Don't chase edition.
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
tell me i'm not gonna get stuck in gold lads. 5-2 so far, was plat 3 last season
>tank/bruiser/fighter are balanced because they fall off at 40 minutes!!!!!!
the state of lolg
If Mordekaiser gets reworked (before League dies for good) should he be a tank or a super high damage bruiser like Illaoi?
Quick /lolg/ what was the last image you saved of you're waifu?!?!
If it's lewd, crop it.
Orn or Maokai?
>amumu is OP!!!!!
the absolute state of lolg
He should be a melee AP mage.
Xth for the tightest, Veeky Forumsest league girl with an S+ ass
Tell me about Jinx user.
Ornn unless you like throwing turnips around.
Why are 4 man ganks happening bot nonstop now. For the past ~10 games, enemy mid and jungler would constantly come to bot lane. Even had Top TP down before. While my Mid/Jungler don't see the problem, and tell us to play from the fountain.
>Complain to jg
>Complain to mid
>Watching both of them, while bot is getting destroyed
>Jungler is chasing top enemy Wu into his jungle, past blue, no kill
>Swain mid is just clearing wave
>While bots turret is getting destroyed
Just my last game
>Enemy jg/mid sitting in bot bush after ward went out
>Enemy Nami/Ez bait us since Ez was low
>Out comes the Spanish Inquisition
>It's the fourth time enemy team has done this in some way
>Adc and I both are tilted
>Adc quits
Ornn is more fun Maokai is more effective, depends on how much of a NO FUN ALLOWED cunt you want to be
>Why are 4 man ganks happening bot n
>why is the LANE with the most people getting the most attention?
this problem would be fixed if the 1-1-1-2 meta we've had since the beginning of league wasnt so fucking fixed
>Picking NuSwain for the 2nd time ever
>going top against spell book Vlad
How dicked am I going to be?
What skill/build order
do you want me to tell you the truth or do you want me to tell you what you want to hear
>some retarded nigger picks lux in 3v3
At least post some good art.
the truth
she's pretty fun, but takes a while to really ramp up unless your team builds a comp around you. there are better ADCs for soloq imo
>tfw no qt petite gf who gives incredibly sloppy blowjobs
>this problem would be fixed if the 1-1-1-2 meta we've had since the beginning of league wasnt so fucking fixed
the way xp soak works if you try to experiment with anything else you get punished hard
I want to CLIMB.
Im bored of playing Nasus/Yorick when i go top.
I am new user be nice :(
Out of my other games, I haven't seen this happen consistently in them. But the most recent games, it's almost every game. It's only enemy team too, never my team. I'll ping nonstop to come help, but nobody does.
Swain versus Vlad is a farm lane where you're both basically the same champion at the end of the game only you have hard CC
But the XP soak was specifically changed BECAUSE people were branching away from 1-1-2 in order to force 1-1-2 on the game. The XP soak was literally changed because Koreans established a super aggressive 2v1 top strategy.
and then them adjusting turret values to discourage 2v2 being in mid lane
and the forced jungle role
and other bullshit
What do you think is the best thing about Vi?
>been a top lane main
>start playing mid
>suddenly get ganked what seems like to be constantly, both my and the enemy jungler always somewhere near
>sometimes even the bot lane moves up for a mini team fight
P-please just leave me alone and let me win lane in peace, you guys! I want to go back to my top lane attic where I can duke it out with some other outcast.
>fapping to amateurs on pornhub
>10/10 qts who give sloppiest and messiest blowjobs
>they're always dating some balding fat guy with a small or weird dick
how the fuck do they do it
Jesus Christ this game.
Leona flashed away from the enemy team when they invaded us, despite them having no CC to prevent her from just walking away. Everything went downhill in lane after that, but the enemy team started playing like a bunch of monkeys, and TF and I managed to carry because of our good positioning and decision-making skills.
>Smogon and RIOT get together and make Ranked tiers where champions are playable only by their usage rate
>overused OP champions go away
>a true haven for all is created
>great times persist for about a year and a half
>it's all ruined when a bunch of literal who retards gain decision-making power and start banning shit that's not overused at all and isn't dominating any of the ladders because it plays the game in a way they don't like
I can see it. I can see it and I can despair.
>tfw Nunu is a shit-tier FUNBRO wannabe
Don't forget them removing early damage reduction from ONLY botlane's outer turret in order to force 5v5 fiestas bot early game.
>Riot used to not enforce a meta
>Over the past few years they've steadily ramped up the enforcing of meta
>Draft mode came and you picked one of 5 roles
>Towers were beginning to be balanced around who's in what lane
i miss the old days with 5-man push comps ending games in under 15 minutes where heimerdinger was actually used in competitive games
I think shes cute. C U T E
Shes also the perfect kind of thick.
yeah, I mean that’s why it’s annoying
you try to do anything else and your character just becomes super feeble
>Koreans develop what is essentially the equivalent of Dota's safe lane vs offlane
>meleebabs cry cause they can't just apefight
>it gets gutted
Maybe she predicted a Sona flash ult?
nvm I just solo killed the vlad at 6 lol
tfw you will never subject players to funbro ever again
What does Vi wear when she's off duty and doesn't need her armored jumpsuit?
It was a level one invade.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
Nerf Kayn!!
>every game has followed this pattern this season
Should I just stop?
>people banning shit that isn't even actually OP but just plays in a way they don't like
So nothing different from how it is now
It's more like
>Riot retards designed the jungle to be mandatory and the game gets fucked up when you don't have one
try getting better
Never lose hope!
Maybe it is your own fault!
We should see the next skins before the Slut Guardians go on sale right? I don't remember how this works with the new PBE setup of big patch/small patch. I know the Swain and J4 skins are on it right now, just want to know if Blood Moon is after and what champs they're for.
If she's a heal/shieldslut she deserves to feed
Pick a tank or an actual mage
I bet something comfy like sweatpants that tone her booty. Thinking about it give me the tfw no gf feel,id marry her If Soraka rejected me first and i didnt kill myself.
inb4 retarded cosplay
It's not. You can tell by the backgrounds/rooms that they don't have a ton of money.
And if they did have money they wouldn't have to suck dick on pornhub.
Imagine that ass planted on your lap.
Post your mains and say something nice about other user's mains!
Literally nothing said was about the jungle user, it was top lane getting 2v1'd hard
xth for my wife Syndra
I have no waifu
Have you considered maybe someone would want a video of them sucking dick on pornhub for their own enjoyment and not for a monetary value?
>playing janna/soraka
You don't really love yourself, don't you?
Well, when top lane is perfectly symmetrical instead of the safe/off Lane's asymmetrical distance from turrets, of course that's a larger problem than it is in DotA (magnified even more since League balances ranged versus melee worse)
I am triggered as fuck I hate you right now
Remember in Gen 5 when Reuniclus was suspect like 8 times in a row because stallfags were assblasted about Magic Guard?
Blood Moon Camille is practically guaranteed
They'll probably do Blood Moon Taliyah as well because Riot is retarded with skin theming
>trying to keep your flash until the last possible moment where your chances of actually escaping are slim
>not just flashing away when you suspect a dangerous situation that could get you killed
Flash is a tool given to you to protect your health bar. Your health bar is more important than your flash. Prevent dangerous situations prematurely. Use your damn flash.
Probably much the same without the armor plating. I think she's comfortable in what she normally wears. So shorts/stockings/cropped jacket and junk.
Nothing special
>fist fighter
>most fit
She ain't even some martial artist. She's definitely in good condition, but not the top tier.
Haha no!
Some, sure. But there's way too many of them.
Plus a lot of them are selling their vids so it is about money.
Tfw Riot will never have the balls to make items with upsides and downsides like Choice Specs or Life Orb
I got auto filled and the only other support I can play is Zyra. Soraka is really fucking easy to play and not as stressful as something like Blitzcrank where every mistake is clearly visible to everyone.
Devourer was a better farming item.
I still don't get why Riot gave her that stupid looking half-skirt other than "lol asymmetry is punk right?"
fat ugly cow.
>using Papa Bones for off-topic and for this degeneracy
He would legitimately have you killed for this.
And there's nothing wrong with stating the truth, but you futards have a problem with sticking to you actual futa content and insist on mutating characters in your heads.
>not picking Janna and going W-max with scorch/aery/spellthief's
>poking their lane for 200 damage every 5 seconds with a retarded amount of movespeed
>when they get pissed and try to engage you tornado their ass and spam laugh
doing it wrong
I would kill for a Force Staff in League, would fix a lot of problems for immobile champs. But they wouldn't do it because it could be used as a griefing tool and that's t o x i c :^)
Only thing I can think of is sunfire doesn't have a toggle to allow you to tower dive.
It would be actually kinda fun to have a league equivalent of assault vest, but people would find ways to make extremely busted champ compositions and what follows would be a severe case of Riot balancing.
Point is meleebabs cried cause they couldn't just fight like apes and got it gutted.
>stockings, corset, and bomber jacket without the armor
dick status = muh
Karma is based. Im jewing essence to craft Order of the Lotus
Btw i play fucktons of champs and i have a lot of mastery shards but these are the top. Vi,Shyvana,Eve and Karma will be top soon.
What should I spend my 96 tokens in?
>choice scarf on Singed
sweatpants, tanktops, and no bra
>Nasus loses 2 towers within 8 minutes
>Refuses to group still "I need to stack"
>Lose the game off fed yasuo top
Holy shit get me out these games
Reminder supporting is not a social scene and to stop begging for attention.
>being too low IQ to play any support properly
>ruining dives
>not fun
But, yes, they're more safe picks than fun picks.
>be jungler main
>help top
>lose games anyway
>help mid
>sometimes win games, sometimes lose
>camp bot all day long
It's easy.
>no force staff
>no euls
>no scythe of fuck you in particular
>no orchid
>no pipe
>refusing to be useful
You deserve to die for free then
Nope, meleebabs would just cry cause ranged people then get a buyable escape tool other than AP being able to pick up Protobelt and wew lad we all know how much Riot loves to listen to the apes.
Goes nude when chilling at home. Only weirdos wear clothes when home alone.
If everybody that is "good" at league recommends Annie to climb low elo, why isn't she in the highest win rate champ for gold, silver, or bronze?
Two orbs.
>no bra
Who the fuck would wear a bra when trying to get comfy?
If Piltover resembles the mores of Victorian England, Vi is basically running around in a bra and jacket. That's pretty lewd.
>tfw no fit, lewd punk gf
>start antidepressants
>begin to not enjoy league as much
what does this mean
because annie isn't good, she teaches you how not to be retarded
it's not a 'BROKEN OP CHAMPION IN LOW ELO' it's a teaching tool because she has no get-out-of-jail free card, you have to learn how to position and play the game