League of Legends General /lolg/

redditor soyboys that play healsluts and %hp dmg tanks should kill themselves edition

Old: eyosongive.us

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1st for my wife Annie

your post contradicts the image
i am confuse

Hi team ! Say something nice to your support for the game

garen isnt a %hp tank


his ult?

My nigga Zilean would probably be a professor along with the likes of Ryze and Malphite
Probably popular

>be mid/jungle player
>take a break from the game
>come back this season
>my top 3 favorites for both mid and jungle are garbage
t-thanks riot


at least they werent reworked in a complete other fucking champion thats absolutely fucking garbage

>the answers changed
what did he mean by this

Fuck that's hilarious
Got anymore?

xth for my wife Syndra

what is lulu "thigken" about?

There's nothing balanced about her. She starts at 550 range which is more then the likes of Lucian, and then scales up to have more range than Caitlyn. Her self peel and mobility is unmatched. I thought Lucian was supposed to be le playmaking ad but Trist is just better at everything he does. She has literally no weaknesses, you can pick her into anything, and you're so fuckign safe you have to actually deliberately plan out ahead how to throw the game. You'll notice in LCS the only time Tristana players lose is when they do s omething retarded like jump into the enemy team (happens all the time). Prime example right here: youtube.com/watch?v=rO04Kwot-Po

I play Trist when I can and she's fun but she is way too overtuned atm. Either they nerf her (probably revert the buff on Q and give her a slight range nerf at early levels so she can't just freely scale in all lanes) or they buff all other AD and I think they'd rather not buff all other AD.


>hurrr trist is everything bad in this world and ADCs and she can NEVVVVEER be balanced!!11one
except for the past 3 years up till mid season 7 where she was never an issue and always at a balanced winrate (except maybe during the end of old rageblades existence but that was1 patch)

Is there any support lewder than Soraka?

Where my Ahri posters at?

post your OP.GG if she's so broken

protip: you won't

It's almost like we're playing a game that constantly changes with patches and it's almost like Trist has recieved nothing but buffs in recent history that alongside other ADC getting nerfed has put her in a too favorable position. Holy fuck you're retarded or trolling so idk why I'm even bothering with you but w/e.
You're actually fucking retarded.

Post your emote loadout /lolg/

what a chicken, seems like she's not a free win after all huh?


then perhaps she was overbuffed retard
which by the way isnt even the case, they nerfed every other adc that outclassed or outbullied tristana to a point where she became a good option

you have no idea what the fuck youre talking about
go back to plebbit with the rest of the silver surfers crying about trist and zed nerfs


>Using emotes
Reddit incarnate

patricians finest selection coming through

This is Thresh. He turned 5 years old 2 weeks ago. He is still the biggest abomination even released and the only champion who can safely say his kit is one-hundred percent perfect and has no flaws or weaknesses to exploit.

Say something nice about him!

I don't waste money in this trash, even less in some shitty emotes. Tencent can go fuck themselves.

Can anyone explain to a shitter the item Adaptive Helm?

How specific is the effect meant to be? I can't tell if its taking magic damage reduces subsequent magic damage by 20% or if its like an exact spell like if you take the first tick of malzahar's dot the rest will do 20% less but his silence wall will still do normal damage.

either way what is the intent of this item? Is there any things to look out for like specific champs on the other team that make it a good buy over other tanky/MR options?

Then why hasn't he been meta for ages if his kit is flawless?

Emotes are a fun thing and refusing to use them makes you look like a bitter old person

there hasn't been a single period in the game where thresh was a bad pick as a support
only other support can say the same and that's janna


its good against ap damage dealers that rely on
>a spammable spell

think kogmaw, cassio, kayle,

Emotes are an amazing tool. I use my Lux emote for example to untilt myself. If I fuck up and die or get ganked and feel the tilt coming, I just throw the emote out and it immediately reminds me to stay positive. Instantly I begin to calm down and regain my level-headedness and focus on the task. Furthermore, it probably tilts the shit out of my enemies that haven't turned off enemy emotes. Its literally free mmr.


short reminder that EVERYONE has enemy emotes disabled anyway


Are the revel orbs worth it or should I just go for a golden chroma and icon?

What the fuck do I even use these revel token things for

did they fix the first win mission?

if there is 20 min left for it to begin again and i get in a game, win it in 30 min (so after it restarted), will i get the mission or do i still need to wait for it to restart before going into a game?

What is the consensus on fleet footwork vs press the attack for ADCs?

>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league. Warwick is a fucking killing machine with the right items.

Do you think the guy who wrote this has lunar ww now?

foreigner abroad in korea. what's a good/cheap website to get level 30 accounts for kr server?


there is a amethyst ashe there

I want to fertilize this plant.


So lets settle this once and for all, who is the undisputed after 1 hour endgame king?

Veigar, ChoGath, Kindred or Sion?

Started a game yesterday when wotd had 10 minutes until reset. Got wotd for winning that game.


>SKT 2-0'd KSV
>this graph shows up
Oh, Bang decided that his vacation was finally over?

fleet footwork is always better on pretty much every adc, and usually better on the 2~3 adcs that build lifesteal early


soyboy numales are the ones that like the %hp tanks and nu rito that ruined toplane so its the other way around
hashinshin is /our guy/

veigar is the only one of those that could easily kill all the others while going full tank with a deathcap

kindred sucks its only going to be bonus range.
if its a 2 hours game kindred wins by default because with 2000 range she can kite all of them


>hashinshin is /our guy/
The average hash viewer has less braincells then his penis size

nice try Riot Meddler
how about you get to work on that new keystone instead of shitposting?

Waiting for Star Guardian Ahri to go on sale.

>You're riot for calling it as it is
Then riot is smarter then they seem
Have fun trying to suck up to hash when he only has a 2 inch stick

>t.hash "i can only play jax" inshin

kindred can only get 250 bonus range at max from marks (750 max range since she has base 500 range)

chogath or veigar

>Get Spanish duo on my team
What gives?

>he feels threatened by the fact that a growing movement is trying to revert the teamwork ethos of league and bring back more 1v1 and individual skill components

Tick tock tank shitter, your time of afk farming and mindless initiation is rapidly coming to a close.

wife waking up soon, post shadow evelynn and other femdom champs/skins so i can get myself off and have an excuse not to have sex

are any of these worth activating (either really fun, or good to have) or should I use them for essence?

>there is actual hashinshin orbiters in this very fucking thread

olaf is fun

Play Tankko.

>he feels threatened
Can't be threatened with that 2 inch poker
More crying and rage then braincells

>get matched with a Yasuo, Vayne, Master Yi and Lux (support because she is too much of a pussy to play her mid) all on the same team
>everyone wanted to be the hero and get >muh kills
>we start losing because everyone is trying to 1v5 them like an idiot
>durrr why are we losing

Just another day in blind.


Listen here you mouth breathing puss sack if you bring back tank ekko i will have drawn and quartered then floss your innards out from top to bottom with razor hire.


he necked himself after they reworked ww and nerfed warmogs


delet this

It's too late. There's already a challenger playing it with 70% winrate, and it's really just as good as it used to be once they gave him FREE bonus AS at level 1.

>96 LP in Silver 1

just play and win buddy
It's not that hard

>tfw opened 37 capsules
>tfw 9000000 champions that you had to click on and change for BE
it took me almost 5 minutes and i got around 40k BE

Olaf top is fun. Jungle not so much

pls respond

He's right though.
Giving tank ability to shit out damage is retarded.

Cho Gath with his true damage is a travesty to the game design.

eve is dead

>Pretending you have a wife for pixel arr

gnar feels like a champion consciously made to be as unfair to the opponent as possible

he gets to be ranged with AD carry damage when it suits him (to win all 1v1 and shit on lane)
and then when he wants he gets to be a strictly better malphite with the best engage and counter engage in the game

Don't forget he's manaless so he can't be traded out of lane

Cho has been in this game loner then you have been playing clearly
How about you go and play HotS it seems up your ally

it's just riot pandering to gay audience

>have a wife
i actually do though. 3.5 yrs and counting
this might surprise you but sometimes when you're married you just want to wank

how to tell you are tilting the shit out of the enemy as soraka

>Making up a fake backstory for your lie
Really sad life you have
Try Bleach?


Right to the penis remarks always, odd shit. No matter which way you cut it with hash specifics aside it is clearer more than ever that the balance team and direction of league is all over the place and they have no clue what they're doing.

repeating "i'm married" isn't really making up a backstory, it's just repeating the lie, if you're convinced that i'm lying.
i'd appreciate help with my original post though, if you're done obsessing over my marriage.

>Every single game this weekend has had a troll in the game

Literally how?? I've played like 20 games.

This NEVER happens during work days