Guild Wars

Other urls found in this thread:

This is a general by the way

I feel like there's something critical I'm missing here. When was it established that Ij was born in '98?

>N64 emulation

I downloaded the latest version. Why is the audio so scratchy

What subgenre would you classify the Psikyo games in? You seem to not consider them neither classic style nor bullet hell.
Have you played any other shooter since?


The book 'Feeling Good' by MD David Burns can help. It's about cognitive-behavioral therapy, a successful treatment for depression.


Do I buy BushRACer or one of the on-sale boys? The two million speshbux from trialmechs in this event finally let me take a purdy new lady home. My garage is sad and consists of a WHM, HBK-2C, and a partially built ENF.

Oddworld- abes oddysee

ayyy I didn't know Taishi Ci could drink

Ah this game looks so familiar did they make a ps3 version also?

Yeah blasto was great, funny as well.

Maken shao was amazing for its time. Absorbing enemies and becoming them and using their powers was unique and really well done.


KUZZZZZZZZEEEEEEEEEEEEyeskirbys dream course is fucking hard
I can't play it without savestates

it is indeed very fun

How often do you masturbate to Piper?

Link to last thread:


I haven't played Lunatic Dawn, but Metal Max Returns is cool

thats the most ass backward logic ive ever fucking seen

They didn't which is why 90% of the players you meet in lobbies are Blademasters. and why almost all online armor and weapon guides are focused on melee. I had to dig real deep to find an optimal HBG armor setup for 4U.

Always kiss the Price.

Well, I forgot about Demon's World which kinda counts as a shooter, so third worst then.

Super Mario RPG for example presumably does the text on the SNES, so no need to change the ROM as seen by the SA1.

Holy shit read the post I don't like most of those characters you illiterate retard

At least with kefcuck it makes sense


>Nelson appears in common chests
>So does Barres
I wonder if every old man besides Kabachahn will be a common drop.

Why does the actual show look like such utter shit compared to the pilots that were shown on Youtube?

Your friend is a dumbass and so are you for believing him


Because ACAH had to work on PS3 and XBox 360 and PC. That probably meant little optimisation for either of the platforms. And since it was the only engine they had for PS3, they keep it around for Infinity

Honestly this was based

Meta Knight is completely fine. The ones who really need it are Ganondorf and Toon Link.

Gooftrap but the kids love him!


What reason is there to read anything on this board then
Must be mental illness

who here hype as fuck for k3?

Only the one for the cat. The main one hasn't started yet.

Not before P3rd and Frontier.

i tried playing Enter the Gungeon with them and that was hilarious how much harder it was to do than i imagined it would be.

i was thinking about maybe playing through Half-Life or Doom2 with these things

Your pupil is actually just a hole into your eye.

Then reminder of best husband

ask on their forums

Congratulations, even retards make it to 20.

Xenogears is an awful game. Maybe you think it has an interesting story, and themes, but as a game? It's fucking awful.

You control the analog stick with your index finger instead of your thumb?


time to invest guys. This is the next bitcoin

The joy of tricking defenders into shooting their own hostage or teamkilling each other by doing mad stunts around them with your drone is one of the greatest euphorias in gaming

>Mario + Rabbids at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games

>game has

The game sucks.

Literally anything that kills.

Decent 1 and 2

But all of those were just reskins with one different move. Gen was terrible

Did he ever get around to fixing the bug where you could buy stuff regardless of your finances, giving you literally infinite money ?


Why is the second Bravely cheaper than the first everywhere I go?

About a 10-15 fps difference

Wow I bet you've seen a bunch of Joseph Anderson and Matthewmatosis videos!

I hope so.
Would be bullshit if you needed to pull an LR to have an optimal leader.

og xbox controllers are comfy, looking forward to this

Because it was literally training wheels in the first game. Bayo 2 decided to fuck with the formula and keep it in the hardest difficulty because "muh trademark mechanic"

maybe, just maybe new fanart will emerge from this disappointing ending

I don't think i can play on another slavshit server again after Gummy's, they're just so fucking bad and laggy

KoF XI already had her wearing something very femenine, even if it was just in the ending

>Turning your God / Father into a pet.
>Turning your Mother into a pet.
Metallia really has a thing for abusing her parents. Metallia is a demi-god biologically speaking.

Wallpaper Engine

I wish my farts sounded like shamisen

You can stream/download episodes from, or you can stream from here:


Mid point of battle

But in reality it's actually thousands of years old and it's just 20 years old in this reincarnation.


I don't understand


Not Demyx's.

They have the UMP, a better and more up to date version of the mp5 in the game already

B. Put all the skill into assfaggots become a millionaire and have the ability to retire at 30 with the option to become a streamer for more money and fame.

Why tho

>Cybernetic Luigi in a Shadowrun-style hack.

This could be interesting.

You might want to check if there's some sort of warband port of it.


Bad vs Bad or Cyclonized Typhoon?

yo hammer dudes, what skills do you go for besides attack up shit?

They buffed it?

>post the most not retro and off-topic stuff you can
Mission accomplished OP

Yea, I enjoyed it. I got very lucky that week.

>arcade controller
Custom made or FTDX/X one? Dual wielding individual face buttons with the proper arcade layout is hell.

It could go both ways. Unarmored and short blade need speed while light armor and sneak need agility

DKC3 definitely has the best boss fights in the trilogy...

He first needs to stop being stubborn and tell it to her.

>game has me fapping

This show is ACTUALLY garbage. Android17 is the best character on the show and he's taken out so we can watch the same animations for another 4 episodes. Is this how all animes are? Why can't they tell proper stories?

Any SMT games that will make me feel hopeful yet empty inside like Persona 3?

dunno, I lost count of how many runs I've done

feeling like starting one up again soon

wolf spider girl

He used to drink soy during his youth, stunting his beard growth. Once he gave up soy, his beard started growing.

Sakurai has a hard on for making games for babies only so this doesn't surprise me.
Back when making easy games was tapping into a niche market. Fuck, that hit me so hard.
