>Monster Hunter: World -MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead. ↳Balance patches? In my Monster Hunter? capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/08 ↳Kiranico has been updated to include World. ↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/
>I have a question! pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
kiranico.com/ Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
>Where does Veeky Forums play? In World, post a room ID. Squads also work, and should be listed soon. Create or find a 3DS Gathering Hall using passcode '7243' Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering 4U, Target: Fishing
I thought nips were supposed to be good at games? What the hell happened?
Joseph Walker
Josiah Hernandez
Charles Myers
>What the hell happened? You've been an idiot
Sebastian Collins
*upswings you* *carts thrice in a row*
Jace Parker
Let's get this shit started
Carson Smith
Arena room kdGvLLmjpYx
Nathan Gomez
>tfw Frontier was ported to Xbox 360 and Vita before considered for the West. Monster Hunter is the Call of Duty of Japan, the good players just play solo for sick speed kills and we are left with the rest.
Brayden Cruz
Lucas Robinson
>broken english
stop being mad jap
Lucas Edwards
>Making a new thread when the last one hasn't even gone to 850 and is still on page 5. Shiggity-diggity-doo
Zachary Campbell
I just figure the disparity between audiences is that western mh players are hardcore autistic weeb gamers and the Japanese ones are children.
Angel Gomez
For a challenge, I'll kill the Kirin with just the capture net
Asher Lopez
I'm a GS main and I NEVER use upswing. I sometimes used the O O O combo though. rarely.
Alexander Ramirez
Read a book
Bentley Price
is there a bazel plush i want one of this motherfucker
Joshua Wood
Did you really think all japs were gods who could kill 140 monsters in less than 5 minutes?
Luke Edwards
Asher Diaz
>have 3 hazak gems and 0 fangs
Is this what suffering is?
Gabriel Cox
Getting World today, I'm gonna be the best Hunting Horn player I can be.
Isaiah Adams
Yo, delete this?
Jeremiah Hernandez
>Hunting Horn user...
Cooper Johnson
world has lazy weapon designs, this is known.
Juan Long
Jokes on you. I just spam triangle-circle-triangle-circle
Kevin Ward
Anyone up for some 4U?
Hunting g-rank brachy and rath
ID: 29-7469-4619-6353
Adam Rogers
Fuck Kirin
Ethan Price
It's a hammer with more range and amazing buffs. Literally hammer but good.
Anthony Richardson
Carter Clark
Is there a food guide on where to unlock shit yet? Are these fished up possibly? I am HR70 so not sure what i missed to get these 2.
Josiah Butler
What's up with Japan and absurd res food? I swear watching japanese media fattened me way too much from the hunger inducing dishes those fuckers make
Daniel Bell
I've been playing Monster Hunter for a decade, if there's anything I learned it's that every weapon is viable.
Benjamin Green
i want BLOOD IN MHW!!!!
Ayden Murphy
So am I not supposed to be abl to beat Diablos if he's one-shotting me.
What do I do. I'm still very early in the game, not even 3 hours
Dominic Robinson
Sorry, I thought it was an event arena quest room. Didn't want you to wait for me, so I left. Best of luck!
Leo Clark
What kind of sick person lies like this on the internet.
Isaiah Lopez
Where's that squad info at though
Leo Scott
>upswings you >you mount the monster
Ryan Hall
Name a worse fight than Kirin
Charles Williams
I want to make the Diablos bow
Is Weakness Exploit mandatory?
Parker Wood
>without warning you fucking clowns and your victim act I could see it coming a mile away. the fact everyone was going "ZOMG SLICING S IS BROKEN MAKE THIS SHIT NAOW" should have rung a few bells along with the fact that already released other game patches there's nothing wrong with having fun with overtuned game mechanics, but don't base your livelihood around it. Have some goddamn integrity
Brayden Watson
Aiden Allen
And I'm gonna film it and post here as a speed up webm
This is my ultimate revenge
Brandon Smith
Should I get 4U? I've been holding off because of the 3DS controls, and World finally roped me in. Are they really that bad, or is it a minor gripe?
Joshua Turner
>have full effluvium res >still take chip damage from it what did capcom mean by this?
Ayden Reyes
Lucas Wright
>bow has -30% affinity >skill gives huge bonuses to affinity What do you think?
Dragonking Eye patch will give you enough.
James Garcia
specfic nodes during upsurges
Mason Martinez
Xeno, but only slightly worse than kirin.
At least kirin has a somewhat reasonable amount of hp.
Anthony Cook
>join some xeno SOS >frenchie carts twice but he learns his lesson and we nearly kill him >we cut off the tail and braindead double blade decides he needs to get the multiple carves off of it before boss dies >gets one shot by the belly flop explode attack REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
John Ramirez
Only way Vaal can even hurt you
Dylan Perez
Oroshi Kirin
Ryan White
Early-Mid Gunlance HR set I clowned together last night and finished today. Damascus alpha helm and gloves, Bazel beta chest and Anja alpha pants and boots.
I've killed around 12 diablos and it didn't drop a single majestic horn. I need 2 to upgrade my armor, what the fuck.
Ryder Flores
How does everyone have Elementless Jewels for their build? I haven't seen a single one. Or really any good decorations at all.
Parker Collins
Without the effluvium damage the fight would be a complete fucking joke.
Nicholas Lopez
>Vaal wheezes >get stunned
nice game
Christian Bailey
>3 hours in >already on diablos if you are new(bad) enough to die to diablos with early equipment, do the optional quests, retard
Chase Perez
WE is mandatory for literally every weapon
Cameron Gutierrez
>tfw Monster Hunter World gave you a reason to live again
Nathaniel Evans
Are you remembering to actually break his horns?
Elijah Smith
How often do you play 4U? I made a new character several months back, got to G crown and stopped playing because I had basically nobody to play with.
Henry Scott
Holy hell, do investigation monsters hit harder? Nergigante on this Investigation just 1 shot me while I'm at 374+ armor.
Isaiah Jackson
MHW is great but in the end it made me want to import MHXX I think
Wyatt Edwards
I hate Khezu Wow three fucking attacks. Shriek, paralyze and waddle like you're gonna drop a fat turd loaf. No music. Wow he has no eyes. Crazy it's sooooo cool oh wait this is a Japo game. It's got no eyes because it's a literal fucking penis. Veins and all. And you know, they fucking dismiss Gigginox over this actual god damn downgrade.
People who like him also say gen 1 pokemon were the most original, ignoring the fact that one design was literally a pokeball with eyes.
Carter Peterson
He's just wandering around during expeditions. I wasn't sure if I should be capable of beating him yet. I literally just arrived to Madagascar/Tasmania and I have no idea what I'm doing
Austin Roberts
>need some LR monster parts >no Investigation >no SoS
Oliver Edwards
>tfw it gave me a reason to live for a week >then i finished it
Jackson Mitchell
Just ignore him
Ryder Young
Yo, I'm trying out MH3u+Cemu, thanks to recommendations from the thread.
I have a serious problem, though; Whenever I start the game, if a character is already made then the opening cutscene looks garbled and the game won't show anything other than black. If I clean the save, than it works again.
Any ideas?
Jace Martin
>first time fighting Vaal >stay in the air the entire time as IG >bro on his second attempt using Gunlance joined >no carts that was so much fun
Brandon Butler
Jacob Wright
Christopher Green
Colton Sullivan
>Get a Divine Blessing jewel to drop from quest >Accidentally sell it
Jacob Martin
zorah magdalos
Cameron Morgan
What do I have to do to get Bazel quests? Just research his tracks a bunch?
Nolan Lopez
Would you rather 3 silver boxes or 2 bronze and 1 gold?
Kevin Perry
I would try to fit in regular Blademaster stuff, it's a huge chunk of your damage.
Brody Rivera
whats a good raw hammer and full armor hammer set for it in mh4u
difficulty isn't an issue Im just bored of my weapons
Grayson Johnson
Set-piece fights don't count.
Aaron Gutierrez
Problem is I have basically no decorations worth anything
William Peterson
Yes. The horns breaking are more of a consequence of the fight, I don't even have to try as it just happens.
William Ortiz
Go on an expedition then you fag.
Christian Long
>go on expedition >break 1-2 parts >monster runs aways and flies off whatever zone you are
Xavier Lee
set the argosy to bring back materials if you haven't already. It brings me majestic horns from time to time.
Charles Jenkins
You could just run the optional quest instead of screaming like an autistic person
Brandon Green
>fighting tempered elders for the first time i thought monsters were supposed to do no damage
Landon Johnson
Get good? There’s no excuse, user.
Follow it and kill it fast enough that it doesn’t despawn maybe?
If you’re bad at the game just join someone else’s expedition and all of you wail on that motherfucker.
Bentley Richardson
Steve with garuga armor.
Nolan Cruz
Everyone forgets about Apex Tidal Najarala and I'll tell you why Because nobody fucking fought him knowing how godawful it would be
David Roberts
Diablos/Black is my bane on this game
Evan Jenkins
If you can't fucking kill a LR in an expedition when you're in HR then you're doing something very wrong.
Cameron Cruz
>this retard can literally kill himself
lmao at first I thought it was a coincidence and some shaka attacked him as he exploded but this is the second time
Grayson Lee
How much damage am I losing for not having Agitator?
I can put together a set with 6 Attack Boost and 3 Weakness Exploit that looks cool and also gives me a bunch of Handicraft, but there's no room for Agitator. Is that basically just me shooting myself in the foot?
Adrian Davis
Samuel Young
>have divine blessing >it jingles a million times a minute
Noah Bennett
Seriously? Thanks for the tip man, doing this now
Christian Baker
Do you think anyone has ever crafted some obscure weapon trees all the way to the end such as the Deathfang Gunlance III, Fire and Ice DB or the Quickquiver Kirin HBG?
You could be the first to make them.
Gavin Martin
Where should I be aiming against Vaal with a GS? His head is out of question most of the times an his tail is too high