How bad are you guys at trading?

How bad are you guys at trading?



let's just say i'm very good at being very bad

I bought LTC ta $30 hoping it would continue on up

i traded my blue eyes white dragon for a friend's bent up shitty 3-star dinosaur

trading without considerable studying and analysis is WORSE than gambling because you have no idea the risks. at least with gambling you know your guna lose

i thought i was pretty good a month ago.

now i'm not so good.

I knew literally nothing about trading 5 days ago and have made 100% ROI just shorting shitcoins.

I've done very well (up >70% this year), but I do stupid shit pretty often. I am getting out of trading as soon as I close my current positions. I can't handle this shit sometimes and with the small amount of money I have, it's not worth it.

I am so sorry you had to see one of the shittiest Finnish memes of the 21st century

does browsing Veeky Forums qualify as research?

>got on RGT a year ago
>start trading for the first time
>double my money in 60 days
> "oh wow this is easy"
>It's now 1 year later and I am up 5% on my original investment


Fuck this I'm just going index funds

>tfw bought stellar lumens at its literal peak and lost 33% on it since then

how many trades do you make in a day? or a week?

are there any more of this specific pepe archetype?

i like it.

went all good until etc went full retard and i kept telling myself it was just a little dip, every day for a week and a half long lmfao

I don't understand how you lose money on crypto. All you need to do is just wait until some high volume coin that has low marketcap and low circulation to not show any movement for a few days and it'll spike 30-50% out of nowhere. Easiest $2500 - > $10000 in 2 months I've made in my life

Stop buying at market value and start setting buy/sell orders at reasonable ranges and you'll actually make money if you just forget about it you neurotic faggots

whats your opinion of golem right now? I think it's gonna do this

Do your own research instead of asking some guy on a Japanese cartoon image board


OR how about you don't be a faggot nigger and help him if you can? Anyone who is on Veeky Forums suffers from some level of autistic social retardation, some of us can fake being normal it in the real world and others can't. This is an oppourtunity for that basement dwelling loser to maybe make some money, it could be the best thing in his life, ever. Don't let fi-bros take everything, give the NEET a bump of self-reliance.

Or just buy Ripple and soar into lamboland.

>Or just buy Ripple and soar into lamboland.

nice attempt at a subtle shill

also, fuck xrp

but it is I who is the shill! buy gnome damnit

gnome? wtf that's it I'm getting in my lambo and filling it with exhaust

whenever i try to do an unknown company i always get assfucked. Luckily goog, aapl, amzn, make everything all better.

apu apustaja

You guys will never be as funny as the fucking retarded pajeets on troll box trying to shill in broken english

i dont know how bad i am yet. probably pretty bad. i just put $1500 into eth and gnt, even though i can barely afford it. i just have to pretend i dont have any crypto until i remember about it like a year from now and hope its appreciated

I'm retarded senpai,

I bagholded lepen. Bought in at 9sat for 3,500,000 coins back in march. Saw it rise, saw it drop, saw it rise, saw it drop. Now here we are at 3sat and I think I'm just gonna go down with the ship.

How the fuck can you guys be bad at trading when everything is going up? I've only had maybe 3 investments out of 40 fail on me. One of them is POSW btw.

I've been trading with a viability test amount of 1 BTC trading since jan 12th prior to this I was previously a long term holder who would fuck around with shitcoins occasionally and not trade no where near as often. All I did was buy token amounts every weekend I'd spend about £80 - £100 a go.

+56% BTC appreciation from trading so far.

The funds value started at $802 and is worth at present $2445 - +204% USD appreciation.
My only regret is that I didn't put more in but I will begin my next 90 day trading period in a few days with a bit more capital including some invested by friends of mine (including 2 people from Veeky Forums actually). It can be done.

You're an idiot if you think posw has failed.

Learn to hodl

>Chinks proceed to pump POSW
>Chinks dump

What risks are there besides losing?

I'm about to jump in with $150 and little to no knowledge too. You just buy low on the Shit/alt-coins and making out quick into fiat?

i'm a full blown retard.
i literally cannot stop buying at ATH.

It's hard to profit on days like today when bitcoin goes up while you aren't looking.

>hype up because of ETH's increase from ~50USD to 90USD
>buy at a peak

I bought one bitcoin at 1000.
I panicked and sold the dip (due to 2014 flashbacks).
I decided to ignore it completely.

>i did this
how can i stop being such a fucking retard?

Just kidding, I did buy in again, until the second wave of paranoia struck. In the end, I went from €1000 to €666.06 on fucking Bitcoin in fucking early 2017. Then, with the blessing of Kek, at least I doubled it with Ethereum...

bought XRP at 0.1344 Eur
its crashed to 0.09 since then

hah, bought 1/3 what i own at the literal ATH

you're retarded and deserve the losses coming your way

I'd say I was consistent. I don't get huge pumps but I consistently get profit week in week out and it slowly but surely compounds.

Generally biz's style of trading is more akin to gambling, buy stuff in the hopes of it being pumped.

Really, good trading is more like being the casino, if you have ever seen the profit graph of a 0.1% house edge.

You identify a high probability situation and using a decent risk management strategy you grind this situation thousands and thousands of times while your account slowly compounds.

I'm not talking about grampa investment compounding speed, I mean like 50 - 100% per month which is slow by crypto standards.

I started with 1.9 BTC, currently have 1.6 btc.
I'm very bad.

Tried trading with small sums yesterday, made 20% profit in 6 hours, and then xrp crashed and now everything else with it, -10%.

How the fuck do you know what a ROI is and what shorting is? Did you read the instruction manual?


On topic....

I bought half a Bitcoin a few weeks ago, A couple of days ago at the Alt coin peak (STR/XRP specifically) I had 3.5 BTC. Now I have 1.1 BTC.

I'm still up on my investment but have made huge losses in the last few days.

Because they used the "buy and hold in a bull market" trading technique. Unfortunately now everything has crashed.

Maybe that's not such a consistent trading technique.

Bought 8.5 eth at 94$ some days ago

how are the finns so strong at meme creation

is there any reasonable explanation for this?

can someone explain crypto shorting to me? If you're wrong, and the price moons, what happens? What does the exchange do?

+ surfing the internet all year

you lose your money, if it goes too far in the wrong direction you lose the game.

They just close out your account and seize the funds?

look up the term "margin call"

I want to cry every night.

> "Guys just buy stuff that looks like it's going to go up"

Hi bullmarket newbie.


Ha, I've done plenty of these. In fact I ALWAYS take profit too early. No matter what in trading there is always something to regret, its better to focus on profits and the fact that even though you took the risk you locked in your profits.

are u me

I buy at the top of pumps and then sell after they dump

You'll be fine in a month or so, I remember buying at $50 and feeling like this for a while.