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First for thrumbo love.
thrumbo thread
>playing Beast Man Tribes mod
>capturing all these waifurs like a horny conquistador
Stop it, user. A man should only have one waifu.
Don't worry, user. Each man gets one waifu each. We divide them up evenly.
Tell me. Is Razzle Dazzle fun to play with? I want my comfort bitches to dance, and sing for their master.
I like this idea. Make them traps. Also make them elves.
There is no elves mod, user...
That's what (You) think. ;^)
I hope we did not. Please do not harm us with your likely impressive botnet, friend o' friends.
monhun is shit
if he had any testosterone in his body he would make it regardless of what a few autists on Veeky Forums said because it would be a hit on steam
user i...
>Producing art for other people
Why? In my experience, this only leads to despair, and clinginess. I have learned to be happier by creating, and living for only myself.
he seemed like he wanted to make it (why even ask if you wont? shitposting?), i wouldnt use it since i already said monhun is shit but theres obviously a market for it
I would understand if he was being paid for it, but he is likely doing it for free. He is creating something which is a manifestation of himself for other people. I don't think this is healthy.
there's nothing wrong with passion projects, shlomo
Hello /nodev/s
I understand that, but I don't think I can appreciate it. I spent so long creating for other people, that I would often feel disappointed whenever I let them down with a meager performance.
just start off bitter and full of hatred like me and you'll never do a kind thing for anyone ever again
I'm having a fucking mental breakdown right now, man. Shit. Just started the fucking day too. Dammit.
>that bleeping sound when yet another animal starts hunting my colonists
Now I remember why I never play tropical rainforest. This is tedious.
You know you've gone on the deep end of winter if you're think raids mean free food.
What's the best way to get a medieval world now that medieval edition has been busted for a year?
want to make an orc rape band but it doesn't fit with sci-fi as well.
The pathfinding and prioritisation by the ai in this game is fucking garbage. I know Tynan thinks he's a god in mortal flesh and his game can't possibly have anything wrong with it because the cocksucker wrote a book on "game design" but the way dumb as fuck ai will ignore safeguards you put in place for certain problems (such as storing materials needed to build walls at certain checkpoints throughout your base, leading them to instead walk across half the map in the other direction to pick shit up to build with when there is some closer to them) is braindead. Same with their decisions on what meals to eat, why do the dumbcunts travel across half the map to throw themselves at an insect hive just to eat some jelly which doesn't even give a mood boost when there is lavish meals right there in the freezer.
you're exaggerating because that literally never happens to me
maybe its your cheats fucking something up
>makes cave update
>pawns will walk right into fucking nests while hunting/taming/mining/etc
>pawn dies or drops something forever within the hives territory
>pawns literally have tables in their room and all over base
>ate without table
>pawn is eating meal
>draft pawn
>drops meal instead of putting back in inventory
shit game
>he farms
>he breeds livestock
>he mines for ore
Fucking cheaters
I feel like most of my time playing this game is spent micromanaging the work tab and occasionally selecting a colonist and hitting R.
There's a faction control mod out there that might help. You can disable all sci-fi factions, as well as mechanoids, and just play with tribals and shit. Add a permanent solar flare and disable all drop-pod style events.
Ate without table is the great cancer of our time.
I know I saw a mod that lets you capture prisoners without having a walled in bed, but I can't find it. Anyone know of it?
Yes it is called "Make the game stupid easy" by CheatingFaggot69.
just dump a few designated sleeping spots in your dinning room until you make a prison. I don't understand why that's so hard.
>making a fucking shack is more realistic than tying someone up and just taking them with you
>making a fucking shack is even difficult
That guy is such a good modder.
>game does not feature ropes or strings or knots
>it would be realistic to tie someone with something
do you even play the game anymore, or just shitpost shad-teir thrumbo lewds on here.
But most anons were right, mon hun has been shit for ages. Gen4 ruined the genre, and he is probably a gen4 faggot
That happens in deserts, swamps, tundra, extreme deserts. So do you just play in arid shrubland?
Haha based
>designate Comfort Thread
>he's never actually noticed that prisoners are kept in restraints, slowing their movements.
Just because you suck dicks it doesn't make you a woman.
Fug don die ;DDD.
Here is a perfect mod for you, fellow rimmers
>giving soy to your colonists
I don't want my colonist to behave even more like pussies.
Imprisonment on the Go! by AgentBlac
Is there a mod that remove that stupid shit where animals and creatures are able to deconstruct walls? It's really infuriating when I'm trying to wall things in that they just casually deconstruct them in a breeze as soon as they starve.
I want my fucking zoo.
don't they destroy it?
and what do you expect, for animals to just let themselves be killed?
No, they don't attack it, it's deconstruction but they don't drop ressources (like hostile miners)
And I except wild animals to not be able to tear down 3 layers of brick walls, a bear at worse being able to destroy a wall, but not a fucking wolf or squirrel.
only bugs do that unless you're using cheats which mightve 'bugged' it
Favorite biome? I love rainforest but kind of want to try something else. Problem is there is no grassland from what I've seen.
Here you go bro
Boring vanilla map, nothing special about it
>arid shrubland
boring ugly map
boring, no fauna no trees nothing
boring, no fauna, no trees, no nothing...only winter
annoying marsh
>tropical rainforest
annoying diseases
>ice sheet
meme biome
>extreme desert
meme biome
There, enjoy your game bro!
A bruise caused the rat to expire.
>forgetting boreal
Can't you do anything right?
Its just a colder temperate forest, literally nothing special about it, sue me fagget
Boreal is Ty's favourite biome and therefore the official way to play the game.
Got a question, minor bug that's kind of annoying. I'm using the 'Prepare Carefully' mod to setup my colonists beforehand. Not anything equipment related, and I'm making sure the stats are balanced as I go. The main thing I'm doing is just setting up names, appearance, and relations purely for roleplay purpose. However I'm getting a bug from time to time and I'm not sure what actually causes it. Occasionally a character I saved just won't load, and that's it. From there said character is lost, and I'm not getting my hands on them again. Is there a way around this? Or a way to fix it? I haven't found much info myself from where I looked.
Yeah, the Prepare Carefully mod can get pretty addicting. I have seen other anons report that bug, but never read a solution. That's my 2 cents.
Alright. Just tossing this here to help others in case they read it. It's by no means a solution but it's a bit of a workaround. I've found that loading presets is much more reliable than loading characters. If you're building a roster it might be in your best interest to save the whole roster via the preset scenarios rather than just the characters.
Every animals starving can do it, and I don't have any mods affecting animals.
Small mistake: Any animal that must hunt to survive and that reach the starving state can do it.
>Not anything equipment related, and I'm making sure the stats are balanced as I go. The main thing I'm doing is just setting up names, appearance, and relations purely for roleplay purpose.
All that buildup. All those excuses. You must be really insecure about your cheats.
>Occasionally a character I saved just won't load, and that's it.
I guess you're talking about presets, not about loading saved games. Anyways, the ever present devmod console can be opened at any stage of the game.
You should look at errors there. And bring them to the mod's author's attention. I know of only one user doing C# in this thread, and he is not up for the task of fixing Prepare Carefully.
Why don't you learn C# if you are so jealous of that user?
Why do you think I'm jealous of user?
This game is racist as fuck. Never seen a single ginger in the game unless I start with my ginger wife using Prepare Carefully.
The ginger hair color in game is not ginger, it's golden, that's the issue.
>You must be really insecure about your cheats
No, I'm just new to this general. But I've picked up on the fact that almost everything gets called a cheat here. Thought giving a preface and explaining what I'm using it for would maybe stop the topic from being brought up but I guess not.
But yeah in that case I'm a huge cheater. My hispanic pilot with an alcohol addiction really just breaks the game to its core.
Gingers died out in Tynans version of the future
Its easier to just say "I'm using the cheat Prepare Carefully", this way, you let everyone know you already know its a cheat, so nobody has to point it out.
>But yeah in that case I'm a huge cheater.
That's the spirit. The reality is we all use cheats, no matter how hard one tries to balance the game and keep it balanced, a cheat always slips by.
Gee, user, calm down. Don't worry, that's normal. Every kid does that.
The cheating shitposting is not based on any logic and there can be no reasoning with faggots. All your apologies and atonement are needless and useless.
No joke whenever I try to balance this game I honestly need to rethink my view of things. I'm used to the D&D system of 20, whereas this game uses 20 for its scale of things, but it defines things rather differently. I.E. 7 is apparently a professional.
There was a monhun mod user? Shiiiiet, I missed that.
+5 people called him retarded and scared him away, not one post replied to him in support
how does that make you feel?
Not good.
Yeah, once you reach 10 you're golden already, anything above is just tip of the cake
>There was a monhun mod user?
Yah, the whole post pondering a hypothetic possibility of him making a mod that would be based on non-standard mechanics he probably would have no idea how to implement.
Well, he was a retard, and Monster Hunter is shit. Also you are gay.
>have 10 colonists
>they're all paired up
>build 5 fancy houses for the couples
>suddenly they all start breaking up
>have to build an extra 5 fucking houses
>they start shacking up again, with different people
>3 houses going empty now
For fucks sake make up your damn minds.
You sound like the fun police
its gross for colonists to go around switching wives
I really should exile them all, shouldn't I.
Exactly what this fucker says.
Monsters are for cuddles, hunting them is gay.
Give me a Meals on Wheels colony.
furfags should be banned
Rate Muh Base. I grow my own Weed.
Is there a snake people mod that isn't dead in the water?
Debating picking up an old mod I started working on that just adds new alien wildlife, because space rabbits are gay. How come nobody has made a creature creator tool for this yet? Seems like it'd be super easy since it's all XML.
Dude go for it. Space rabbits and space othershityoucanfindonearth breaks immersion so goddamn fast.
Forgot pic.