/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>finally getting good at the last stage
>boss switches to the pattern I'm not good at
>still get a perfect
Fuck you Sophia

>L'Arachel gets added
>starts getting drawn alongside Eirika and Tana again
I am glad.

Code Name S.T.E.A.M 2


Does merging a blessed unit into a non-blessed unit give the non-blessed the blessing?

Rape me Ayra.

Why do you play in gookrunes?

I use it for porn

So what's going to be the reward for clearing 100 floors of the dungeon?

I'm not expecting anything good, but why would IS bother saying you should clear it otherwise?

only winners allowed in this thread

Think /feg/, who was the last 5* you summoned?

That character is now your sexual partner for tonight

I just...What?

Someone stop me. I am about to dump a whole lot of SI in a single unit just to check if she's able to solo Xander Infernal. And I don't mean 3 units buff + she attacks. No I mean actually 1 vs 6.


>Xander infernal is har-

Loki is my wife


>Hinoka’s Spear gives her Siegbert’s sword’s effect (near fliers and infantry)
>Camilla’s Axe will give her Shiro’s naginata’s effect (near fliers and infantry)

Clarine, free summon this morning.

...would've liked a male partner more, or a dominant female, but it's alrighty I guess.

Thanks lad

Armour boots seal is the only new thing in the datamine. If it's not that, it'll be something generic, like orbs or feathers.

I know what im doing when tapbattle is over


Voices are better


Fucking Valentine's Eliwood in the middle of the festival! Making him release long lewd moans where his son can hear them! Making him limp around the festival afterward with cum running down his thighs!

Please no, I couldn't handle that.

>almost at 20k feathers
>want to know what the GHB is before I give my -atk Olwen blade+
Come on IS I want to give my noodle Olwen something nice


She just has to take everything I love away from me, doesn't she?

Nephenee. I'm 100% ok with this.

Why doesn't /feg/ have a GHB support group? Sure there are normie guides on YouTube and reddit, but I feel like we can make better ones instead of just shitting on each other for having difficulty with these modes.

This is a veiled plea to spoonfeed me infernal Xander


>retard does retarded things
Shocker. Isn't this the guy who burned all his olivia merchandise because his girlfriend felt threatened?

thoughts on my myrrh build? Got her with +spd/-atk and im trying to build around her. Im also gonna group her with VIke so she'll have def tactics and Ephraim will give her +4 on all stats

> +Atk LA!Hector



Mods pls ban all Twitter links thx


git gud bitch

Fuck off with your shit-tier pairings.

>Valentine's Hector

Stone-cold retarded

>Technically second in a row, back to back

>L'Arachel still hasn't got the horse cock from our guy Boris yet

I made a somewhat reasonable guide for the cav quest


everyone ignored me though

I want to breed Feh.

Reminder that there are no new characters or anything in the datamine, so unless we get an update tonight the reward for the dungeon is just going to be 1 orb and a blessing.

i can't possible imagine why they'd do that

>everyone ignored me though
Gee. I wonder why.

Any way I can salvage this run?

I realized that Rhajat will be useless against Ursula.

Heard you were talking shit.

Well, she's quite fluffy

I am okay with this.


>still giving the spic (You)s
Fuck off



>1. Ike, the Vanguard Legend (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
>2. Hector (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade)
>3. Tharja, the Ordinary Girl (Fire Emblem Awakening)
>4. Azura, the Lady of Ballads (Fire Emblem Fates)
>5. Ike, the Brave Mercenary (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
>6. Female Corrin, the Novice Vacationer (Fire Emblem Fates)
>7. Myrrh (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
>8. Ayra (Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War)
>9. Azura (Fire Emblem Fates)
>10. Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening)

Why did Lucina drop so hard?

Please help me win the armour quest. I don't have armour march or any ranged.

Usually people ask for help and are told to post barracks and stuff.
Sometimes it ends well, but often it needs to drag onto the later days. These one-day GHB might need to cycle once or twice for people to start feeling helpful.

What blessings have you used so far, and who have you given them to?

I've been hoarding mine, but I think I may finally give 1 water one to Ayra now that we know the new mode will force us to use them anyway, and we're getting a few more extras from maps and quests now. I'll hold the rest to see more info on the new mode and the next legendary hero first.

>Camilla's prf weapon: Camilla's Axe
>12 Mt
>+2 res
>After battle, str/spd -2 for one turn
>Refine: Axe Valor: If unit survives, all axe users on team get 2x SP.

>Ike in range

suddenly getting pity broken by her doesn't seem so bad

Cordelia. S-she looks bored already /feg

It's cause I'm brown isn't it?

>bow Lyn

Gee thanks

What's with this Idol Tiki I've been hearing about. Would they ever put her in a skimpy one piece swimsuit and let her perform infront of hundreds of horny men and women.

You think we can coax the cute hick into a threesome?

How's +Spd / -HP on Ninian? Got her from my free roll.

Also, what build works best on her?

load up on wards and let BK kill everything

>summoned LAHector last night.

People realized a neutral IV Lucina is the same thing as Masked Marth, which we've been given 6 copies of at this point.

That's because anyone with half a brain filters your faggot ass. If I weren't on my phone you would even get this (You), so cherish it.

While I'm here btw, please kill yourself, seriously.

time to die

>Axe Valor Refine
As usual, mommy is only good for her milkies.

Lucina is shit fodder

You only have yourself to blame if you didn't pick her as the free hero, she's ridiculously broken in PvE content


Hope you have vantage on ike


>just luckshitted a Kagero
I'll take it.
Also finally finished Xander's map with armors after probably 20 tries. These quests are a crime.

>has a dancer
>still fucks up positioning
How the fuck do you fall over when using a bike with training wheels?

Reposition Ninian towards them and hope for the best, or they'll just KO Ike

user no

Sonya is my wife.

He good enough? Took awhile to get where I want to be.

Horse buffs are insane though.

Specific build on BK?

>free lancina rolling for ninners today
at least I get the lucina that can handle lances the best

>+2 res
That's too OP. Give her +4 HP instead.

he's pretty hot so i'm okay with this

Playing and shifting around with my units and planning around all sorts of shit these elite GHB quests throws at me has been some of the most fun I've had with the game, but I absolutely dread the upcoming Ursula quests.

Femui, Masked Marth, Peri have Earth Blessing

It really sucks that Ursula and the green cav share the same range cause otherwise I could just park Lyon in range of the dagger and green cav and be done with most of the big threats.

Everyone told you to pick her as the free unit.

/feg/ may have some autists but none will compare to serenes

I think she'd be down for it anyway.

>Brave Ike
but he isn't gay