Why are Scandinavians so smug about being a "great white people" despite not having as many cultural and economic...

Why are Scandinavians so smug about being a "great white people" despite not having as many cultural and economic achievements under their belts compared to other white nations like Britain, Italy, and Germany?

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Because they're rich.

also based big bosnian cock

Sweden is not white, though.

When one nation is dead spiritually the only thing that is left for them is to feel pride of their bodies and hair.

It's sad but truth.

Because they live in a bubble.

Inferiority complex is one hell of a drug

The Chinese are very areligious and they seem to be doing fine feeling pride for things other than their looks. Japan as well.

>Why are Scandinavians so smug about being a "great white people" despite not having as many cultural and economic achievements under their belts compared to other white nations like Britain, Italy, and Germany?
citation needed

I'm from Denmark and I like our irrelevancy. I honestly don't know how we managed to be so well off, we don't have many natural ressources.

Because neo-nazi faggots keep idolizing them.

Muh Gustavus Adolphus

Which neo nazis? /pol/ is endlessly trolling the Swedes for being the biggest cucks on Earth.

Only because they think your worth as a human is determined by how blond and blue eyed you are. People which this phenotype are being bred out, which is apparently some great tragedy.

China is projected to have the largest Christian population in the world by 2050

Per capita? Or just overall numbers. There is a difference.

Overall numbers but over 300,000,000 out of a billion plus is still a large chunk

The level someone is proud of their color, is inversely related to how many other things they to be proud of.
People/countries that have accomplishments point to those more often then race superiority.

Ur nitpicking. One exclusive group doesn't represent the majority and the majority of chinese are buddhist, same with the japs

Yeah and Islam is going to be the dominate world religion by that time too, numbers mean shit

Generally the swedish and occasionally finnish genome contains many carriers of the I1 haplogroup or what is considered by most as a the proto-european Y Chromosome. Generally the Brits, French, Spanish, Italian, Belgian, German, and Slavs carry variations the more modern y-chromosome R1. Generally society flourishes within groups of people with a high concentration of R1. Swedes are just cavemen among us.

False. Most Chinese are irreligious. Because of this, there are significantly more Hindus than Buddhists in the world.


>do well for yourself while being completely unnoticed by the world
Seems like those snowcunts got it good.

[Citation needed]

Proper word is snownigger

This article links Y-chromosome I1 with criminal activities. Presumably the proto European population was far more widespread until the R1 population (Indo European) spread across the continent.

I also remember reading somewhere that I1 is linked to stocky builds with more barrel type chests due to testosterone levels or something like that. Basically, caveman.


forgot the article

They've given us both the planet's finest black metal and Soren Kierkegaard.

Japan is probably the most dead-inside country there is.

I give you Kierkegaard but metal (ANY subgenre) is dogshit.

The only ones beating scandinavians in inventions and science per capita is Scotland.

>All music in a pretty diverse and extremely huge genre is shit.

Back to /mu/.

Let me broaden it up: any music derived from nigger music is dogshit.

So... Like any music?

Oh I see.

Well in that case back to /pol/.

>we wuz Mozart and Beethoven n shit

No, just any 20th century music.

>someone who listens to Burzum is sending people to /pol/

>I listen to nothing but classical music and refuse to even try any more recent art because I don't like black people.

Great way to shoot yourself in the foot.


Varg's music is good. Varg's politics are insane.

>he thinks he appreciates mozart and beethoven

Varg's politics are amusing. Varg's music sounds like throwing rocks into a circular saw.

> r/music: the opinion

You can't seriously be suggesting Filosofem isn't the tightest shit.

If you actually told me IRL you listen to that shit unironically I would beat you bloody.

I don't even know what that is.

*unsheathes mace*

Two pictures of people showing I1 degenerate nigger like state of being.

>Why are Scandinavians so smug about being a "great white people"
A few trolls who baited you on Veeky Forums is not a good sample size.

More like orange with nigger lips and noses. Only Indoeuropeans are white.

Speaking of metal, here's a cool map of metal bands per capita.

> I honestly don't know how we managed to be so well off
You borrow heavily to keep up the same living standard as your Nordic brethren. Seriously, look at Denmark's personal borrowing compared to other nations. The government has avoided admitting your country has a problem with its finances because it taxes its people heavily so it always has a healthy level of public debt. But all this does is shift the financial burden from the state onto the individual, who gets far worse rates on borrowing than a government, leading to even more debt.

Norway has oil, Sweden has iron ore, Finland has forests, and they all have plenty of other natural resources thanks to their incredibly low population densities. Whereas Denmark, as you said, has basically no natural resources. Your insistence on maintaining a Nordic living standard has left you a ticking time-bomb that in twenty years or less will explode like a pinata stuffed with TNT and IOUs.



that really looks like they don't have any data in a lot of countries

But it fits the narrative

Norway worries about its national surplus.

Other nations worry about their national debts.


>tajiks are whiter than scandis and balkanigs
Seems right, actually.

Looks like we're both wrong.


They're not irreligious, most chinese follow some kind of folk/Taoist religion. I see this in a lot of Chinese families.