then I realized magic isn't real and discarded it.
Actually I'd love to be proven wrong that the supernatural doesn't exist with anything but farfetched anecdotes and appeal to emotion/nostalgia/authority.
I've always wondered what is the psychological response to this "magic" not working for those practicing it.
How do they respond when they gather up all the ingredients, go through all the rituals and then whatever they were hoping for STILL doesnt happen? Or is it one of those things where the one time it does go right is help up in front of everyone and all the times fuck all happened quietly ignored?
Magic does work. That's why people have practised it for all of human history.
Purely confirmation bias and delusion.
Applying various psychological labels to it doesn't change the fact that it works.
No, it doesn't.
>yes magic works
>no user you are retarded
>no you!
How about both of you faggots show us some sources
One that proves it doesen't work and one that proves it does work
Oh fuck off. Magic is make believe and anyone older than 12 with a brain knows it. The "real" magic people experience is just muh feels shit in best case scenario and in the worst case, a hallucination. The things people claim to "see" can never be duplicated, which is awfully convenient.
>Thelema for homophobes
Crowley practiced real magic, but he did it by redefining the term.
Crowlian magic basically means bullshit tham makes people feel spooked.
Muh feels shit, pretty much.
But the actual magic that anyone would care about like hexes, nature manipulation, talking to spirits, none of it is real.
Here's the blog that redpilled me on magic
Realizing that rationalism is just a phase in every civilization and that religion/magic is real is the final redpill
He would do stuff like follow a guy two paces behind him, match his footsteps, and then stop suddenly to make the guy trip over himself.
> magic
> science
Not being the same.
Fine. I'll give it a shot since magic being real would make life a little less dull.
>drinking sexual fluids as Gnosis
Tantraloka, Matrikabheda Tantra, Rudolph's "Gnosis: The Nature and History of Gnosticism", Hevajra Tantra.
>Meeting Satan
ONE: Grimoire of the Golden Toad and The Leaper Between by Andrew Chumbley.