Mosley edition
/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General
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Rest in Peace Marsanon.
This thread is claimed in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
NOT based
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reminder to ignore and ignore reporting
last thread
First for RIP marsanon
>mosley edition
I like la plata - i hope they get las malvinas from the perfidious anglo occupiers
reminder to post BIG fat anime breasts in this thread
Well second anyway.
I only knew you for a handful of posts, but you took time to answer my retarded questions.
both australia and argentina are bastions of the white race in the southern hemisphere
⇂ x ǝǝɹƃɐ
>hate anglos
>love australians
quebecois education
>[V2] - Legacy of Slovenia v1.01*^
>>[V2] - unHPM v1.5*^
>>[V2] - Robmod v2.5*
>>[V2] - Visegradmod v3.2
>> Updated Waggle Pastebin*
* The R&I may sperg out if you download this
^ Talex and his Grandi Youth may harass you if you download this
fucking based
Is there no way to tell how many immigrants you have gotten in a month?
i believe that australian republicanism will win!
the number you see in the immigration mapmode is from the last 30 days
>30 days
But it's March!
>g*rman military 'genius'
*downloads Legacy of Slovenia v1.01*
>metropolitan center has highest support
>rural conservatives have lowest support
So I guess the only way would be writing it down every 1st of every month and hoping the migrants are from the Country's primary culture?
Based Yankes
Always ready to end the g*rman menace
umm... hacks?
I'm glad R&I is gone, but doesn't anyone find it a bit sad the He has so diligently shat up the thread for years, and now He's gone?
It's a weird feeling, kind of like nothing lasts forever and at some point we will all leave /gsg/
they almost certainly aren't
unaccepteds leave more than accepteds
I hope he is dead
>at some point we will all leave /gsg/
i hope to god thats soon for me
*gas attacks u*
U Wot M8?!
*does epic steampunk parkour operation and fucking crushes your nation*
Best campaignpost i've seen in months
wtf i love scandanon now
Fucking White Men...
Bravo... just...
Fucking Bravo White Men
>gas attacks
so this is the power of 98.5% literacy... ...woah
ah yes
>Centre-Val de Loire
This is why I hate redditmod. Why would they have the names of random shit in local languages like this, but not call the country itself République française?
Having officially grown to encompass 40million souls, the Sokoto Caliphate is a force to be reckoned with. However, recent growth of the navy and a thriving electronics sector has resulted in many politicians calling for a withdrawal of German economic dominance. Others cite the large market and resource pool offered by the Germans, fearing economic independence could mean isolation.
The caliphate is at a crossroads.
hmm... *muffles* ... white men....
>1.2% Protestant
>that landlocked bolivian exclave
Heh nothin personal kid, just a white man doin white man things
The Butcher of Bengal approves
now, for cockfighting...
I have never seen Austria beat Germany, even when they're cucked to this degree.
Well, this time they have 70 brigades and NGF is disarmed. They have slight chances.
take pomerania?
just fuck my shit up brother
Do they have Saxony as well? That looks amazing, because it just looks like a really huge Bohrmia.
Yeah, they took Saxony and Silesia in one war. No no monarchy - no cores though, shame.
Hitler did nothing wrong
>⇂ x ǝǝɹƃɐ
What a shame...
Build up your navy, invade Britain, and take Scotland and North East England (vikings and Danelaw)
Maybe East Anglia if you can get it, but I think that's too much warscore.
>12th place industry
How do I CSA without cheating in Vanilla?
Also how do I legitimately become a monarchy starting as a republic
the power of reactionaries
socialists are better
let reactionaries rebel
>How do I CSA without cheating in Vanilla?
Start as the USA, wait until around 1860, then take the option to become them.
>Also how do I legitimately become a monarchy starting as a republic
Make reactionaries win twice. A good way to do this is just to let militancy spiral out of control. You can do this by allowing parts of you to be occupied, or just being at war for a long period of time.
why twice?
I mean winning the Civil War
No matter how many Dixie stacks I prepare with the Union always pulls 40+ stacks out of no where. Even when my stacks are about the same size/composition they cream me without fail.
Also to incite the revolutions, would it help if I just promote militancy inducing policies in decisions?
>when you build the great wall of india to keep the chinks out
how much maintenance is that lol
When reactionary rebels win in republics they become presidential dictatorships, which is basically a conservative/reactionary government with no voting. If reactionaries win in a presidential dictstorship the country becomes an absolute monarchy.
Use your killer generals, use the mountains. If you use stonewall Jackson in the Appalachian mountains it's impossible to lose.
Well, yeah, but are there any military inducing decisions?
build a wall against the rhine to keep the g*rmans out
berry nice
Is there an event to railroad Korea into your puppet as Japan in HPM? When does it happen?
>declare war on Granatah
>is frends with Portugal
>actually we were allies
>Granatah is allied with Morroco and Tunis
>Portugal was not allied with Granatah, Tunisia and Morroco in any means
>declared war on me instead
how does this game works really?
dare I say based and white?
During elections when policy questions come up you can piss off/alienate pops with certain ideologies if you advocate one side too strongly.
I suppose I would have to be deliberately contrarian to the most popular pop idelogies then
Yeah. The best way is through getting occupied though. If you deliberately allow the US to occupy you your militancy will go sky high, and rebels will most likely rise. Kill them until you get the reactionaries you want, then allow them to live.
And it goes without saying, but I'l say it anyway, NEVER pass reforms. Those will reduce militancy and hamper rebellion.
Allow the UK, not the US.
Man, that must have sounded fucking retarded.
Alright I'll keep that in mind
seriously man thanks for the tips
I cheated my way first go around at it but I have a save from right when I spawned as the CSA so I'll have a legitimate run this time
I thought I was supposed to get the UK on my side with King Cotton?
I'm answering two seperate questions here, in order to become a monarchy he needs two reactionary rebellions, in order to do that he needs high militancy, which needs high war exhaustion, which means he has to purposefully get occupied by someone for a while, and the UK are a good contender. Only downside is they might take Columbia or New England, but a skilled player should be able to get it back.
For the CSA you should just do what I said, use your god generals and use the mountains, the Appalachian mountains are amazing for this, put 15k in every province, wait for them to attack you there and converge, they'll get stackwiped. Do that 5 or 6 times and they'l have no army left, at that point you occupy D.C, NYC, etcetera and they'll agree to status quo. You can try to drag Britain in but it really isn't necessary and just weakens you in the long run.
Good luck. Once you get combat down in V2 it's surprisingly simple. Mountains are a hell of a lot more useful in it than in any other game, they're not just a meager -2 and a slightly narrower front, they can result in David vs goliath tier victories when combined with good defensive generals.
is there a mod that removes starting OOBs from hoi3? i'm tired of spending my first half hour in every game arranging this shit
I'm actually the same guy. I want to make a CSA monarchy and rule as King Cotton
I don't quite remember, but I know you have to sphere them and there's an event for it I think in the 70s.
That'd be pretty difficult. Reactionaries are a hitch to get as literacy increases, by 1860 it may be too late.
Still, the South gets lots of extra reactionaries, so it might be possible. If I were you I'd be best friends with Britain and try to get Mexico to occupy you. Britain will save you, but for the first few months Mexico will occupy you, driving militancy and war exhaustion up, making your reactionaries more likely to revolt.
Why is communism and socialism so popular now? What effects in game make pops turn into commies? Also how do i make my government into a democracy and no longer Prussian constitutionalism? I have no idea how politics work in vicky2 still.
>turkish europe
delete that save and start over
congrats anyway you piloted italy much better than they were able to historically
Am working on it am working on it! Liberating countries and freeing people gives you so much dam infamy.
play with mods
you'll get a cb in the late game called dismantlement that'll free all applicable nations
Yea I already downloeded HPM. I just wanna see this game through the very end. I finally lost a contain Italy war thanks the G*rmany. and my infamy is way down so it should be somewhat comfy. Also what does have the Sinia canal do? Me and England hate each other and I can go through it any time I want.
you shouldn't be able to go through it if you're at war with them
owning it also gives you a small buff
If I ever go to war with them again ill check.