When did Americans get so fat? How did it happen?
When did Americans get so fat? How did it happen?
Nope. The poorest Americans are the fattest. It's the fact that McDonald's is cheaper than buying vegetables and other healthy food. Also if you're working long hours and raising kids, you want to avoid any extra work possible, aka cooking
subsidized corn production
excess of corn
production of corn fructose
lacing EVERYTHING with it
also, suburban living - need of car - less physical activity
also, very developed service sector - thus many fast food joints
also, processed food
also, unchecked genetic modification of crops
also, society of individualists who shun telling others what to do
also, anti-intellectualism, thus poor understanding of diet and nutrition
American here.
A lot of it has to do with our love of soda. I would say that is the main cause of our obesity problem.
>It is mah goddamn right to eat as I goddman please, the goberment needs to stay outta my damn life. We Americans fought for our freedom to stuff ourselves with the heck we want to! Fucking commies trying to educate me on what the hell I need to eat...
>It's the fact that McDonald's is cheaper than buying vegetables and other healthy food.
That's actually a lie, it's only cheaper if you're buying off-season stuff and some fancy biological cabages, you can get lots of frozen vegetables for cheap. Time is the real issue here, no one wants to work for 8 hours, spend another 2 stuck in traffic and then have to cook a nice meal on top of it.
I think the point is that we've reached a point as a society where even the poorest have access to enough calories to become morbidly obese, which indicates more wealth than most previous time periods.
No it doesn't.
mo money > mo food > mo weight
also all the shit we put in our food
The food industry advertising only shit food and even advertising shit food as healthy food (I swear as a child I once saw a commercial where a mom gave her kid a banana for lunch and the child groaned in disgust, but then she gave him some unhealthy lunch and he was like "yeeaaahh!"... I have to find that commercial again).
Also the lack of education on proper nutrition, portion sizes, and calories in vs calories out.
Also, giving a shit about your health is shamed. If you say you are watching your weight, refuse an offer of food because you're not hungry, openly show pride about being a gym goer, or eat a plant based diet people label you as "obsessive" and many time will accuse you of having an eating disorder. It's just jealousy but this crab mentality is so prevalent. Especially if you're fat and have fat friends and decide you don't want to be fat anymore, they'll do everything they can to sabotage you, usually guilt tripping you about being "shallow" and confirming to "society's standards".
Which brings me to my next point. You're not allowed to acknowledge a fat person as fat. The protocol in our culture is to baby and make excuses for fats at all times lest we risk hurting their precious feelings. It's even a struggle to tell your own friend or family member "Hey, you've gained a lot of weight. I'm concerned about your health," because that makes you a FATSHAMING SHITLORD. I await the day we become like Asians and fatshaming becomes normalized in America because we really, seriously need it.
Americans are also really obsessed with binge eating. It's celebrated here. An increased number of Americans are getting fat fetishes too, which isn't helping the situation either. Except instead of fat fetish they call it "thicc".
Because 9/11. I'm serious, I distinctly remember people were much, much thinner on average before 9/11 ruined everything.
Alaska is on diet.
>say that we will not let the terrorist win
>proceed to throw away our virtues, liberties, economic structure, global reputation, unity, and common sense after 9/11
terrorists win
I was thinner before 9/11 too. Shit. I was a skinny child and then started getting a little chunky when I turned 10, which was literally days after 9/11. Maybe parents were scared something would happen and overcompensated by over feeding their kids?
All of these except the genetically modified crops, which have nothing to do with it. And add on the "low fat = healthy" propaganda in the 80s and 90s.
Bush let them win by being such a shit president.
I'd say the low carb trend did a lot more damage than the low fat trend.
To think, if there was a low calorie "trend" Americans would actually start to lose weight.
>It's the fact that McDonald's is cheaper than buying vegetables and other healthy food.
this is called progress and wealth in liberal society
Yes, on average people are far more richer than in the past however most of them are still relatively poor
It's corn.
I'm European and we were already crack fat jokes about America in the mid 90s.
having a bmi>20 is already bad, but 30 is JUST level and 30% of adults like that is suicidal
Literally no fat people up here. Numbers are skewed by blacks, the deep south and hispanics, who eat culturally shitty food. Most white communities are obsessed with school sports and showing up their cunty neighbors.
Unless you're fucking tiny,
This is false
This is true. making nutritious food takes time, many people dont care enough to do it.
the myth that eating fat makes you fat, god damn carbohydrate cabal
Additives/preservatives/hormones/pesticides in food. This is more rampant in poor rural areas.
We no longer have doctor proscribed weight loss medication
You can still get the stuff, but now they call it ADD meds. Or pesticide.
Statistics don't lie, fatass. America is an obese country whether you like it or not and you living in a skinny part of town doesn't change that. Also your concept of thinness and health are already skewed by proxy of being American. Leave to an actually thin country for six weeks then return to your town and compare the average size of the people around you.
Well what's the fun in that
In exchange for excruciating heat for a two week period I can eat like a pig for months
The only reason food is so cheap is because of wealth retard.
>lacking self control this much
>I forget to eat pretty often, weigh around 120 lbs
How do you guys eat so much
I weighed 120 pounds two years ago. I miss it. Now I'm a 160 pound lard.
I really should starve myself for two months. I would survive off my fat reserves.
Calories are a social construct.
Stupid europoor. Ive had european relations come to our town and have them shocked that it is just like home. Europoors who think the US is a monolith are the worst. I'll make sure to judge whatever country you are from by Albania from now on.
I'm not europoor and I mentioned specifically to go to THIN countries. But then reading comprehension has never been a strong suit of americans.
Why are foreigners so pathetically bitter and jealous about the USA?
The thicc meme is tumblr subversion passed on by idiotic vedditors.
>It's the fact that McDonald's is cheaper than buying vegetables and other healthy food
Literally wrong. Like, proper lazy American logic. It is always cheaper to buy rice/vegetables and small amounts of meat.
For the price of a single MacDonalds meal, large, you could get yourself enough food to last a week. Maybe not you are your fat ass, but regular people.
Hell for the price of eating out for a week, you could feed yourself that whole year. If you do not mind eating rice.
Corn lobby and corn subsidies.
Made corn so cheap they literally put corn syrup in everything.
Which is why Mexican Coke is better for you than American Coke because its made of cane sugar and not corn syrup.
Federal tariffs and import quotas on sugar made America pay 5 times the world price for sugar. Junk food manufacturers started using sugar substitutes which are even worse nutritionally. The rest is history
Big government and corporate cronies ruining free market
McDonald's is nutritious. It's just extremely calorie dense.
>some people have bad portion control so nobody should care that the food industry puts high calorie syrup in fucking everything they can
>Citation needed
2 days out of theweek you can get cheeseburgers for 59 cents and hamburgers for 49 cents. In terms of calories per dollars you cant beat that. Source=poor
>Society of individualists
Top fucking kek mate, I wish we were, and even if we were being an individualist =\= not telling others what to do.
Check micros and macros for McDonald's food. It's purposely packed with all kinds of nutrients not found in ordinary burgers/chicken/fries/etc. The issue is that it's so fucking calorie dense. A McDouble, ~150g of food, is in the neighborhood of 500 calories by itself. Hardly a filling meal for an adult, but it's ~25% of the recommended caloric intake for most males. On top of that, it's $1.25 (I think, I don't actually know the price of a McDouble, but I know it's in that ballpark).
>everyone is fat in America because of calorie syrup
Holy shit. I didn't think you people actually existed.
>In terms of calories per dollars
Kek. There is 100 calories in 100g of rice, just how expensive do you think rice is? You can get 1 pound of rice for 1 dollar, according to google. And one pound of rice = 453 grams. That's over 400 grams of calories, for almost the same price.
It's also healthier, you are a literal retard, you spend money on things which are needed, that is why you are poor. How much have you spent on food on this week alone, via eating out? If you do 10 bucks a day, which let's be real, is very conservative, by 7 for a week. by 52 for a year thats ~$3500, in unhealthy shit - which is most likely killing you.
You are poor because you are an idiot. Pretty fucking simple.
>things which are not needed
Calories aren't measured in grams fampai. Calories are a measurement.
Where did I say it was? Kek, 100g of calories in 100g of rice, is a literal measurement.
>>everyone is fat in America because of calorie syrup
that's not what I said
>100g of calories
You just did it again.
That is a unit of measurement, not a measurement?
You don't measure calories in grams. Calories are a unit of measurement, but you keep measuring them in grams. I'm trying to help you not look stupid, but you keep doing it.
yeah but 100g of calories in 100g of rice is still a measurement, wrong, but it's a literal measurement.
Calories are a unit of measurement, not a measurement itself. >Calories are a unit of measurement, but you keep measuring them in grams
Is what you want to say.
Calories are a measurement means literally nothing.
>I'm trying to help you not look stupid, but you keep doing it.
Sure, way to argue semantics, and not the point.
Good on you.
I'm not the person you were arguing with and you're digging yourself deeper into the stupid hole.
I am literally correct though and wrong. Unless of course you think calories is a measurement itself, not a unit of said measurements.
It is the corn
Eurofag here.
I am no doctor, but based on my personal experience and knowing a few americans, I d blame soda. Many americans that I know drink soda instead of water, also during meals.
I am 184 cm, 74 kgs, I eat whatever the fuck I want, but I never drink soda, never.
Fucking this. When I was unemployed and only my GF worked I used to cook. Now we both work 40+ hours a week. I can't be arsed to cook when I get home so we order foods. I gained 5 pounds since then. The extra money you have to buy delicious things doesn't help either.
>yeah but 100g of calories in 100g of rice is
But how many km/h are in the grams of calories?
fucking aussies
kill yourself
Food is cheap
Work is not physically intense
Culture sees eating as fun affair
Similar to many other western and rich nations.
For the calorie ratio, McDonald's is a hell of a lot cheaper. Further, ghettos don't have many grocery stores (not enough big spenders and too many shoplifters), and the few that do open up, mark up their prices for those same aforementioned reasons. This is why extremely poor areas such as parts of Long Beach, south central LA, and Detroit, etc are referred to as "food deserts".
Fast food franchises have no such issues.
There's also the issue that nutritious food tends to be more volatile than processed food. It goes bad quickly if you don't eat it, and with the nearest grocery stores often so far away, a lot of poor ghetto families only shop once or twice a month.
You can also starve to death eating rice. Unlike ating burgers, it provides almost nothing but light carbs. The protein it does provide doesn't absorb properly, unless there's something else for it to bond with, which is why you always put meat and/or veggies in that shit, and no one eats straight rice for a meal. Said meat and veggies are extremely perishable and/or expensive, and thus difficult for the extremely destitute to acquire in ghettos with few produce outlets.
Not that the poor don't eat a lot of rice too, but I suppose the thought of blender'ing up a burger and tossing into the rice cooker with the rice to stretch it out hasn't caught on.
There's also this odd cultural thing in America, that only Asians are supposed to have rice cookers. Uncle Ben's may keep, but it isn't as cheap and is even less nutritious, in addition to tasting like ass.
Sugar industry lobbying in the 1970s.
Also doesn't help that the wheat industry - the largest in the world - has managed to push itself to the top of the USDA's pyramid - wheat and corn being in basically everything.
Wheat is basically poison if you're also sedentary, which, of course, most Americans are.
How so?
Looks like the natives will finally win the war and corn was their secret weapon all along.
>be registered dietitian
>this thread
Why isn't this thread on /int/ ?
Low calorie but nutrient packed foods with fiber and protein for satiation such as fruits and vegetable groups have short shelf-life.
Processed foods with preservatives not only provide more caloric energy, but you can buy more calories vs fruits and vegetables and the shelf-life can last for months. This allows a larger stock and resource storage of the supposedly "unhealthy" foods. (too much of anything is unhealthy, even water as you need sodium to balance it out in cells)
>fruits/vegetables: low calorie + short-lifespan = weekly shopping excursions expensive $$$
>Processed/preservative foods: high calorie + monthly expiration dates = cheap costs and satiation. larger reserves compared to their base ingredients
Basic consumerism really. You can also trace bad eating habits which stems into the nurture argument, not nature nor genetics which most blame today. Also those foods are packed with delicious fats and carbs, we gain euphoria from "comfort" food chemically in our brain so it only further perpetuates the cycle. So an eating high so to speak abusing meals that would be considered luxurious in prehistoric times.
If you truly are understanding of the issue, can you explain rather than mock and thus not contribute? While this thread is bait, nobody enters serious threads anymore. If you want to truly enlighten those who are misguided, these threads are the best way to do so due to their inflammatory nature. There are people seriously wondering why here, basic calorie counting isn't even part of the curriculum in grade school neither.
Saw some burgers on Veeky Forums telling they lost like 10-20lbs by just cutting out soda. But it can't be only that. Had a lot of friends going to the states for a semester and coming back chubby. Even my sister gained like 10lbs over there, and she was so thin that doctors asked her if she had bullimia all the time because she just didn't give a shit about food.
>There are people seriously wondering why here, basic calorie counting isn't even part of the curriculum in grade school neither.
There is some in health classes, but the subject is mostly left to parents. Some parents don't want the government to mandate food education (look at the massive backlash Michelle Obama got for trying to stop fat kids being fat). Some parents are just too poor to give kids a full diet, some parents don't see it as a problem. In my experience most people are just ignorant to the harm being obese brings, that or they say so what I want to enjoy life and who cares if i die earlier. Sometimes when confronted with the fact that their children will also die earlier because they follow the parents example, they change their ways. I feel like they are smoking addicts. Will this one cig (or steak) kill me? Of course not, but they keep kicking the can and it adds up til you have diabetes, or hypertension.
As far as things that are commonly ingested, sodas are probably about the most evil thing ever invented. They literally have so much sugar packed into them that they'd make you puke, if not for the phosphate and shit they put in there to prevent it, and pretty much only have negative nutrition value (they even dehydrate you).
...and then there's the diet shit, which has no sugar, but is actually designed to make it impossible to properly process any sugar or carbs you do ingest, making you fatter quicker. (As The Divine Emperor of Mankind says, "You never see a skinny person drinking a diet soda." for a reason.) Nevermind all the chemical consequences involved for most folks, who drink them like water, when they are only gauged as "safe" for 16oz a day.
And only in America will you find 32oz sodas defined as "medium", and have readily available 64oz ones at every gas station.
Just about everyone gains weight on vacation though, regardless of where they go, as a big part of traveling is trying all the new fangled food and breaking regimens.
Physical fitness is seen as a negative thing, and fat acceptance is ever growing.
4 calories per gram of protein, 4 calories per gram of carbs, and 9 calories per gram of fat. a 150g sandwich having 500 calories is pretty fucking normal you idiot.
If you read the food labels on anything in a grocery store, unless it is specifically marked organic, no corn syrup, no additives, no preservatives and non-gmo, then it is guaranteed to packed with bullshit additives, chemicals, and stuff that is bad for you.
I actually haven't drunk any soda for like four months now. I don't notice any changes but that might be because i'm young. I just don't want to get fat when i'm 40/50. Think I can start letting myself go at 60.
Well cutting soda out wont improve things if you're consuming too many calories another way.
>dude we're so different! They have Biggie, we have 2pac XDD
When will this meme end?
Poor people eat shit food. Shit food causes obesety. Yet another blessing of the free market.
It's still better than no food
You jealous we got more food than your piss ass country does?
Corn syrup.
>Physical fitness is seen as a negative thing
Take a guess as to how I know you don't live in the US.
Go on
>some half assed argument using blog world as evidence
Thanks for proving my point even further. Aside from poorer areas of this country which aren't even 100% for obesity, fitness is very much idolized here.
Yes it does.
NTG, but I'd say it is in the blue zones (particularly here in Commiefornia). But having also lived in Texas and Tennessee, I can in say that in such places and the rural areas, healthy eating and exercise is kinda look down upon as liberal hippie talk.
>is shown what he asks for
>n-not that