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Pelleas is shit fuck off
>Guys is this unit good?
>It is with buffs (lol
Does "mixed teams" mean nothing to /feg/ anymore?
>fortress res
>What are Tactic skills
>no ghb elite quest with "beat map with one of each move type"
Missed opportunity.
>Finally complete double Fury Eldigan build with Brash Assault 3 and Desperation 3
Wait, did I just basically create my own BRoy?
It's good with Steady Breath and Wrath.
Good job, user!
It's the same thing as Reinhardt who you need to SI up the ass and glue buffers just to kill shit, not to mention also keep a repositioner to keep him out of trouble. I mean yeah having a brave tome is nice, but people overrate him a good bit and thankfully nowdays there's plenty unit variety that stops him from just killing everything (and also gives more player-phase options likewise) since IS decided to make alot of units either bulkier in HP or have res rather than def as their primary defensive stat.
This GHB more than most really felt less like "build a strategy around the units you have" and more "bring this one unit and you win".
Still, very challenging map. Clearing these quests has been a lot of fun, I'll be sad when the rotation starts to loop again.
Fuck you.
Needs Galeforce and 7 more speed.
Kind of, but it has the big flaw of Brash Assault not working on ranged units and Firesweep.
>bottom left dagger in Ursulas map does 0 damage to Xander if he has Distant Defense and a Ward on him and gets killed on the counter easily
>green cav can't double or one shot Xander either and will die on the counter
>the other dagger also can't even hurt Xander if he has a ward on him
>neither can the axe
>if Camus has Granis shield Ursula only does 31 damage to him, he should be able to survive her and the sword cav easily
Cavs for Ursula doesn't seem like it'll be too hard. Fliers is probably what's gonna be annoying since I have no ranged options for them.
Congrats, user, that's a fine haul. I'm hoping for Lilina to appear soon.
>ywn be called uncle as Lilina hands you a valentine gift
>It's the same thing as Reinhardt who you need to SI up the ass and glue buffers just to kill shit
>literally add Death Blow 3: The Unit
Did you start playing the game two weeks ago or something? Reinhardt has absolutely destroyed the vast majority of units in the game ever since SI was released. His power has waned in recent updates as they keep bringing in more units and ways to counter him, but in spite of that he is still a top tier unit.
>Doing Tempest
>Come across weaponless Zelgius
>This GHB more than most really felt less like "build a strategy around the units you have" and more "bring this one unit and you win".
That's a big flaw with half the GHBs. Some give alot of breathing room for different strategies (Lloyd, Michalis, and Navarre for example) while other just heavily rely on either have a unit to clear it (Robin and Xander). I wonder where Ursula will fall into this, probably into the latter category.
stop using drill threads
His real active period was SI through release of CYL1, where he lost alot of significance since due to constant releases of different unit types to bring some variety to the game. And even back then while useful and still is: Reinhardt is overrated and needed a decent amount of investment despite being easily rollable at 4 stars.
omae wa mou shindeiru
>inb4 bitching about the thread suddenly
You guys bring it on yourselves for even acknowledging Xeno-shitposters and using a blatantly early shitpost thread.
But what can I expect from a place that still does the stupid "BROS THEY'RE LAUGHING" shit
>/feg/ fell for another xenochad thread hook line and sinker
I hope I roll for Leon then, I need him at +10
>another zelgius
No thanks
Cool, i don't have Leon yet
Asstalking: The post
big tits
>and needed a decent amount of investment
Once again, he literally just needs Death Blow 3 and to not be -atk. That is not high investment by any stretch of the imagination.
Well I do want a Gray to give my Cain an art-matching sword...
Back to drawing Hex Maniac
>4.5% pity broken by two chipmunks
well guess I have a meme tome for some green mage
Kill yourself Raul
Still Gray thanks to his confession.
Is it actually possible to beat Robin with Flying Emblem without a Mage Flyer or Galeforce Shenanigans?
There's literally zero room to reposition, the only thing you can do is run in and kill 1-2 or try tank 3+ different sources of damage, and none of my flyers can survive that.
why couldn't they run 2x sp/xp this whole month for their anniversary. Leveling and grinding SP is a bitch during the week day
>b-but all he needs is DB3 and Hone Cav and repositioner so he's good
I covered his strength and weaknesses, but I am not impressed with a sister diddler and failed Thrud impersonator and will not say much positive about him.
Unless you manage to tank both melee and ranged attacks is not possible
will you give your Innocent Good Poster routine a rest already; you constantly migrate to and MAKE blatant early shitpost threads
Bruhr. I got pitybroken at 4,75 by this
Lmao just give them a blessing
Nino is doing her best!
Anyone able to get a swimsuit on her?
>Can't do fliers again
Ah fucking kill me fliers are shit and I still don't know what I am missing ffs
I finished all ghb quest except for fliers on each one
I am going crazy
Literally stop talking. DB3 and honecav are easy to come by. And repo is a 3* skill on a function of units
ah that's harsh. I'm usually don't mind too much if I get off banner'd, but seasonal banners are another thing.
At least Tiki can be usable, I got off banner'd on the hero fest banner by a -spd Clair
Raul is this you?
I used fortify on normal Camilla with Escape Route and placed her at the bottom bait point, with nearby Minerva having Ward and Drive Def. Took a lot of shenanigans but it worked out eventually, team was Shanna, Palla, Minerva, and Camilla.
I didn’t think this through. Do I just need a B.Roy/Sigurd/Siegbert with Galeforce+hb seal to do this?
Myrrh solos the whole map, but that's not something everyone has access to either.
he never even relied on DB and cav buffs; even before SI he deleted a chunk of the cast including big threats like takumi and ryoma
The first Ursula GHB you had Hector you auto win. This was before SI. Infernal didn't change much IIRC.
Well you're free to keep defending him, myself I am just glad that he rots in a grave with not even his own family loving what a failure of a man he was in both Thracia and Heroes.
Give Corrin a Bladetome.
Forgot the pic
>Fire Emblem AND Xenoblade in the same thread
It's like a compendium of failures.
Go back to playing fake Pokémon for gay babies
Are you a Pyra person, or a Mythra man?
That's assuming mixed teams though, not to mention that player has Hector or any other armor with CC/DC. I should be fine with infantry anyway, but I do wonder if I'll be fine with Cavalry, Armor, and Fliers quests. Something tells me that I'll have to forgo fliers due to only having Palla for red fliers with no seasonals.
>all these invasions
They’re not here but /fgog/ is probably laughing at us
Buffs are fucking strong
I told you earlier, Ninianfags, the Xenochads would have the last laugh
Stay eternally cucked
Mythra man, easily.
oh no
You do have it already, don't you?
[Say you're an Elma person.]
No, but I did dig into the swf file and the swimsuit sprite is definitely there
All the undressing animations are there too which was fun
there's no invasion, it's just the same shitposters it's always been
Mythra is a fine woman, even if Pyra is cute
>dude what if we put like 6 units over lapping in all three colors? Wouldn't that be hilarious?
Fuck fliers, fuck this map, fuck -attack Elincia leaving the axe people with 3 fucking health left. Escape route MVP
Does anyone have the pic of Wallace going "not again! This is the 75th time!"?
Healer build advice? All stats on this one save Defense are good.
>Start the game, loading
>my castle appears,with my units
>But no log-in bonus
>check the top of my screen
>no Feh
>suddenly Fae is behind me "Kiran, I think Feh is playing with a friend in one of the room, it's a white fox !! It's the first I've se-"
>"Sorry Fae, I need to go"
>I rushed, and checked all the doors of my castle
>and behind one of them...
No way, bros...
>found a VHector with Bold Fighter and QR seal
Damn, good thing Alfonse has Axebreaker
Sigurd will do with his default kit and a CD/DD seal since his job is just tanking the mages.
Roy and Seig are more accurate.
Sigurd is replaceable or would be if Xander and Camus had actual defensive stats, res especially. I imagine if you invested hard into Xander he could still do it, but that kinda kills the point of him being f2p friendly anyway and by the looks of your Eirika that's not exactly an option anyway.
I did it with Cecilia, Gunnthra, Ursula and BLyn, three of them are free so basically it is up to whether you have Gunnthra or not
>Implying it would ever attack things besides humans
Lmao lorelet NAfag
Why are you listing the characters that appear in the screenshots?
What do I give the bull?
Which refine? +Atk is most aesthetic but +spd is probably best
Here you go, mate.
I did it with Galeforce QP B.Roy. Just use Hone buffs and kill the axe fighter then retreat.
Outside of B.Roy the only "rare" thing I used was DC Titania. Priscilla and Reinhardt didn't have anything special.
>getting Dooted
Thanks for the defence score.
Myrrh does tank the first attacks like a champ if you give her both a fortify and a ward. Maybe you can heal her using Reciprocal Aid and shit, but you will get hit by a special if you don't get rid of them soon. If you have Elincia/Hinoka you could flier formation into the her spot and kill a goon or two.
I do not
Much appreciated, user
For people that have a Winter Tharja, she solos the entire Fem Robin GHB. Just replace Iceberg with Glacies or Ignis. She only needs a green to kill the lance unit.