/d2g/ - DotA 2 General

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Developer Forum: dev.dota2.com
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Lore: dota2.gamepedia.com/Lore
Guides: game-leap.com
Cosmetic Simulator: dotaloadout.com
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 Analysis: datdota.com
Hero Stats, DPS Calculator, & Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

Alright lads, how the FUCK is Era's stack now one of the top EU teams?
I don't get it at all.
Era has been mediocre for years.

No posts featuring images from, or pertaining to, japanese animation shall be permitted in this thread.

Fuck off Hitler, you aren't even my read dad!

>play game
>im bad but in this game in particular somehow all my teammates are worse
>almost win
>all but me are dead
>1 has cooldown on buyback
>3 has gold
>Look at the guys with gold again
>they bought items while they where dead
i wanna puke
i wanna die

ppd hit that park like an absolute madman

*pats head*

>Golden age of espurts
>Dark age of casting

match id? I might have been the one kicking your shit in

sorry, man

>Merlini is gone now
>Casting is getting more-and-more divided between t99 casters that got the job because they would work for free, and superstar divas that expect the world to bend to their will just so they can half-ass a cast

Oh? That's just too bad user. Beats having furfags

nth for anime makes you better at dota

nth for best roamer

fuck off weeb


Furry is literally against the rules. This is a christian anime imageboard after all.

nth for gassing furries

>Posting characters from Dota 2 in Dota 2 General makes you a furry

Unfortunately the faggot janitor is a furry and doesn't think so.

Adelewd is a furry?!

>posting furry characters from Dota 2 instead of human/humanoid ones makes you a furry

Exactly what I said

Show me on the doll where Gondar touched you last match.

i sure hope this thursday update kills this trilane meta dead because its really hard for me to continue playing

Yes, posting cropped furry porn of Dota 2 characters is literally against the rules.

I doubt any Ade-poster is a janitor

I don't really care if you're a furry and like posting furry shit. it's the gayfaggot cropped porn that makes me lose it.

>Cropped porn
These images aren't porn though, what makes you think they're porn? They're just reaction images that I saved up.

they are still really fucking gay tho

>Disliking men
Oh, I'm sorry user. Would WW reaction images be more your pace? I remember promising another user to post more of her.


Nowhere because I've stomped every Gondar picking furfag I've gone against in recent memory. I just think you're a furfag and should stop posting furries, lest you be gassed for being the massive zoophile that you are.

Unfortunately the janitor is a furfag and won't purge these posters.

Just stop trying to play offlane remotely aggressively/as a melee hero, tri lane's gonna exist regardless it has for a good while now

Don't be a homophobe user.

proper thread with no forced discord
this is a test

vaginal neglect

>get home from work
>55MB update
>its nothing

Nice game dotards

You got FREE 55MB, dotard.

Good ol' divide and conquer

now this is autism