Aatrox rework when edition
old thread
/lolg/ Legal Legends general
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
Xth for qt petite lewd punk gf
Why is Jinx the best girl for cuddlefugging?
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
Thank your supports
xth for my wife Syndra
who do you ban every game and what placement are you?
Is it physically possible to pull your dick out of Jinx if she doesn't want you to?
xth for
>plat games
>watch someones stream
>has his winrate on stream
>its 56%
at least your brand buys ward item
>gank bot
>get two teammates ahead
>get two enemies behind
>gank mid or top
>get one teammate ahead
>get one enemy behind
Stop fucking coming top holy shit, literally easy maths tell you to fucking camp bot.
You know what else is bot?
Dragon! Tower! Also farm!
Give me back my island, I want to win games, not lanes.
xth for unjustified perma ban
But it's so easy to camp his ass and have my top laner run a truck down the lane that the enemy team needs 3 people to stop. my ADC is a fucking monkey anyway, he'll find a way to feed his ass off in the end no matter what I do
>no irl jinx gf
Just lost a ton of ranked games in a row and now im back at g2 0LP ask me anything
>Picking and banning
>Didn't notice that I'm bot instead of top
>Ask for top
>Dude picks Annie adc
Its a sign. I'm staying Gold 3, this year. Fuck this shit.
i became a toxic shithead loligee
i used to be afraid to play ranked games cause i didn't want people telling me that i suck, but now im the one saying it to other players
i just hate every single motherfucker in this game and i often tell them to go kys when they're feeding. i know it's wrong but goddamn, having an 9/19 adc on your promos is frustrating as fuck
how do you guys deal with tilt
Probably, but she wont make it easy.
Yeah you're right.
Good thing they already got three of their own feed off your monkey bot, so you're back at square one.
you don't, you become the tilt
you've hit the wall, either you stop playing now like any sane man or you warp yourself
>no irl sona gf
Braum's puzzled look is exactly what such a bizzare request deserves. Damn social supports, can't even take pride in their role on their own. You are no real support.
>corki will get package
>and we will melt them like jews
>melt them like jews
my sides
Play a proper game instead.
protip: its not overwatch.
To be honest this is actually bretty funny
>want to play with friends and have fun and do the le ebin voice chat strategies
>am an anxious awkward autist who has no friends and is scared of people
It's worth it just to tilt the top laner. Even if I lose I still got my fun out of it so whatever.
I don't chat.
Mute everyone, only communicate in pings, listen to Nujabes to calm your ass down
i've spent too much money on this game to stop now
i'll embrace darkness then
Are you me?
yeah wanna play with urself
>play with friends
>they're shit
>rage at them
every time
Holy fuck i hate that bitch...
One of the few champs i have PTSD from laning against
Mute all. Play selfishly. Pretend that the rest of your team are bots.
When I play top I usually tell my jungler to ignore me when the game starts. Usually they do and I hold up my end of the deal by not dying and outfarming my fight island partner. The one exception happened last week:
>tell j4 jungler to ignore top and get bot fed
>he says "sure"
>ganks for me anyway at level 3, 5, and twice at 6
>clean kills every time
>mfw I'm 4/0 and teleporting bot
>tfw i dont even care if i lose
>i finally understand why people int in games
>i have started inting if i think my team comp will lose
Nah it's 3am in my timezone, dear me.
Maybe another time
>tfw you've been rusty on your main recently
Post them
i know im a little late but
>the doublelift virgin
>the rick fox chad
Wow. Galio plus Camille is a disgusting combo.
just fucking giving up and punishing 4 early teenagers and teaching them a lesson may be pathetic, but it sure is cathartic
>this is fucking hilarious
>riot banned a guy who potentially made someone actually smile while playing league of legends
but of course the 0/8/1 yasuo who spent the second half of the game following the jungler around because he "didn't gank enough", he doesn't get punished. But at least he didn't call me a nigger! Oh noes!
>mfw reading the Zoe nerfs
Holy shit, Riot does it again. Nerfing something into beyond uselessness. She's going to have the absolute lowest winrate of the game.
hahahah hahha aa hah ah ha hha a aha a a h hah ahaha
what in the ebic fuck
Sion's a support you dumby
she the fuck up sonyfriend
>enemy has zero tanks and no cc
>4/0 kayn goes red
>enemy has a million tanks and shitton of peel
>5/1 kayn goes blue
>both of them shittalk their team as, surprise, they end up falling hard after the form swap
I hate kayn players so fucking much they have no fucking clue how their own champ works
Yeah, now think about it when Camille was OP pick ban
It was fucking horrible to watch TSM abuse that shit every game and somehow still lose
the best part was in the thread there were people suggesting their own nerfs like she needed more lmao
Zoe absolutely gutted, no waveclear means no play. No exceptions.
Maybe now I can actually play with my loli feet.
you become the 9/19 triple IE building feeding draven so you can laugh at how upset people get over online children’s games
>expecting certainlyBroken champs to be anything other than overloaded or unplayable
tippy toppest keks for (you)
I may have a problem
I have a second account on the side I play seriously on so it's not bad. but man, people need to learn how to play, I'm not spending 30+ minutes with our team only have 4 kills combined.
If you guys see Riven tell her not to go top next game!
>That Braum Q
Just like my bronze games!!!
I want to fertilize this plant.
>Trying to invade a braum
What fucking elo
>European midlaner saves CG's playoff chances
I've seen plats do it.
watching aphromoo on a team with a bunch of people who were all clearly like 5 years younger than he is made me feel old as fuck, were like the same age
your name oh my god
I want to fertilize you
>Ever not invading
You have to be a fucking mouthbreather to look at all 140 champions in this game and think to yourself "I want to pick THIS nigga"
Reminder to cum inside your support!
I don't like other champions
I miss the old biscuit
Log off
I'm assuming you really like Lamb Booty. And Nami.
Jhin is very hard to play in this current meta. I hope you wont that game.
I'm a jungler normally but I've been trying to get better at the shooting.
I will if she's Lunar Mommy
That's an old game. Look at his biscuit.
What other girls do you want to see as Star Guardians?
I will respect my support by cumming inside her!
I will protect my support by not letting anyone else cum inside her!
>Get absolutely shitface drunk 2 days ago
>Playing some league after barely playing in forever
>Lose two of my provisional games due to no fault of my own (bugsplat in champ select & not banning a champ)
>Come here to take out my rage by bodying you fags 1 vs 1
>Only 1 guy accepts
>Ruin him
>He wants to go again
>Ruin him again
>Karma kicks into overdrive since it doesn't like me bullying shitters from this general
>Had the worst hang over I've ever had in my life and spent the entirety of yesterday vomiting
>Stomach is still not recovered from it today
This is bullshit to be honest.
I should just continue to play normals, it's the only mode that doesn't make me mad as fuck.
>top ten anime betrayals
hopefully no more
10 for a skin line is fucking ridiculous already
thats a really weird combo
diana, leona, nami, ekko, karma
whats rediculous is the amount of NEETbux those skins rake in
Garen (to protect his little sister)
Thoughts on NA's asian Sjokz?
vg vs vg results