Why are American Christians more devout on average than their European counterparts, Veeky Forums?
Why are American Christians more devout on average than their European counterparts, Veeky Forums?
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We're a new country with barely a little over 200 years of history, so we tied a powerful religion into our nationalist ideology to bolster popular sentiment
>you will never participate in a ridiculous evangelical ceremony and feel the TRUE POWER™ of the LORD® as a hundred members of your congregation cheer you on
why live?
Americans are the best salesmen on earth.
When they decide to sell Christ, they really sell that shit.
Catholics aren't Christian
There are European Protestants user.
whos that one baptist who thinks gay people should get the death penalty and that the holocaust never happaned?
Not anymore. Liberalism is an entirely different religion.
catholic charismatic revival is mainly found in the developing world not europe, and is an attempt to compete with growing pentecostal protestant sects
Stephen Anderson
He also says the bible (KJV) is God and Jesus was burned in hell
Also, that's not an exaggeration. He literally says that
There are liberal American protestants
why are they obsessed with this particular version of scripture?
Yeah the dude is a total retard, I remember seeing him in a debate with some Calvinist protestant who actually knew what he was talking about and he got BTFO hard
yeah,those guys popped up after more than 1500 years after Christ are the true christians
Yes, people who pray to statues of mary are following a false gospel and are anathema to Christ
The king james bible is used by every church here
Here's the debate in particular if anyone wants to watch it, it's quite long but it's pretty informative
Some entertaining shit though.
Because Protestants actually follow the bible while Catholics practice heresy. You would lose faith too once you see that child rapists claim to represent God.
>...Protestants actually follow the Bible...
Lying is a sin, user.
Not an argument kiddo, go back to worshipping Mary.
Because America was initially colonized by people who left Europe thinking that it was too secular. A lot of these groups still existed by the time of the founding and were established enough to be influential in pretty much every aspect of life.
I hope you aren't American
This is definitely part of it. The Plymouth colony was more or less a theocracy, after all.
Another part of it is the separation of church and state. European countries typically had (and still have, in a lot of cases) an official state church that lived on the state dole and used its leverage to suppress and sideline competing religious movements.
American churches, conversely, have always been numerous and diverse, and don't get much from the state except a tax break. They have to compete and adapt if they want to bring in the faithful. It keeps 'em lean and hungry.
yes but why?
It is the most beautiful English translation.
This is amazing
>ywn be American and see this stuff on tv
this is so strange, the sound effects lmao.
Pretty nice page. I decided to visit it a little bit and found out they are making a show in San Francisco. I'm seriously thinking of going there.
yeah but some of the fundies go as far as saying those who read other translations aren't saved, e.g. the anderson guy linked above
>one colony out of thirteen was ultra religious. Therefore all of them were
Because English is God's language and you are a heathen if you speak something else as a first language
I'm glad my grandma thinks the tribulation occurs after the rapture so she didn't end up getting scammed by this guy
Louder is not the same as more devout.
But they do. Compare it to "we will pick and chose what to believe in depending on the current cultural norms" that Catholicism is, where the Holy book is Holy until it's uncomfortable then it becomes a metaphor.
>Americans caring about the rest of the world
>Americans caring about the rest of the world
not even about Israel. The evangelicals just see their aid as helping lead Israel on the path to Armageddon
They think that God personally influenced the creation of it, so it's exactly what He intends it to be. Therefore all other translations are wrong and therefore heresy.
Quite why God took an active interest in the translation project of a relatively minor British king as THE one true version and didn't help out with the translation of any other version remains unexplained..
Where did you get "therefore all of them were"?
Gods chosen people then. Now it is Americans
>calls out Catholics for picking and choosing based on social norms
>in defence of protestantshow have gay female clergy and bishops because it's the current year
From your post. Most of the colonies had religious freedoms with rhode island and South Carolina having the most. Did you skip history class because this basic shit they teach here in the US
Evangelical protestants don't do that crap. And they are 85% of protestants in the U.S.
Because the cream of the crop of
religious fanatical freaks emigrated
to the U.S. And also half the country
used to think the bible condoned
slavery. Not a good mix.
If I should request one thing for Dr. White is please stop debating muslims (he's terrible at it) and only debate christians
we expelled our hurqa durqas to america.
The world wars happened in Europe. It happened in America too but it only benefited them. That tells a lot about who god likes.
>Jesus was burned in hell
dont orthodox people believe something similar? About Jesus going to hell and beating the shit out of satan?
>the legacy of the Renaissance and burgeoning Enlightenment lead most to seek a "more comely way of life" a la Pater
>Jesus freaks decide to go someplace untouched by the Renaissance and the Enlightenment (at that point)
just.. wow
Sounds like you are confusing Protestants with your Islam loving pro-gay pro-abortion disgrace of a Pope.
Sources are required.
Because they're more stupid?
Curiosity about evil in the Vatican needs to be piqued.
>following a false gospel
As opposed to following a book, but after learning that it doesn't agree with your religion, throwing away the inconvient bits and having arrogance to claim that the people who still follow these bits added them?
>pray to statues of mary
Nobody does this, or at least nobody following the teachigns of the Church on that matter
As opposed to following the orders of an "infallible" man and magisterium
it's God's church,Not mans.
Therefore anyone who believes in the teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church(many of which are anti-biblical), then you're not a member of the true church of God, no matter how vehemently you may claim to be.
Papal infallibility only applies to very specific decrees, not to the Pope as a whole.
Mary cults are big in Italy and Mexico
And when he specifically decrees you must take muslim refugees into your house, enjoy the results
There's also rules to what he can decree, rules that prevent your memeing from becoming true