Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Why is the FGC the most unwelcoming video game community for new players? No wonder fighting games are stagnating.
reminder to boycott snk
I want Caulifla in DBFZ!
because all you need to get to at least a competent level is common sense and patience. it's also never been easier to learn fighting games since there's a ton of information available online now.
Reminder to blame goobers every day!
I'm sure Extra Credits has a video explaining why
no more supershit please, you already have the fucking cat and that deviantart goku/deviantart vegeta/deviantart edgy goku/female buu
let me enjoy the game for a while, please
i HATE them
Melty Blood has some of the best doujins.
>when you remember all your shit with your main in a fighter you haven't played in months
I should've stuck with her from the start. I just wish I was good with her.
>When you face someone that shits on you so badly that it's less of a match and more of them getting clips in for a combo compilation vid.
truly the worst/best feeling.
under-rated post
goobers is irrelevant now since dooberz killed it off
who bitch dis
nemo vs itazan exhibition match when
i thought it was supposed to be today
What is the decent online warrior rank in dooberz?
wtf is gootecks doing
that chick on his stream has completed 3 chun trials in 3hrs
based irl bigbody chadizan making kusoGO1 and vappa seethe with his 20 MILLION JAPDOLLARS
so why are both games in EVO 2018?
GG has always been irrelevant but goobers are always to blame.
it's over nemo won 5-2
Wish I was Dizzy...
P5A when
>you will never have a husband like Ky
Why even live?
I almost fell for it
but then I remembered itazan uses abigail
nice try faggot
never ever.
ssjgssg 3
this costume is so hot
Rise is meant for fugs. It fits.
actually quite looking forward to SCVI desu
>tfw no flat slutty tofu merchant wife
I will play Blanka and there is nothing you can do to stop me.
So is she going to wear Kula's outfit in SNK Heroines?
Digimon fighting game when
i could only see digimon ever getting a gundam clone
try me bitch nigga
Renamon STINKS!
Name a better Melty.
i'm not digging dbz bros..... it doesn't let me express myself enough to stand apart from the average joe
All of them except Satsuki.
remember the vappa shit storm when abigail was revealed
remember how everyone was """"""""hyped"""""""" for geese and the blazblue cat while abigail was made fun of
well who's laughing now
I don't think I've ever seen a Jive player happy unless it's schadenfreude so I guess people who are enjoying the other characters.
New design is complete trash
>people who are enjoying the other characters.
nobody gives a fuck about geese or the cat any more lmaooooooo, it was literal fake hype from vappa
hey anyone remember noctic? lmao of course you don't
Same here, in Jive I could do my own thing and still win.
In Doobz I just look like every other fighter with a bunch of bullshit.
How do you pronounce arcueid
Seek help
Stand in front of you computer and spin around fast 3 times while chanting "wish I was Dizzy, Wish i was Dizzy, Wish I was Dizzy"
when you finish you will be
wish i was sin bros...
in fact i am seeking help, i'm begging randos for matches in the blazblue discord cos that's the only way i get to play lmaooooo
You sound like a bitter blazblue player falseflagging as a capcuck desu.
it's pretty easy to get games in GG/BB though
I've converted yet another person to Tekken from Jive
I will cleanse the world from Capcom
hello vappa
Sequel when
>"Son! How are ya? I heard ya won 10 million yen in one of yer game competitions an' somethin'?"
>"Uh.. yeah Ma, I did but.."
>"That's amazin' news son! I'll tell your pa 'bout it! And some of oer neighbors too! Why don'tcha drop by home sometime soon?"
>"Did ya git it to in yer account yet? Did they give you a check?"
>"I did, I did... but"
>"But what? That's great news son!"
>"Ma actually... uh... I didn't get mone-"
>"WHAT? Did those organizer sonsofguns get at it? Did that Doh-gura slimeball do-"
>"Ma, please! Dogura didn't do nothing, he's my frie-end"
>"Oh you and your little gooby friends WHAT ABOUT THE MONEY"
>"Then what the hell you get? Stocks?"
>"It's a... uh.... a... an online virtual currency"
>"Is it one of them bitcoin things? Don't worry son your dad can handle those"
>"No.. well, it's a currency but it is not a real curr-"
>"So it is a digital, right?"
>"Yeah, but.... it can be used to buy specific things on the-"
>"Like a coupon or a discount card?"
>"Yeah but..."
>"What can you buy with it.."
>"Uh.. costumes and-"
>"So it's only for clothes? Ah, that's bad but we might exchange it to money that way.."
>"No.. it's not for real clothes"
>"Zenny? Is that the new bitcoin or somethin'?"
>"It's an ingame currency... for a game called Dragonball FighterZ. I can use it to buy character costumes an- Hello? Ma? Ma? Hello?"
>*beep* *beep* *beep*
Why not just let him play both? It's just a game
Because Jive is not very good.
>you and your little gooby friends
I can tell how much care went into this post so here is a (you)
fucking vappa i swear
10 million zenny/10
>tfw nobody to snuggle up with on cold nights
Sometimes I wish I had a gf, just to cuddle up with.
The only thing people remember about that is the save destroying bug that only happened at the very end of the game.
It did almost everything wrong.
So who is the stronger DBZfag in all of /fgg/? I'm just curious. Go ahead, don't be afraid to stand up. I wont devour you for now.
just get a cat or something
but don't fuck it obviously
>The only thing people remember about that is the save destroying bug that only happened at the very end of the game.
wait, what?
Hi, Miss Akiha.
you could probably get a dog and actually fuck it without consequence
It's me
I'll destroy you in 5 days.
wish there was a good current marvel bros...
whoever has the most play time
There was an unavoidable bug in the second playthrough that broke the game, they had to replace every copy.
I don't understand this meme
Please tell me these designs are for a new MB that's been announced.
For now, remain obedient, as are my favorite pet.
Your FighterZ name. Do not be afraid, stand proud young warrior and speak loudly as you will soon learn the true meaning of fear.
I will look forward to your sacrifice.
Why do fightans games have so much fapbait?
they need to keep people interested despite shitty gameplay
>swiping right on every single profile
any tinder maons here who wanna give me some tips? im having trouble with the neutral game so im going full dash n mash rn
>aussie fgg
jesus dude
>Knows his errors
>Ask for tips
You humans are truly pathetic.
tfw playing on wifi and nobody can stop me
falke's theme is cute
>For now, remain obedient, as are my favorite pet.
Ok then, Miss Akiha, my best friend.
They're for the tsukihime remake and they are are years old by this point
Falke is the next character?