I'm really considering boosting a Human leatherwearer to fully live out my Human Druid mog life. Problem is I already have a Monk which fits the role better than a Rogue.
Dylan Cox
Ryan Rivera
Worship night elf ass
Angel Peterson
I can't decide on a class to main.
I have every class at 110 and none of them stand out to me.
Pls send help.
Ryder Carter
Suramar City
Tyler Sanders
>choosing your main my mage is my main whether I like it or not. always has been always will be.
Jaxson Brown
Nightborne's new crest
Juan Bell
what about the night elf rack?!
Ayden Cook
>Tfw only femworgens are holding the new Cata models back.
Man just give us the old alpha version with clean textures.
Ryder Wright
Chase Cooper
artifact appearance forms have been a godsend to bring to life Human Druids.
Jonathan Collins
Also important
Eli Martin
Alliance are only good for sex slaves. Discuss.
Christian Cox
>made half the glug post images but pin their origin on others
Bentley Long
Taurens are only good for their hides.
Adrian Morales
How are you playing the gorilla allied race already?
Dylan Murphy
>Proof that alliance are underage kids because this loser found his first character body morph mod and can't stop shitposting about it.
Jason Thompson
ay baby girl I got a stable in elwynn with your name on it. maybe we could sort something out.
a milk trade agreement? i give you my man milk, and you give me your booby milky for profit
the stormwind chad department is always looking for new breeding stock
Luis Smith
its not worth it
Carson Ward
>Tauren are the master race of WoW Fixed that for you.
All this Alliance salt because your women flock to the superior faction for sex and will betray their homelands for a real satisfying fuck.
Joseph Richardson
You should try modding Skyrim
Nathaniel White
There is a very real chance my dick is bigger and thicker than yours. Also I use all of my taur booby milk in my ice cream shop. It's pretty famous, called "Ice Cream Citadel" located in Org.
Carson Clark
I'm a fan of Asmonbald. Seems like he's enjoying life lately.
>Worked out >Talked to a girl >Enjoying Alpha >Cleaned his room
Keep it up boi
John Brown
Jack Brooks
That's a good idea, get that cancerous fuck out of the WoW general.
Luis Kelly
>I cannot dispute this established fact in WoW lore so all I can do is cringe at my worthless self for choosing the wrong faction. I should have bee on Horde, the winning side.
Evan Turner
Carson Ortiz
What alliance race for prot warrior?
>Male Worgen >Female Worgen >Female Void Elf >roll randomly from the available options >wait until bfa for more options
Anthony Barnes
im afraid that's not possible, upon graduation of the stormwind chad department our penises are molecularly altered. my size is no longer something to debate. it is x+(x/2) inches long
x = length of the largest penis within a 100 mile radius
Jaxson Russell
Kul'tiras human will be the undisputed best option. Dwarf is a good choice for stuff available right now though. Can't recommend worgen until they see a model update
Brandon Wilson
whats the illidan-us for alliance?
Michael Green
>MFW Alliance think they are "chads" Your "boy king" can pass for a woman. Just throw a dress on him.
Adrian Butler
>Having to dispute someones fetish fantasy of a video game on an image board. Horde, everyone.
Elijah Jenkins
1) How do you do that? 2) Am I going to get banned for it?
Tyler Barnes
Gabriel Campbell
Mods, and it's against ToS and definitely a risk. It's not really worth the risk of getting banned IMO, but the likelihood of getting banned for it is pretty low based on some anecdotes from people that have used mods for many years without any issues
Camden Hall
didn't they fire metzen? they killed off his mary sue self insert
Nathaniel Bailey
Metzen's main is a human Paladin on Uldum server. Next.
Luke Barnes
thrall? he's not dead and is back in the story for BfA
Juan Rivera
The fuck are you on about. Metzen plays a Human Paladin.
Alexander Wilson
I know it's mods, I was looking for a specific mod name(s)
Caleb Brown
Dudes always been a human paladin, this was known even when he was in Blizzard.
Kayden Gutierrez
It's funny because the Alliance heavy hitters like Malfurion and Khadgar are benched because wither one of them can wipe out the Horde. Horde is in such a bad state that they need to keep Thrall in play but he'll have a very minor role.
Kayden Williams
>944 ilvl >rejected from a maw+4 because i'm a frost dk mobility nerfs to other classes when
Blake James
Dumb Arkhaan.
Josiah Mitchell
>one of them can wipe out the Horde WOW lore is retarded but not this retarded
There are no superheroes who can kill entire armies
Go read up on Malfurion. You've seen nerfed examples of what Khadgar is capable of in game. Under the right conditions Jaina is also capable of mass genocide.
Michael Bailey
>Khadgar >alliance
Nicholas Adams
This. Khadgar is more like a shitposter from wowg with actual power. He trolls the fuck out of everyone and they can't do shit about it.
Owen Thompson
>mfw Khadgar is behind Gulpposting
Jason Hill
>MFW BG pops and it's time to kill the fuck out of the Horde for the glory and prosperity of the Alliance
he's literally sitting out the next expansion because he refuses to fight in a faction war against the horde.
Colton Price
Delete this right now. This is anti-horde hate crime.
Ian Jackson
He actually has an Orc girlfriend just like Medivh did in the Warcraft movie. He will be secretly helping the Horde for that sweet green pussy.
Carson Myers
Samuel Roberts
>khadgar claims to sit it out >cue 8.2 >turalyon and alliance champions are pinned down by an army of horde niggers >its looking bad >suddenly the orcish army is frozen solid >jaina? >"seems like they're... cool as a cucumber" >khadgar walks into view wielding atiesh >AZEROTH IS FREE!
Tyler Nelson
Still got my 110 boost. Do not have a Druid or Hunter anywhere near 110.
Brandon Davis
Why are there two threads up right now?
Jeremiah Long
Is Lieutenant Horatio Laine secretly Khadgar's son? What with all the one liners.
Christopher Nelson
Why are Alliance posters so cringe? I'm ashamed to be Alliance thanks to you guys.
Aaron Williams
Ayden Nelson
Hunter is easier to level
David Reed
Your pathetic attempts of misdirection will not work here kiddo.
Grayson Turner
was tempted to boost a new alliance alt but now I'm turning away from it more and more. Gilded Ravasaur is also way better too.
Nathaniel Hernandez
>He doesn't know he can use the Gilded Ravasaur on Alliance Good riddance. Dumb inbred trash like you belongs on the Horde.
Isaiah Gonzalez
>>He doesn't know he can use the Gilded Ravasaur on Alliance it's been patched for over a week you brainlet.
wait, so you can play worgen druid without ever seeing that horrendous dog form?
Elijah Adams
well leaving combat you will turn into a wolf but if you're quick enough and out of combat you can just revert back to being a human. A Guardian or Feral would never be caught in humanoid form unless you're performing an emergency heal.
Jordan Gray
wanna buy some drugs kid?
Matthew Edwards
Felwort completely useless for alchemists or what?
Easton Cooper
How new are you?
Jason Gutierrez
Why are night elves so superior?
Jack Hughes
Literal autism, I'm sorry friend
Henry Edwards
Fungus zombie allied race when?
Daniel Clark
>Elven women are for...
Dylan Sullivan
>tfw it will never be MoP again
Christopher Parker
Is getting bullied in highschool a prerequisite feat of strength for playing on Sargeras? Every single time there's 110s ganking low levels it's Faggot-Sargeras.
Elijah Richardson
Chase Ramirez
Why don't you main a void elf?
Brayden Jones
>make a hunter because i need a ranged spec to fall back on >end up loving Survival
Jacob Walker
Do you get the free Celestial Tournament pet for one victory if you do it on an alt who didn't do it before??
Kevin Taylor
>Worked out >Talked to a girl he's further ahead in life then most of us here despite coming from a similar background gotta give him some props
Hudson Ortiz
>Perfection doesn't exi-
Jeremiah Torres
I'd rather main a mildly stinky and all natural night elf instead
Brayden Johnson
Oops wrong pic
Robert Phillips
I really want to get into roleplaying but I'm too shy. I already know all the guidelines and I have a basic idea for a character, but I'm just too shy to do it. Any advice?
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
Luke James
>Metzen was always a human paladin player and just roleplayed a horde player to make some quick sales with all the two-digit IQ orcs and tauren around Impressive.
Connor Morgan
Luis Bell
Give some good gnome plate mogs
Thomas Hall
>WoD released 4 years ago
Anthony Morales
My ancestors :)
Landon Hill
>americans go to sleep >thread quality improves
Easton Davis
>Varian hated the Horde because of Garrosh >Ended up being on better terms with Cringevanas and Vol'Jin >Thought the Horde and Alliance were going to be good friends forever >Fagduin takes over, always wanted to unite the kobold peoples under one flag >Didn't even really hate Garrosh >THEOLDWOLF and his other subordinates manipulate him into having shit diplomacy >ramps up into what is now WWI levels of retardation on both sides >could've established an actual alliance and had the common trash of Azeroth getting friendly with each other, and wary of fighting their new friends they JUST fought with against the burning fucking legion >another pointless war because CRINGEMANE and Cringevanas need to make out or something