Hentai Games General /hgg/

H-Games General #1022

Fuck, Kill, Marry Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of 2D/3D H-Games, Eroge, and Nukige. Some popular games like Rance/Alicesoft (), Monster Girl Quest (), Honey Select (), CM3D2 (), and Artificial Academy 2 () have their own generals already, so please post about them there instead! Likewise, consider taking discussion of RPGs and ACTs to . However, all Western Porn Game discussion must be taken to !


Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:

Please pay your respects to our matron saint, Julie d'Aubigny.

>If you have to ask, it's not translated.

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>Recommended Games:

>/hgg/ Nukige Catalog:

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Games pending release:

>[KISS] カスタムオーダーメイド3D2 - 2018/02/23
Trial: mega.nz/#F!AdY3xDBK!VRzAc8VkmZVdZOeD0lbVfA

>[みるくふぁくとりー] もっと!孕ませ!炎のおっぱい異世界エロ魔法学園! - 2018/04/27

Games recently released:

>[ルネ] 巨乳プリンセス催眠 - 2017/12/22
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2382317

>[アトリエかぐや Honky-TonkPumpkin] お姉さん×SHUFFLE! - 2017/12/22
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2382319

>[CLOCKUP] 眠れぬ羊と孤独な狼 -A Tale of Love, and Cutthroat- - 2017/12/22
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2382316

>[ILLUSION] プレイホーム 追加データ+スタジオ 初回版 - 2018/01/26
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2390693
Pastebin: pastebin.com/u4p09Ere

>[ピンポイント] 彼女が野球部の性処理マネージャーに…~体育会系セックスで寝取られて~ - 2018/01/26
Download: sukebei.pantsu.cat/view/2390761

>[MOONSTONE Cherry] 妹ぱらだいす!3 ~お兄ちゃんと5人の妹のすご~く! - 2018/01/26
Download: sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2427916

Seems like the case.

>Not koikatsu edition
You had one job user.

It's shit.

I fucking love tall girls!

>tfw I'm a 5'5 manlet
>most of women in my life are 5'0 and lower
I didn't want the 3d whores anyway

When would there be a way to create a tall girl that just will come to you and familiarly push your face in her breasts starting an H scene.

What did you use to decompile it?

Why did I have to be born tall and also be into girls taller than me?

I just want to be pampered by a six feet tall redhead since I'm a 5'11" manlet. Is it too much to ask?

Tomorrow never comes

Forever weekend hype


saiminjutsu re


where the fuck are the koikatsu cards saved

The game has only demo version for now and it is out not for so long.
Have some patience.


thanks lad

Slow night in /hgg/

Its afternoon though

Its actually morning.

I want to raise her bangs and jerk off on her forehead

Heh. DMM is having a 50% off for Knee high socks

No, that's not thigh highs.

Actually it's past midnight so can you guys quiet down, I'm trying to sleep!

Or maybe we are from different parts of the world.
It sure is nice to know that eroge games unites us

please dont do that

why not?

foreheads are meant to be ejaculated on

Through dick, unity.

To be fair she is asking for it.

Why are we so dead?



Because the hgames can't fill the void inside.

It should be done right on her soft bangs.

That sounds very gay, user.
Still true though.

I was just looking at the pastebin, but just for the sake of asking, it isn't possible to update VNR dictionaries anymore?

>dying on the Lord's Day

It's already Monday here.

That's an evil thing to say


April can't come soon enough

The pastebins are pretty outdated, the VNR server is now run by ruskies.

I hope the animations are not too vanilla
I am not expecting gangbangs since the premise doesn't accommodate that, but hopefully there's lewd stuff

what game?

is there a way playing bunny black without the stupid dungeon shit?
i am only interessted in it as a VN and eroge

>Use web OCR to get kanji of error messages:
works perfect!

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but it's one of the only games with decent gameplay for eroge

seems about right

sugoi user-chan

no way. its terrible

i skip the whole dungeon but want to see the sex scenes in full

no one??? there has to be at least videos or something

You wouldn't have a wedding ceremony in a church with your own mother would you? She's just an old lady and the woman who gave birth to you.

Nah, I'd much prefer to watch her marry that fat hobo from across the street as she gives birth to my brother during the ceremony.

are there any hentai card games other than shadowverse?

Mom from 3>Mom from 1>Mom from 2

Why not just download a full save and replay the event gallery?

The story is more adorable than 1 but I preferred Natsumi.

I haven't played 2 yet.

>not liking blue hair megane mom
part 3's was more like an older girlfriend than motherly like the other 2

The mom from 2 had dumb glasses and didn't use the 'teacher' part enough.

Are there any other collaboration games like VH/RyonaRPG?

check dmm or nutaku

Not as long as she has short hair

ask 2d, they handle most of the rpg games

This was a more general question, doesn't have to be rpgs or even 2d. Like era games. So you know, just interested in other projects made by a bunch of autistic 2channers

but i dont get the chats then?

You said you wanted sex.

>i am only interessted in it as a VN and eroge
so only sex?
no game plus as overpowered?

when the FUCK is meikoku 2

Busy cutting content for a 3rd game

When they figure out how to make the plot work. The ending left them on a complicated note.


Didn't they just go off to confront Butcha-U's waifu?


The ending was all set up for part 2

Why have panty types become so predictable in games? Why must more aged looking women be confined to lace underwear and the like unless they are doing a specific activity like sports? Cakes in kuma or strawberry panties should be a possibility and not a gimmick. Also, there just needs to be more fundoshi in general. Many situations can arise from a fundoshi malfunction.

It's a cliffhanger ending. The entire point of the first game was to set up plot points for however many sequels this series will end up having. The most truest ending to part 1 is the one where he finds out that his harem has already been affected by the miasma and vows to cure it.

>the most truest
and you have to actively play like a retard to lose anyone to the miasma

There is only two endings to the game. Both endings are the exact same, the only difference is whether or not the MC finds out that his harem were corrupted during the break.

Are there any decent management games out there?

Is it possible to make them not have ayyy faces with sticker eyes?

Seriously every since this demo came out I might have seen one character out of the near forty or so that have been posted that actually has a relatively human-like skull. Some are even worse with no one looking at the character from a 45 degree angle left or right from their front and seeing that they have no cheekbones. Just a straight line from their jaw to their forehead.

Does the character creator not have a slider/option for that or are people this bad at making non-reptilians?

Not H related, no.

They're anime girls, dude.

The girls only fall into lust if you fuck up, that's why Nijou only tells you about it if it actually happens

I know what happens in the game, user. I was explaining the ending for those who didn't know. The girls fall to lust in the ending regardless of what you do.

the real reason there isn't a sequel if because nobody actually cares about the game anymore after they ruined every single girl with NTRshit in the 11th hour

You've already played them all.

3 D anime girls dude. It introduces elements that, when absent, gives a natural response to stay away from it. Assuming it's the fault of ILLUSION and their maker you'd think after the 3rd installment they'd have the kinks worked out but apparently not. Assuming it's the fault of the players, well you'd think after the 3rd installment they'd have the kinks worked out but apparently not.

The 2D girls, though most have deadly chins, have a structure that widens out from the jaw, peaks or nearly peaks at the width of their cheekbones, then continues to the top of the skull while maintaining the same width or barely widening out.

Abominations like these on the other hand keep widening out to the point at hinted mutation/deformaties. Just doesnt look right. Looks like an ayyy walking along saying "How do you do fellow humans?"

forgot to add this in my post
The last minute dialogue choices are the only things that truly matter in the entire game. The girls will fall no matter what and these choices will dictate whether the MC finds out by the end or later in the sequel.

>the real reason there isn't a sequel if because nobody actually cares about the game anymore after they ruined every single girl with NTRshit in the 11th hour
Nah, this is just you treating your beliefs as fact. The first game was always meant to be one of an at least two part series. The first game is dubbed as the "conception chapter" for that reason. It'll get here when it gets here.

Glad to know I can stop caring about ever playing Meikoku then, forced cuckshit can fuck off

Even if there's a sequel who cares, the "heroines" are all ruined now.

>being this autistic

>being this cold-blooded

At least Eri's still waifuable right

Nun and Butcha's waifu are the only girls from the main cast who are left clean. Eri knew more than she was letting on and Butcha's waifu is obviously the source of the fog.

Butcha-U's waifu was definitely taking dick everyday from other dudes

Never actually played Meikoku because of people saying it was NTR. Was it advertised as non-NTR or something? They didn't tag it on the getchu page which seems like a big fuck-up.

It's literally vanilla harem sex for 99.9% of the game and then at the end
>lol they were actually fucking other dudes the whole time
>also lol this one girl says her dad's dick is better than yours

It was advertised as a spiritual successor to Jutaijima with absolutely no indication of the ntr elements, which come at the very end. There are hints that they're fucking other dudes but they're pretty subtle and most people would just ignore them.

sounds like effective ntr

Was there butthurt from the japs that played it thinking it was just going to be vanilla harem?

Yeah, butcha got death threats