/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

Tell us your server and get a referral code (playtogether.worldofwarships.eu/invite/xJVYEw1) from a fellow /wowsg/ to get extra bonus credits/flags/XP and two free premium ships (one instantly, one after you play a T6 ship).

>Newbie guide

>0.7.0 update

>Battle of the North Cape Collection

>Captain Skill calculator

>Statistic tracker

>In-game chat channel:
EU Channel: "Official Veeky Forums channel" (by Varzov)
NA Channel: Search for "Veeky Forums" (by antibullyranger)
SEA Channel: "Veeky Forums"

[BOTES] on SEA - contact Erobeat
[BOTES] & [HOTEL] on NA - contact F22XRaptor, Greg, or JAKE_NS

Other urls found in this thread:


>Someone's invite code
>No EU clan
>No link to the previous thread
shit OP, kys

002 best girl

Mako is white

Why is HP falseflagging Tioga now?

Why are you namedropping in a new thread?


any tips for successfully mastering the saipan?

>you're not allowed to namedrop other namedroppers

Why are you playing the victim, HP?

Reminder clan wars today


no wonder /wtg/ disliked him on his first day there

Harry Potter


>info tab
>must keep same branch unblocked

Threadly reminder for new players to try to get at least to T6 in USN cruiser line. You can get free stuff pretty easily that way.

if Raptor gets kicked from Botes, can i take his place?

Even though this is a redditor namefagging thread for redditor namefags I still had to give new players this advice.


I was in botes once, it was awful. King finally bullied me to quit. He takes gear from me in tarkov too

What a terrible leader.

What happened to Jake saying "We're a social unicum clan"?

As usual, JakeNS is only trying to create drama.

Ask Banshi, he knows all about her.

>Raptor goes to the general to complain thinking that no one will realize its him


Why would that be Raptor?


yeah looks like him and his retard RIDF followers

>take out my new Musashi on a coop test run
>entire team is potato, comes down to me with our bot CV against their CV
>all the strikecraft focuse on me, I somehow mangage to dodge most of them in this shitty swimming barn
>the enemy CV is in range and spotted by friendly aircraft but doesn't render because FUCK YOU and our CV is too dumb to land a single hit
>end up sailing around until the timer runs out for a draw

Whait... user did you just loose a bot game?

>he hasnt seen (a part of) his Botefu in real life

What is this port called?

Isn't that the new port? Marseille was it?

>competitive focused
>clan leader doesnt say a word about one of the clan divs running a 7 rental groz div for literally 2 hours of CW

You sound upset, Raptor.

>be part of RIDF
>carry BOTES and nobody says thank you
>spammist/haruna pretending to be "bad" and losing games for BOTES, making it harder for RIDF to carry BOTES
>jakens threatening to kick raptor for doing nothing wrong

Great clan leader. We got a spot for you guys in SF-3 if you ever want to be in a clan that's not infested by Chinks.

Thanks SF-3 bro.

But the RIDF is dedicated to restoration of classic /wowsg/ and the destruction of the hated nu"/wowsg/" over run by redditors and sensitive ladyboys.

Always remember, the RIDF isnt just an organization, it's a way of life.

Why are you deflecting, JakeNS?

Sometimes you give them every advantage.

>it’s another raptor gets baited into making a clan that no one will join episode

>P-please don't leave us raptor, don't take all the good players from us, you're getting baited into doing it

He should, and the new clan's name should be KUMA. Fuck you and the Chinks.

he’s done this like three times now, what makes you think this time is any different

name the two times he did it, do it and stop deflecting


ZEON and the last time he tried to make his RIDF discord popular, a year ago.

It is and always was the joke of the Discord that Raptor has tried the exact same shit last year. Every time he's gotten banned, he shat up the thread with namedropping, shilled his shitty Discord and then begged the mods enough to get Luger to unban him when he got bored.

Raptor is a joke, a tired, overused one at this point, who doesn't understand how much he has overstepped his boundaries

Kuma is already taken

KNPAI, like 5 people joined. He’d probably get even less if he tried now with his buttbuddy gone

>RIDF discord a year ago

I can't wait to join raptor's clan, I've had it up to here with carrying the shitters in BOTES

>denying it
>Raptor has begged mods for an RIDF channel for months, advertises an official RIDF blocklist, and cried when his special snowflake tag was removed until Squid put it back on

>who's the most autistic member of le upboat snowflake club: the thread


Raptor only asked for an RIDF channel facetiously because dumb retards like kashi and stark get triggered very easily by it


welcome to the Internet

This one?

This is just embarrassing now.

Why is Arlios considered part of wowsg? You're right, it's very embarrassing.

Everything everyone says is super cereal, gotcha

It's 10 you dumbfucks. Get with the times.

>wanting raptor in his clan
You have to try harder than that, the guy who wants you doxxed isn't going to be singing your virtues anonymously in the thread.

In our prophet we believe

lix isn’t ike

t. inner circle

thx for cringe

Welcome, LunaticRed and Snoozing_Mako to the RIDF. You can collect your badges, free xp, and free premiums at the sign in table.

Lix is Ike.

>new wows account
>awful at the game
>equally mentally retarded and annoying
>got thrown into Haruna's safe space for autists on his first day

>more namedropping
You're supposed to at least pick people that still play the game.

who wins?

Lix is Umidoori
Unless you think Umi is Ike

>RIDF wants an autistic shitter chink like Lunaticred

Holy shit my sides

Lunatic is still playing WoWs, and so is Mako. Don't underestimate the power of those two's overwhelming autism.

>new wows account
what's his account?


I do


lunatic hasn't played the game in over a month, he quit after he failed to get rank 1 and the season ended

>he quit after he failed to get rank 1 and the season ended

i bet he started hitting his mom again, the kid is up to no good when he fails to get something in video games

nah he only raped her

i wonder which avatarfag is putting the reddit space in every one of his posts and also hates lunaticred, most based member of the wowsg community


I haven't played in over a year, last time I played germans had only just gotten a cruiser line. Aside from the fuckload of new ships, what has changed since?

BBs can't just sit in smoke and fire out safely
USN CVs got made slightly less shit than the IJN

So how do I join the RIDF?
t. literally who

This desu

pm Raptor#0022

Do you have autism?

Suck Raptor's cock when he asks you to like a gud boi



Nah nigger you can fuck right off.

No fucking shit.

>it's another Abru/Tioga makes le epic Raptard memes to make people believe he is popular episode

uhh so I'm new to wows and am looking for people to play with, can I PM one of you RIDF guys in game for divs?

F22xRaptor here, I love divisioning with average players. Hmu in game or on discord

t. Raptor

The RIDF is a beacon of hope for new players, or as we like to call them, futurecums.

Yea, this whole post is bullshit, Raptor hates playing with "average" players, hell he doesn't like diving with over half of his own clan. Why Jake hasn't kicked him yet is a mystery.

The only ship that overperforms really hard even if you get into a tier VII match in a tier V

why does he division with xMasc?

remember when he ragequit one of his several other non-BOTES clans because one of the other members there wasn't very good and he lost a game because of they were on his team, then spent like an hour sperging out in the discord about it and about them

How come he plays with someone like Neutral then?

you can just make stuff up

It seems strange to eat yogurt in the middle of battle

When you're RIDF, anything is possible.


Let me know when a real clan gives you a compliment, like [ZR] or [OPG]


>the RIDF can't into sarcasm


>NA clans were also overrun by carebears and sensitive normies like in EU
>RIDF is struggling against them

wtf I love RIDF now!