I really want to go all in on Strat...but the CEO really turns me off. What does Veeky Forums think of Statis?
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don't buy nogcoins
link vid dawg.
meh one of those brit niggers
>Chris is a backend developer specializing in C# and ASP.NET technologies.
He's one of the good niggers you nigger. Also, he has a very large amount of whities doing his coding.
Hahahahahah yes user, let /pol/ influence your decision to be a retard
Use it as a hedge. I feel you on the nigger hate, yet we can still make money off them. Having money in a SJW-looking coin isn't a bad thing. Especially if things go topsy-turvy again and I end up in Hillary's timeline. Money is money.
Is race really what makes or breaks it for you?
Let your research on the coin and the market inform your investing decisions rather than Veeky Forums race memes. jesus christ
Its not really his race, just the man himself I dont like.
You might get a dishonest vibe from him but that's your subjective view based on your experiences. Whether or not he actually is dishonest I don't think we can tell from 1 interview, unless he says something really stupid. Which he hasn't. In fact he has been fairly responsible and in not shilling his product by speculating on future prices. However he did mention goals of being a top 3 market cap coin, which irked me.
To answer your question, I would put a few % of your investment money into Strat. Their goal: Be the go to name for c# developers looking to integrate blockchain technology. If they manage that, you'll sure be glad you got in while 1 strat was just $1. Remember you're gambling at this point so don't go too deep. Also now's a fairly good time as the coins been correcting itself for the past week.
The Wyatt man will never let Stratis be successful.
I'd advice against investing. I recommend Jewish coins such as GNT.
It's getting dumped pretty hard right now but that was after a pretty big pump and BTC is going up quite a bit.
Chris Trew aka killakem
previous projects include:
Fibre (pic related)
Blitz Coin / Blitzcash
The Viral Exchange
cryptocurrency must be a white race's monopoly
Gamecredits is another reputable Jewcoin I recommend buying. The founder's name is literally 'Sholom'. You can't go wrong.
>nigger coins
lol you can also put some money in a pajeet coin like POSW
Whoever falls for this shitcoin deserves to be eternally poor.
>trusting nigs with money
See, these anons have the right idea.