What is the physical world if everything is perception?
What is the physical world if everything is perception?
The physical world. It's just something we can never interact with due to being trapped behind the wall of perception.
the physical world is itself.
>dude, what if, like, nothing is real
continentals, everyone
What if, when we look in the mirror, what we see is the real world and we are actually the reflection?
>dude, I bet I can ground morality in strict mathematical logic, oh wait I failed
>dude, I bet I can explain experience in strict mathematical logic, oh wait I failed
>dude, I bet I can ground mathematics in strict mathematical logic, oh wait I failed
The great achievements of analytic philosophy.
Mathematical logic never failed to explain anything except, maybe, why it is so perfect as explanation method.
Is that why literally every attempt to ground anything that wasn't first built on mathematical logic (computer science for instance, but hilariously, not mathematics itself) has failed miserably?
Trying and failing at formal philosophy is better than obscurantist gibberish and pseudoscience though.
> failed miserably
It wasn't grounded on real mathematics.
STEMy pls
1: our perceptions are involuntary and can't be manipulated by our imagination thus they are external
2: there is no evidence the external world is a simulation like in the matrix so applying occam's razor there is no reason to assume it is
3: we can look at the laws of physics, the vast universe around us and the position of our brains in it, the evidence suggests our mind is a part of the physical world and responds to stimuli from it
>everything is perception
i kek'd
Completely assbackwards.
>perceptions can't be manipulated by our imagination
Stopped reading there
This. Continental philosophy is Jayden Smith tier but written obscurely on purpose so even shittier.
Those are all baseless assumptions.
Jayden can't help himself. He smoked too much weed or fell on his head too many times. But continentals are retarded by choice.
420 blaise it fagottes
he thinks number patterns are an explanation.
Can somebody explain to a plebe the difference between Continental philosophy and analytical philosophy?
math is just irrefutable evidence for any point you're trying to prove, but that doesn't necessarily mean it can explain anything and everything.
They each work on material that is exclusive to their side of the fence and it has been this way since the early 20th century with the biggest split coming in around the middle of the century.
But this is the pleb version. It was never entirely true and is less true every decade.
>our perceptions are involuntary and can't be manipulated by our imagination
Sounds like someone has never accidentally visualized their waifu and get depressed because that moment is fleeting.
You can think about it from various points of view, there are so much valid answers to that, there could be no physical world, or what is "physical" it's not as we experience it, or you just can reduce it to the popular belief that we construct reality, and the physical world is what you make it.
complete bullshit
>They each work on material that is exclusive to their side of the fence
some of the funniest shit I've read in some time
100% arbitrary divide with close to no significance. just ignore it.
Analytics studie logic and the syntax of the language.
Continentals is all the other contemporary philosophy: existentialism, phenomenology, structuralism, etc.
if everything is perception then the physical world is perception
or you could look at it like a scientific unobservable
It's a place for you to survive in. If you survive, you win. How you survive will never be more relevant than the fact that you survive
Are you really too stupid to understand the difference between your imagination and sensory input from the outside world?
You do realize your brain interprets all the input, right? Our perception is not really objective.
analytic is actually relevant
There is barely a difference. Imagination and the sensory input are based on the same principles. They always mix together in actual perception of things. For example, eyes have pretty small field of direct sensory input and your visual perception is complete from your imagination automatically. Also it is proven that imagination can manipulate perception in actual experiments. Connection not only exist between them but have an importance.
true guy, though i almost fell for ur picture you cunt.
hol up
>1: our perceptions are involuntary and can't be manipulated by our imagination thus they are external
man, please, only a uncool person who never took psychedelics can really make such an abstruse assumption...
Mathematics is not so much an explanation, as it is a convenient for phrasing and answering questions.
Mathematical models only "explain" physical reality insofar as they match up to empirical evidence. They are at best approximations to any hypothetical "objective reality," which is why you see so many overlapping, mutually exclusive models. There's nothing sacred about say F=ma.
t. Mathematician
have u seen those illusions where you can change your perception between rabbit and duck? there you go, and many more like it.
quantitative predictions of change or structure