I'm posting in this one, fuck the other shitpost OP.
Leo Williams
based big cup
Thomas Ward
why is MHX so stylish?
Cameron Morgan
Big cup best cup
Cameron Fisher
here for best wife
Nolan Brown
Why is big cup upset?
Xavier Williams
Jose Wright
>Fixed OP I'm moving here.
Lincoln Mitchell
posting in actual thread
James Rodriguez
Hakuno servant when?
Jaxon Cox
Congrats to you Hassan, my first 10/10/10.
Brody Jenkins
choose one
Samuel Kelly
Are you Muslim?
Robert Bennett
How can there be people that is so unlucky they literally goes to 1200++ quartz without getting even one ssr servant?, what does it feel to be such a lucklet that your unluckiness is actually a statistical probability miracle, HOW CAN THEY EVEN LIVE KNOWING EVEN IN A GAME WITH NO BEARING TO REAL WORLD THEY ARE ACTUALLY SO UNLUCKY THEY HAVE TO SPEND REAL MONEY TO GET COMPRESSED JPEG OF THEIR FAVORITE IMAGINARY CHARACTER???? CAN ONE OF YOU LUCKLET RAISE YOUR HAND AND CONFESS ALREADY?
Jace Perry
Cursed image
Christian Phillips
>done with zombies in 5 minutes >like 12 days to go why do I do this? the heart drops are non existent too
Liam Rogers
Posting here. Fuck this new thread stupidity.
Wyatt King
>/svg/ is the OP shitposter umm bros?
Jose Baker
Yes, active ISIS member, ask me anything.
Anthony Roberts
Brody Perez
Okita or Scat.
Luis Turner
>the heart drops are non existent too This was the biggest meme. Glad I didn't fall for it and farmed the previous events for Hearts.
Daniel Russell
>Grailed >NP2 >Close to max bond >Skills all 7+
>Still calls me a mongrel
Goddamn why is Gil such a dick he's starting to hurt my feelings.
Ian Phillips
>9 lores left Someone's been slacking.
Alexander Peterson
Keep bitching like the mongrel that you are.
Dominic Long
convert him to rare prism, show whos boss here
Jason Rogers
should i ascend mordred or artoria first?
William Miller
Is this the safe thread?
Jace Rogers
So since I'm a retard, can someone help explain the CE's to me? Let's say I use the CE's to get 100% chance of extra ghosts spawning. Does that mean I'll get one extra ghost per wave (3 ghosts extra per run)?
Lucas Campbell
>Grailed Fuck off homo.
Carson Cook
Just burn him when BB comes out, she's stronger anyway both gameplay and in canon
Parker Robinson
>NP 2 >about to max bond would be my first one, but Herc needs less bond, so he went first >10/10/10 >will grail once we get 1/2AP doors >told me to tell him about my birthday a week in advance
David Perry
Isaac Bailey
This is Nasu. He personally wrote the script for this event. Say something nice to him!
Samuel Lopez
>expecting anything else from the chad of Uruk.
Brayden Clark
Aside from Enkidu has Gil ever gotten along with anyone?
Camden Adams
Burn him and get your grail back.
Christian Moore
Samuel Cox
He makes cute little girls
Joseph Gomez
who hurt you user, goddamn
Landon Taylor
if it's in the ass then it's always safe, dumb fox
Grayson Rodriguez
Okita has the best butt!
Lincoln Sanchez
>NP5 Iri is worse than NP1 Medea Loli Why is this allowed?
David Brooks
FEH is better
Levi Bell
>Everyone blows apples on day 1 >I get to coast off their MLB'd shit
Hope the marginal FP is worth it, you mobage wagie.
Benjamin King
100% ghost spawn means you get one extra ghost for every ghost present. So if you're in a stage where 6 ghosts normally show up, you'll get 12 ghosts in total. 75% ghost spawn means you'll get roughly 75% more ghosts, or around 10 showing up in the stage. Going over 100% doesn't have any effect, so 150% ghost spawns (or more) will still just give you the same 12 ghosts, if there are initially 6 ghosts in the stage.
Landon Lewis
What's up guys, Not a Whale here, I thought we should take a little break from the madness of the collab event to discuss **PULL -or- SKIP??** Things to Look for in Banners to ~SUMMON~ or ~SAVE THOSE QUARTZ!~ youtube.com/watch?v=Nnb4JzJKo1o
Sebastian Hall
Because Medea Lily is one of the best arts meme stallers/healers in the entire game, and she's pretty damn rare due to being story gacha only except for certain rate ups.
Tell the SeaMonkeys to stop screwing us out of free quartz, they still owe us some from your birthday.
Chase Rodriguez
I didn't even MLB them, I'm coasting on LB drops CE. I was just having fun and wanted to keep playing, did I do something wrong?
Ayden Long
Rate my latelet event supports.
Chase Taylor
Robert Gonzalez
Should i delete now all friends without mlb event ce's? Why do i need these slackers anyway?
Logan Morgan
What the fuck did you just say?
Austin Davis
I just want to be helpful user
Julian Gutierrez
This girl is made for anal.
Nolan Watson
Why would I want to MLB my shop CEs? That would just make the drops per run worse.
Levi Hughes
Leo Butler
>90% Gil crit buster >no crit >10% Waver crit arts >crit
Mason Anderson
but does lily have a party wide guts?
Easton Taylor
Let's end this: >FEH odds for most optimal 5* focus: 0.28% >FEH odds for one optimal 5* focus stat: 0.71% >FEH odds for any focus unit: 3% >FEH odds for any optimal 5*: 0.56% >FEH odds for one optimal 5* stat: 1.41% >FEH odds for any 5*: 6%
Your chances of getting any 5* that is usable is greater than FGO by 40% and of getting a usable 5* that you want is roughly equal to FGO. However, the chances of getting a completely optimal unit are lower than FGO chances, meaning you are forced to take discount unless you get luckier than you are in FGO. Overall, there is no reason for FEH to be all that smug about it because their full rates are not that much better.
Cooper Myers
Xavier Baker
Spawn rates are capped to 100%, so 2 mlb ce's = max spawn. But ok, 4 own spawn ce's + drop ce from friend is the best choice if you have not your own + drop ce's.
Josiah Lee
saber wars sucked balls
Thomas Anderson
>needing guts when Medea Lily gives you 7,000 healing and an extra 7,000 on one servant of your choosing
Not to mention she has NP on command or back to back NP spam thanks to her first skill.
Carter Carter
Owen Phillips
You're using Iri for her ability to grant Guts to the entire party, not her strict healing. Although with Iri's first skill, she heals 4500HP to every servant, equal to NP3 Medea Lily.
Whichever you want. Mordred can charge her own NP gauge and deals bonus damage to all the Artorias (but not Artoria clones, like Nero and Jeanne) and she can remove her debuffs while doing so, but Artoria can buff herself better and buffs the ATK of the whole party as well. So it's really slightly faster 100%NP vs party buffing.
>Connection to the Root A >Quick performance +6%. >Arts performance +6%. >Buster performance +6%
Does that mean she's actually the Devil?
Julian Ramirez
David Nelson
I meant better as in it has better story, characters, sprites, art and animations. Not rates
Nathaniel Martinez
Time to save to Arcueid
James Richardson
r u ok user
Evan White
Easton Baker
Here's your (You)
Ryder Reyes
>Mordred can charge her own NP gauge and deals bonus damage to all the Artorias i never really understood the difference between mordred's bonus damage and MHX's bonus damage, is it really just that MHX does more against jeanne/nero etc or am i missing something? are there any uses for either of them in later story like camelot?
Benjamin Barnes
Why no? Shiki is cute.
Henry Reed
> You're using Iri for her ability to grant Guts to the entire party No I'm using Iri because I failed to get Lily in any of her rateups and I desperately need my own healer that isn't Hans.
Lincoln Sullivan
>better story Absolutely not >Better characters Nope and they aren't developed in your game anyways to begin with >sprites Nope they are low quality chibis >Animations Absolutely not, each character has no unique animations really and they are extremely basic, furthermore, your game tries to supplement this by throwing in flying pictures to compensante, which is awful "animation". File related. >art Debatable but not really, at least the hentai artists think yours is worse
Ryan Peterson
Correct. Mordred only deals bonus damage to Artoria and her variants. MHX deals bonus damage to anyone with a "saberface", which includes Jeanne and Jeanne Alter.
Noah Mitchell
you already get a superior and cuter one for free
Anthony Cruz
>tfw got 6 Medea Lilys Of all servants to get to NP5 it had to be Medea Lily
John Green
But that's fucking wrong you idiot She is worse than NP1 Medea lily
Ryan Perez
Wyatt Garcia
Asher Jackson
Please stop, he's obviously baiting.
Henry Lewis
Shiki might have gap moe going for her, but 「」 is in a league of her own. Her voice and overall demeanor are just way too cute.
Kevin Baker
Can you not read or can you not write?
Jacob Brown
Meant NP5 All 4 stars whether they're welfare or not are evaluated at NP5
Dominic Ward
Caleb Murphy
Iri is way better for those guts situations, yes. But Medea Lily has better heals in general for the team and when she uses her third skill she can nearly bring a single servant back to full (10k+ hp at NP5 I think?). Also, Medea Lily is for debuff cleanse as well, so she pairs with Jannu way better than Iri right now.
Nolan Sanders
Autocorrect corrected 5 into 1 because I've been making fun of NP1 Vlad so much
Gavin Gray
>8 SSRs >f2p btw >they are all worthless unless NP2 what the actual fuck?
Landon Scott
>Still no scat images of Scat
How the hell did no one capitalize on that joke?
John Clark
Use your wallet, shounen.
Owen Fisher
why is Selfcest so hot?
Nathaniel Ramirez
I just reached the part in the Forest Incinerator. Things got REALLY good there, and I could see a lot of traces of Nasu's writting there. This is definitely the best event so far for me. The music, aura, story... pretty entertaining stuff from the stoned magic mushroom man.
Btw, it took me only 6 turns to finish that quest. What motivated people to subject themselves to 400-500+ turn runs on that?