>everyone picks up sombra >still murdering them as genji I'm not going to continue to get away with this in Masters, right? Or is this just one of those """""counters""""" like Winston """"""counters""""" Widow.
Christopher Scott
that's a lotta happy meals
Jace Collins
Nice link to the previous thread dumb filterfaggot
Nicholas Ross
lads it's an actual horse posting
Jace Smith
Aiden Lewis
It's beautiful.
Nicholas Robinson
Is this AGDQ?
Ryder Nelson
>Hyped watching OWL >Try comp >Lose first game
this is fun...I guess?
On another note, Mystery Duel is fun as fuck.
Aiden Allen
Levi Evans
I would love to see Philly get fucked by Florida 3-1
Jaxon Powell
>they took over dva's cringey hollywood line
best update in a while
Austin Gutierrez
D.Va mains are so fucked when the Sombra buff goes live.
Noah Flores
>sombra >ever landing a hack on the spray queen with no magazine You're retarded. Stop listening to casters, none of them are GM.
Julian Walker
>average poster during esports
Angel Myers
400 450 500 or 800 dpi?
Camden Richardson
>they took over what? you mean took away? And how do you know it's removed?
Anthony Baker
No cute Mei posting because >HURRRRRRR LAND WHALE
Those are Da Rulez
Austin Young
DVa's guns should have an overheat.
Carter Hall
I'll be a sombra main then B)
Brayden Gomez
The lights, camera, action one?
Jaxon Bennett
Mercy is my wife and I won't tolerate anymore of this shit talk about her. You're either stepping up or getting shot bitch.
Nolan Cruz
>Florida men rush to dispose of tainted kid's meals by giving them to immigrants.
Asher Reed
Fine, then Zenyatta mains are so fucked when the Sobra buff goes live.
Joseph Kelly
He looks so happy
Samuel Brooks
Post that fat white chick cosplaying her, that webm gets me diamonds.
Christopher Thomas
Ah well I can settle for dva mains all constantly watching their backs, or just hacking them once the fight starts
Camden Sullivan
ur right they should give sombra an ability to make her invisible so she can get positioning outside FOV.
Adrian Reyes
mercy is everyone's wife
Lincoln Stewart
I use 600 because I find 400 kind of annoying for general use. Also it lets me just put my DPI switch to 600 and 12000 so I can spin like a mad cunt if I want to.
Hunter Green
rather play with that literal child than the average waifuposter in OP pic lmao
Asher Davis
I love healslut more than you
Gavin Fisher
no one has even said anything about nerfcy.
Bentley Perez
Brody Cox
I like Mei almost as much as Sombra
Anthony Wright
I think that would only be balanced if she fucking shouts the moment she gets out of stealth and his a full second lockout before she can start hacking/getting shot.
Brayden Wood
Is this the part where you get MADA MADA'd?
Kayden Turner
Hudson Lopez
Zachary Clark
Hey now, we TRIED cleaning it up.
Lucas Bailey
I have my dpi at 3200 and sens at 20 Does anyone also play with that high of sens/dpi?
Samuel Ramirez
Are you retarded? Didn't we just see that at the overwatch league mere seconds before this post?
Hudson Jackson
Honestly the most enjoyment I get out of this game is cockblocking other peoples ultimates
FINE but if their going to do that then she needs a lowered ult range with inconsistent ability/ult shutdown
James White
Isaiah Johnson
Is he sleeping?
Julian Price
>cloaks behind u >decloaks >yells out loud >waits around for hack to start pshhh... nothin' personnel.... pobrecita...
Charles Ward
Not mine. My one and only wife is Tracer.
Henry Adams
IMPLYING you can reliably hear enemy voicelines in the middle of a team fight
Grayson Lewis
I use 1600 dpi because I like fast movement across my screens and in day to day use, but a really low in game number to counter act it.
Cameron Sullivan
Mei is cute! CUTE!
Samuel Wilson
I'll destroy you
Evan Reyes
what did the silver surfer meme by this
Zachary Walker
The McBuddha of Florida has graced us with his benevolence.
Thomas Cox
whatever is comfortable outside of the game
Jonathan Smith
Only Fragi would die before the pulse bomb even sticks him
Brody Brooks
>year of dog >nothing dog related shit event
Matthew Sanders
The only question now is how small?
Luke Carter
You can't wait for the "stuck" pulse bomb to kill people in OWL, or you're just asking not to get a kill. clips.twitch .tv/CulturedZanyFlamingoBibleThump
Lucas King
Oliver Watson
>enemy has 200 health >flash bang them >know the only way I will kill them is to fan the hammer >dink them anyway
John Parker
a mere 6 inches
Chase Taylor
>not even dink+body >not dink+dink
Cooper Allen
Are you retarded? Just rightclick and enjoy the salt in chat
Easton Roberts
David Edwards
>being unable to distinguish sounds during team fights Stop putting your music so loud and maybe you'll start noticing more.
Kevin Reyes
And it shall remain that way least you forefeit your life
Christian Lee
This Mayhem/Fusion match is fun
Xavier King
Hana Song (Song Hana, 송하나), under the username "D.Va", represented South Korea in multiple international StarCraft tournaments. At the age of 16, she became the top StarCraft player in the world and went undefeated for the next three years of her life. At the age of 19, Hana was drafted into MEKA's army of mech pilots with the task of defending the coast around the East China Sea from a colossal adapting omnic.
Anthony Bailey
The "Standings" page of the OWL site says the top 6 teams make the playoffs, but the "Schedule" page has playoffs as tonight between 4 teams? Also, then "Schedule" page has the 4th team as "undetermined" even though Los Angeles is locked into the 4th spot regardless of who wins this last match? Do they just now know how to make a schedule?
Jace Bell
>barrage against a flying pharah What the fuck is Shadowburn doing
Austin Myers
D.va, 4.5"
Matthew Torres
Why isn't Carpe tbagging anymore?
Joseph Evans
Carson Gray
You got characters acting Asian the the four guardian beasts from China. Although if you want shitposting purposes, the pharmercy faggots were and are being bitches because they went full retard with fucking up their symbolism that even nonshippers call them retards and they'll continue being bitches when the gency faggots get their voicelines again in four days. That's close to being dog related, right?
Liam Harris
Got a call from Jeff about his toxicity.
Michael Rivera
there's 3 teams for end stage playoff, and 6 teams for season end playoffs
Aaron Moore
I told him to shut up about that. That's it, I'm taking away competitive CTF.
Xavier Garcia
>Losing to Florida JUST
Jack Kelly
Lucas Brooks
Hunter Powell
So Houston plays London for the right to play New York. And they decided that these teams, none of whom are from the West Coast, should play up until like 1 AM Eastern (or SIX IN THE MORNING LONDON TIME)?
Noah Smith
Florida's meme intros were actually a complex magik ritual that finally started paying off.
Cameron Collins
They're all in Los Angeles you bumbling retard.
Asher Morales
>Florida uses wireless mouses Is this a joke?
Samuel Lewis
>we get monthly lectured about toxicity by a man that goes by the name of Tigole Bitties The state of us