Colonial Africa

Was Africa better off under colonial rule than it is now?

I don't want this to devolve into a /pol/ thread; I realize that many of the problems Africa is facing now came about as consequences of that colonial rule, but that's not what l want this thread to be about.

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Some places like the DR Congo, while horrific today, were also terrible during the colonial era. Some places would likely benefit from going under colonial rule again like Somalia or Sudan. Many colonial powers were very incompetent like Belgium and Italy while some did practice a degree of decency like Britain and at times France. It's still a very complex question because I'm not extremely sure how things were during the colonial period, if violence and poverty were rife like they are today. Colonialism may seemingly stabilise but the Africans would probably rebel like they did in Kenya and Algeria, I personally feel a lot of the damage done to Africa actually came post-colonially when the Soviet Union handed out tonnes of weapons to Africans who said they liked communism like in Angola.

You'll get no answer here.
Read up a bit online.

You forgot the Us brother.

In most African countries under European rule, things were a lot better off, in terms of less violence. Downsides were western powers parasitically sponging off colonial resources. If they remained under colonial rule today, assuming nationalist movements never occurred, Africa would be a much more peaceful place. Nowadays, Europe doesn't give a shit about Africa unless your talking about economics

>Degree of decency

DR congo had 2 very distinct periods of colonization
while the time as congo freestate was horrific even by 19th century colonialism standards, it was no worse off than its surrounding colonies under belgian rule

I can't speak for every colony but Guinea-Bissau was definitely better off under Portuguese rule. At least then you didn't have vultures feeding on gigantic piles of trash in the main streets of the capital, which are also full of holes. The buildings look like they've received as much care as the ones in Chernobyl, too.

form what I saw they had a pretty hands-off policy with their colonies

but whether one finds that benevolent or neglectful is debatable. Most trouble comes from people from Britain that settles in the colonies for opportunities fucking around so that when the Brits do get involved it's a big "my word vs. your word" affair.

>Was Africa better off under colonial rule than it is now?
No. In just about every measurable metric, African nations are better off and have better human rights, on the whole.

Unfortunately for most colonial nations investors would come in from their governed nations and would only come to maximize the amount of resource they could pull from that region. Some may not be as harmful as mass agricultural developments, but cash crops quickly became the go to resource and could be attributed to the mass starvation many colonial nations would have.

Slavery is still present today...

**Conservatism projects invertedly/inversely- so everything it contends is usually backwards and wrongfully posted against others...

You can see it in things like Neoliberalism being conservative devices and inventions that serve monetary conservatism the most... or that Trickle Down really doesn't trickle down...

Slavery didn't end with the civil war- it just changed its shape to Capitalism...

In theory, neither Soc/Com use money or other capital devices as driving motivators to begin with, thus every supposedly "failed' Soc/Com has been a form of State Capitalism.

Soc/Com has never been the culprit- it's always been Capitalism and it's always posed as other things and blamed other constructs for it's design failures... Soc/Com require intelligence to operate and use it as currency-

Is why the Capital Establishment seeks a debased population... Slaves are too busy to think for themselves...

**The Capital Lie IS the Golden Cage...

Capitalism is a pyramid scheme that requires a slave base to operate...

Conservatism kills- is specifically designed for it...

Enter it's proxy device of Capitalism, true source of 1-200 million dead over 300 years and the largest mass extinction in 65 million years... , never any Liberal/Collectivist construct, but just one Conservative/Individualistic one that has always projected its individual nature over the collective...

**Just as all dictators and mass killers have been conservatives of their respective brandings for much the same reasons...

**There's no such thing as a "Conservative Christian" when Christ and the Bible are Liberal/Collectivist constructs...

in the effort to take the beast down- don't become what you decry- that's how it spreads...

the cure is not something that can't be bought or sold... You simply can't buy your way out of the scam of Capitalism...

There is a physics construct that reconciles conservatism to rest at it's source...

Speak up, for it is time to reclaim that which has been taken...

Evil is measurable, quantifiable, counterblast, and even reconcilable to rest at its source...

Some even know how to do so...

wow great post, you should write a book user

If I write the book.. i'll be martyred for it... I'm not terribly interested in an early departure this time around. This time around, the intent is to ride the bully into the ground once and for all...

The Beast seeks a confrontation and it will get what it is seeking :-)

but then when hasn't the good guy had to sacrifice their individual self to save the collective?

I am forbidden per laws of universe to project myself, but if you help lend me voice, i know how to stop the cancer that is killing the US and the planet... If i do as you suggest, i will do so anonymously and with no reward sought our accepted. the best gifts in life have always truly been free...

**here's a bone for you-

End "Legal Immunity" for public servants and you'll end judicial corruption across the board- including police on minority killings...

Tell the people... the time is here...

End Legal Immunity for Public Servants.

...I'll get started on the book as so many have suggested and let me know when the people are ready to face off with the beast itself...

I am...

:-) the power...of...ellipses...

Here ya go man

Seems the asians dont see it as being such a bad deal; and they being the only neutral party in the discussion we might want to listen.


You're asking descendants of the colonizers if they believe Africa was better off before colonial rule. These people couldn't even name the countries in Africa, their rulers, their capitals, or know anything about their histories or cultures if someone offered them a thousand dollars for it. Non Africans as a whole know nothing about Africa other than what's spoonfed to them by the media and biased curriculum. You will not get an answer here that isn't bullshit.

>There's no such thing as a "Conservative Christian" when Christ and the Bible are Liberal/Collectivist constructs
As an ex-Catholic this couldn't be more true lmao. Christians would be cooler to hang out with if they acted like Jesus instead of some puritan fuck.

I don't speak croissant

The Puritans ruined the west. Fun hating cunts.

I'd say so.

I like how blunt and honest he is with his opinions. The African man was really calm listening to him too. I don't imagine Americans of any race being this cool with that harsh criticism.

>implying "conservative" and "collectivist" are mutual exclusives

This is your brain on America

Definitely I agree, but brutal honesty is kind of a "feature" of chinese society.

I took some time to just quickly google all of the hardships the Chinese had to go through to properly industrialize their country themselves and build things like railroads and factories ,ect. And to be fair... he does kind of have a reason to bitch, I cant imagine knowing that my ancestors coughed their guts out and worked like 14hr days just to get something that someone else was given and then threw away.

As a Black American I want Africa to industrialize itself, but it seems like Africans don't want it enough for themselves. I hope I'm wrong about that though. I want to move there someday and experience the continent for myself. I know that places like Nigeria, Ghana, and Namibia seem to be moving up. Nigerians especially seem to be getting the "model minority" treatment in America.

Care to clarify in a point by point concise manner that can be falsified? The standard political models and terms of today are written to deceive and what we are used to using today is not quite what I'm operating on...

The Universe itself is an un/ countably infinite binary collective tesseract.

Sounds like a good plan,
I live in a pretty large college city and have met 4 or 5 people who are here from various nations in Africa, all of them have been 10/10 nice bros. Ive talked to them about what life is like there and apparently the major problem that Africa has encountered (their opinion) is that there is no real central center of power to keep law and order - or rather that the people of many nations of Africa see the government as being illegitimate so they font respect many laws and there is not enough infrastructure. I feel like they might be right on this, if there was a better "centre of command" or at least a strong populist who could get the love of the people around them to build some infer structure and loyalty I think Africa could really improve itself.

I would like to see Africa redraw its borders and rename and rebrand it's countries/continent to something from their native languages.

Africa should have been given autonomy but the colonial military should have stayed to keep out the commies who are resposible for much of the war and instability.

That video is a meme though. Africa didn't spontaneously decide to tear up train tracks because it is their culture, infrastructure was destroyed in the course of war.

This would probably just rock the boat. The security situation is generally improving across Africa now.

Fuck you dumb ass nigger Africa is industrializing if you bother to actually check.

> I want to move there someday and experience the continent for myself.

Yet you know jackshit?

>colonial military should have stayed to keep out the commies who are resposible for much of the war and instability.

Then the colony would still be under foreign hegemony and influence (with said colonial military able to trump up random reasons to do what it wants)extremely prone to the colonial military fucking things up for it's own benefit for itself or the fact that stabilizing the nation isn't really a top priority because no conflict or strife= lack of justification for the military.

You have to remember that U.S and many former powers did a lot shitty things in the cold War you just can't blame it on the soviets and omit the times the 1st world fuck shit up.

He's speaking out of ignorance and using Eddie as a representative to push is disappointment and frustration on.

It's like being on a board with flag and spergs speak to you as if you are your flag with rants and range.

Considering how African history through it's entirety is only really pursued as a niche interest or field relatively you pretty only have the majority of posters on the peak or near peak of mount stupid on the Dunning-Kreuger curve.

You can pretty much apply this to most topics on Veeky Forums as well

I admitted openly that I don't know anything and that I hoped I was wrong, you whiny fuck. As a total outsider I can't truly know the continent unless I go there myself.

Jeez when you talk like that its no wonder you dont have many friends user :/

Do you mean as colonising force or something regarding foreign intervention by the US.

>infrastructure was destroyed in the course of war.
Yes, like all that civil infrastructure inside Harare that has decayed since after 1980.

Cold war intervention and interaction.

>As a total outsider I can't truly know the continent unless I go there myself.

its alright china is working on recolonizing it right now

You may wish to visit this thread some of you:

Botswana is doing quite well (by African standards). One of the highest standards of living in Africa, one of the least corrupt and economically free nations on earth, as well as one of (if not the) world's fastest growing economies. I'd like to visit someday. One of the few countries in SSA I'd like to visit.

Short answer: No

Longer Answer: The colonial economy worked by taking out everything that was valuable in the colony back to the mainland, often causing famines by forcing locals to farm cash crops like sugar or tea or work in a mine than working their usual fields to make grain and such.