/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous: >[Kara no Kyokai Collaboration Event]
Period: 2018-02-08~02-22 3:59 UTC

Servants: 5* Ryougi Shiki (Saber)
CE: 5* Grand Puppeteer, 5* Mature Gentleman, 4* Vivid Dance of Fists, 4* Mystic Eyes of Distortion, 3* Repeat Magic, 3* Sprinter

>Event Guide

Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA/edit#gid=525320539

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742
Servant Planner: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CfEa5k-sB5btC8905kZKPfRC07IokKM1sXnoXo6-YQo/edit#gid=537592975
Friendlist: pastebin.com/Am2aVbVW

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Post here.


Dont post here

>vladkeks still fucking around

but you are the first image

>It's either trannyposting or more discord/reddit buzzword garbage
You can't win, can you

xth for strongest saber!

correct thread

Maybe post here

non reddit waifu

I'd rather this than the namefag thread. I know we're picking the lesser of two evils here but if we start tolerating name fags things will get even worse.

Reminder that jeanne alter is NOT reddit

why am i even here anymore

Is that her left leg or right leg?

Is this the worst state /alter/ has been?

>Not reporting name/tripfags

Last thread was tranny hating
The threads before were discord autism
Now time for Namefaggotry


Another important poll, let's clear this one up for good:


can we agree that jeanne alter doesnt belong to either Veeky Forums or reddit? Pretty much everyone wants her

Good lord, what is happening in here?!

So, how many of you are sick of the buzzword garbage, trannyposting, falseflagging trash that has been infesting these threads lately. I know at least some of you have to exist.

You fucking niggers


>Horta loses first round against Mordred of all things
>Gil loses first round
>Okita lost the first round twice, one time against Shiki
This is literally the opposite you fags told me.

At what order should I level Liz lancer's skills?

of course we are
but we don't know how to leave or make it stop

Wrong vladkek.
There will be turns where you are not at 100% NP even with charging, especially against bosses. These turns are when crits come in extremely important.
Getting off an NP->A->A->E or NP->Q->A->E where your normal cards crit will also get you back to full, so star weight is very important.
Vlad's garbage star weight prevents him easily regenerating his NP on harder content.

>Grumpy Evil Cat
There, better?



Jack the best.


Improved poll


Umm seething np1 vladkek?

Jesus christ this general is a shit hole

To be with your fellow transwomen.

Meme list describes BB, Herc (NP5), and Mash as being better than most 5 stars (NP2) because they're that good.

kill yourself.

>/alter/ didn't move to the namefag thread
I'm proud.

Oh she's sitting, but the other leg?

oh no NO NO no no NO!

It's not like the shitposting is much different

Evryone loves Liz! Liz love from everywhere!

>his waifu is reddit

>14 lores left
>still out of fucking QP


>he's a qplet

Guys I have a problem. I'm a latefag and my first 5 star was Brynhildr.
Am I legally obligated to take responsability and make her my waifu? I don't want to be a cuck

How can she be so sexy and cute at the same time bros?

I am also sick on >NP2 shit

you will be too


>mona lisa is a meme only retards bought it

>¿Te gusta Bry-

lizfags have made me actually love her honestly.


Bryn is canonically not for (you)

You have been successfully mindbroken

>reddit/discord namecalling
>shiki vs vlad
>shiki vs hassan
>vlad NP1 shitposting
I miss the time when people complained that /alter/ was just waifuposting

Don't listen to the memes, it doesn't make you a cuck.
If you go through the lore you find out she was tricked into loving someone because she was mistreated her whole life. She wasn't sure what to do with that happiness when she first discovered it hence why she killed the person. However, with you, once you get a high enough bond level with her she admits she falls in love with you but also convinces herself not to kill you, like her past lover

shits contagious its everywhere now

could only afford one, but it's better than nothing

mindbreak is one of my favorite fetishes anyways, so i guess it makes sense..

>cuteghost farming with the Shiki twins

Delete this.

Stay strong bros. Don't let the lizfags turn you too.

5 facts about Alter Jannu!
1. Alter Jannu is cute!
2. Alter Jannu is my wife!
3. Alter Jannu has smelly feets!
4. Alter Jannu is not reddit!
5. Jalter!

How long can you resist this cute tummy?

Missed you dude



hold me bros....

s-stop it user, i have to stay strong..

Just level yout np5 Asterios vladkek

You know who else I miss? The fluffy servant poster.
Christ, I miss when these threads weren't trash.

Roll the berserker gatcha next thanksgiving. You can't lose. You either get vlad, cu alter or nightingale

>the absolute state of jannukeks


jack every thread until she has her banana buddy

Pats for John no longer Reddit!

For future reference: the discord screenshot, ban-evading poster is a stheno-posting deluded sociopathic individual and giving him (you)'s only feeds his sickness.

She's a retarded sadistic bitch and her flat monstrous body isn't attractive at all. So I'm not worried.

Tamamoposting will save this shitty thread.

Well, there you have it.

After watching Fate Apo episode 22, i felt bad making her as my waifu. She indeed came to me as my first 4 star on my early days of FGO, but I think Achilles deserve to be with her more than i do.

I don't need the last two because I don't play buster

cucky servant

Rare prism! Nice

I mean I do have mona lisa MLB, but I never farm doors so it's as if i didn't have it :shrug:

All this shitposting is very tiring.

atalanta is shit anyways. fuck

> she admits she falls in love with you but also convinces herself not to kill you
Where does she say that?

SNEED Servant when?

Missed you too user


Nvm guys she's just walking up a stairs or something.

Just so people know the 4 star and 5 stars on the tier meme list are scaled the same for both sides, but it seems like /alter/ doesn't know this.

Tamamo is love, Tamamo is life.