Slavery is still present today...
**Conservatism projects invertedly/inversely- so everything it contends is usually backwards and wrongfully posted against others...
You can see it in things like Neoliberalism being conservative devices and inventions that serve monetary conservatism the most... or that Trickle Down really doesn't trickle down...
Slavery didn't end with the civil war- it just changed its shape to Capitalism...
In theory, neither Soc/Com use money or other capital devices as driving motivators to begin with, thus every supposedly "failed' Soc/Com has been a form of State Capitalism.
Soc/Com has never been the culprit- it's always been Capitalism and it's always posed as other things and blamed other constructs for it's design failures... Soc/Com require intelligence to operate and use it as currency-
Is why the Capital Establishment seeks a debased population... Slaves are too busy to think for themselves...
**The Capital Lie IS the Golden Cage...
Capitalism is a pyramid scheme that requires a slave base to operate...
Conservatism kills- is specifically designed for it...
Enter it's proxy device of Capitalism, true source of 1-200 million dead over 300 years and the largest mass extinction in 65 million years... , never any Liberal/Collectivist construct, but just one Conservative/Individualistic one that has always projected its individual nature over the collective...
**Just as all dictators and mass killers have been conservatives of their respective brandings for much the same reasons...
**There's no such thing as a "Conservative Christian" when Christ and the Bible are Liberal/Collectivist constructs...
in the effort to take the beast down- don't become what you decry- that's how it spreads...