The truth edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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Xth for Syndra being shit.
xth for my wife Syndra
This is the Tight Redhead of many Kegel Exercises. Say something lewd about her
Actual xth for my wife Syndra
So, new Fiora player here. What are her basic trading combos? And how do you generally want to play in lane?
Love you too.
There are the purple premium chests on PBE. Why aren't those available regularly?
xth for my wife Syndra
Post a link to that story where Shyvana and Katarina have a totally not one sided "fight" in the bushes then things got way too fucking weird and I forgot to save the link. I'm ready now.
What league girl do you consider to be second best after Syndra?
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Iron Man
>no longer shields Mordekaiser for 25% of all ability damage dealt
>New Iron Man
>Damaging an enemy champion with an ability shields Mordekaiser for a flat amount per level plus X% of his missing health. When the shield either expires or is broken, it explodes dealing damage equal to the shield's strength (halved if it was broken rather than expiring). Damaging enemy champions with an ability while Iron Man is on cooldown reduces the cooldown by .5 seconds.
Would this be better? People last thread said Mordekaiser's passive was why he was such a balance nightmare.
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
I don't know user, I love my sweetie.
I guess Vi, Shyvana, Camille and Lissandra are pretty cute.
>tfw no qt petite gf
Do u think Jinx likes chocolate? I do.
Some user posted a link to a piece of very creative and incredibly degenerate literature on here a while back. He knows the one.
>Enemy Sejuani, their ONLY form of engage, is splitting Top
>Go Top to match her while my team goes Mid
>Team gets clean aced
I kind of want to watch the replay to see what the fuck happened, but I'm worried my sanity wouldn't remain intact.
>Vi, Shyvana
decent taste
why tho
And none of those are even Ionian which has the best girls
Before I go into this, which one has the dick?
lol W is a great ability
The only good Ionian females are Xayah and Irelia post-VGU.
>lux support
Shyvana. She rapes Kat in every hole multiple times over.
>tfw used to duo with a plat guy in s7 and now he is hardstuck silver in s8
i set my status to away every time he messages me..... i don't know what to say to him.
>No Syndra or Akali
>Irelia post-VGU.
We don't even know what she looks like I hope its not shit
Why would you go top to match a splitting sej? isn't there something better you could be doing, like carrying the teamfight and ending the game?
All Ionian girls are good.
You know when you've been running for awhile and suddenly you hit that wall of exhaustion and you have to stop? Shyvana has the dick but she doesn't have that.
Your team is about to get fucked.
>buy the pack
>don't get the exclusive frame I was promised in the description
fuck riot
Why do people press a to auto attack? Is this some korean strat shit? I have all my stuff on quickcast without range indicator, and I aa with click.
I'm also pretty good at kiting but I do it manually by moving cursor behind me and autoattacking. I don't see the need of using shift or any of that shit.
what do you mean by hard stuck? it's like a month into the season... maybe he hasn't tried to climb yet... right?
Karma and Irelia are cute, maybe the others too, but the only Ionian for me is Syndra.
I'm always up for things inside Kat
What's with the ravens all over the map? have I just never noticed them before?
Even though he doesn't build runaan's, Draven does just as much dps with full build as the champs you mentioned (except kog and twitch) as long as he catches his axes. As long as you take enough objectives as Draven nobody can make you drop your axes, so he is a "feast or famine" late-game hyper carry, as opposed to ability-based marksman like ezreal and lucian who do shit damage late game and are definitely not late-game hyper carries.
You know what, fair. I'm too much of a pitfag to ignore her.
>We don't even know what she looks like
Oh I am one of faith. Believe me my loads are ready. Best skin by the way.
>Soraka is Ionian
FUCK Alright also acceptable.
a is for attack move
attack move enables you to auto whatever closest to you, faster reaction when entering bushes
>flat plus %missing hp damage based on your own, not enemy HP
when i press a i can misclick slightly (that is, not hit the target) and my champ is still going to go attack. if i just right click and miss i'll move uselessly there.
You mean the thing that is clearly being displayed?
200+ games
Well guess trips confirm the truth!
>but the only Ionian for me is Syndra.
I know that, I was just asking who you'd rank second. Your choices surprised me, but hey.
It only happens when you play Swain or there is a Swain in the match.
U actually do have the border it just looks really shitty with the WW skin because most of it kinda blends in with the splash. The dog head below WW is part of it
I want a Lumberjack Darius skin.
Ahri and Karma are leagues above Irelia
Syndra is an equally bland character but at least she has the dominatrix vibe to set her apart.
>Oh I am one of faith
I want to believe, but I'm convinced they're going to do something that ruins her, like give her short hair or change her physique in a bad way.
>Believe me my loads are ready.
If they get it right I will fap at least once to every one of her new splash arts the day they're revealed
All of her skins are great, but Aviator is my favorite splash. It's ass ingame though
guys I've been playing morde ADC to climb out of silver and it's basically cheating, I have 85% winrate over 20 games. when does this stop working?
When is Lissfag and Camillefag gonna kill each other?
>there is no elo hell
>first ranked game of the season my mid goes AD Janna and we lose
You people are delusional
>ADCs are also trash at this point. All of them have been gutted
He isn't wrong to an extent. About 1/3 of the ADC roster is unviable at default due to them being anything but a hypercarry and more of a early-game lane bully or utility ADC (Jhin, Lucian, Ashe, Miss Fortune, etc) with rare exceptions like Ezreal or Varus making the cut entirely due to rune or itemization abuse.
Meanwhile, a great amount of ADCs HAVE been gutted or hard-nerfed within the last 12 months (Vayne, Caitlyn, Miss Fortune, Ashe, Jhin Draven and most recently Kog'Maw, who was outright fucking gutted.) This is leaving champs like Lucian and Sivir out of the equation since they've been bad for a while.
It seems like the ADC role is suffering from from some Tencent Jewery where Riot is once again buffing and gutting champions around skin sales - but only after their new skins have been out for a few months - except the gutting is PARTICULARLY harsh for that role for some reason. This is getting so bad that even the hyper carry pool is starting to shrink somewhat.
It's definitely more stable than bot lane or top lane at this point. Though after thinking it through, mid is probably the most stable role atm (as usual,) with the exception of AD assassins getting shafted again.
Really? Why is that?
My sweetie isn't bland.
>tfw CIA contacts to have them removed from their lives and sent to salt mines
I dunno, I guess Vi and Shyvana seem like they have different appeal and Syndra. And I wouldn't call Shyvana cute
So what's the consensus on Swain right now; shit, decent, op or what?
Just because you had a single game with bad teammates doesn't really prove anything you know.
Why arent you playing Ryze right now?
Solid pick
He's bad. Medium range mage with 1 long range ability who's ult wants him in the middle of a fight despite the fact he's not tanky at all
He will probably be busted in proplay. Not so much in solo queue.
Is the basic fiora combo, before you add in Tiamat cancelling, Auto-E-Auto-Q-Auto, proccing the crit on the Q?
Katarina came out of the assassin's rework in a pretty good spot (which was the one exception besides Khazix), but right now she's useless along with every other assassin excluding Fizz and Shaco.
Does nothing better than anyone else. Relies on your opponent not knowing his relatively simple counterplay more than anything. Too item dependent.
Supposedly he's absolute shit but that tends to be the case with a lot of brand-new champs or VGUs out there.
Though the community hasn't decided if its more of a case of him being "new" like VGU'd Evelynn or more of a case of him being legitimately under-powered like Ornn. And if the latter is true, then expect Riot overbuffing him like mad with the champ becoming Ornn 2.0 since they've got a brand new Dragon Master skin to sell.
The ones who take the time to learn him will prosper, like Urgot, Yorick, etc. Shitters will cry that he sucks even though they fed for 3 games, then gave up.
That's not lewd you silly person
what are you talking about k6 is fucking cancer I ban hat faggot instead of who ever counters me the most in mid because can't stand him being invisible 24/7 while one shooting everyone that is not atank
>arguing with a shitposter
>she's useless
she just got nerfed for being too strong and she's still at 51.5% win rate
>11/0 today
It can't be helped really, the delayed burst mechanics along with the strength of shields and stopwatch made life pretty hard for her.
That's why I said he was the exception.
imagine taking what this literal dogshit tier player says about game balance seriously and replying to it
I guess that's true but I tend to call every girl I somewhat like cute even if it's not the proper term.
good job user!
who's this semen demon?
Because normals mmr and ranked mmr are tracked completely separate, it's not uncommon for high elo players to be matched against low elo players, which makes normal matchmaking pretty unstable. Add to that premade parties with diamonds queuing up with bronzes, and it's no wonder some people make secondary accounts just so they can play ranked as if it were normals.
Why does Twitch feels weak right now even though he didn't get nerfed?
>carrying an aram as singed on second account
>some faggot playing the champion i main on my regular account is playing like dogshit
>says he is going to report me for my "offensive" name and "crying" when i tell him to ult in during fights since its a major ult for our comp in fights
>he gets our morg in on it, says he is also going to report me for my name
>after about 20 seconds tell them if im just going to get reported by everyone i might as well defend base while you guys do whatever
>"please leave" ---- this fucker
>"report singed afk" ---- 10 seconds later, when i was not afk, i was moving around our nexus turrets waiting for the enemies to push across the map to them since i was apparently no longer needed
>let those fucks fight a 4v5 to prove my point
>aced within 2-3 seconds
>barely give any effort to defend
dont be a beta fuck who reports people for their names. especially if "its offensive"
you're bad maybe
How do you WIN with Varus?
I need a guide on what to do with the massive leads I get every game
seriously jagex
I like playing evelynn support in normal games
Literally seething.
Haven't played in a long time and can someone explain to me what they did to XP? Like I killed the enemy Irelia and top of stealing one of the enemy junglers camp early yet she's the same exact level as me the entire game and the enemy jungler is only down 1 level of my jungler.
Are people just not allowed to be behind anymore?
>he thinks I still care
none of those are me, I stopped caring about that other user.
Wait wtf....this isn't considered avatarfagging or spamming??
>max% hp
>mobility resets you can't pink
>team oriented; needs a front line
How do i become better at this game assuming ive played a ridiculously small amount of it.
I've noticed this too actually. For some reason I have a harder time farming than usual and I can't pinpoint why, especially in laning phase. The PBE gutting to his W didn't go through yet, did it?
does anyone actually use Garena?
god i love playing against diana as veigar
she was designed to take the BYC (black yordle cock)