Will China help generate the Christian revival the world needs?

Will China help generate the Christian revival the world needs?


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Yup. Christianity is growing pretty good, its just that Islam is growing faster, so we gotta watch out for that.

>the world needs

The Bible tells us not to be part of the world. The world is ruled by the prince of darkness.

We will see falling away as the Tribulation approaches and the Antichrist is set up.

But yeah, it's nice that China and places in Africa are getting revivals.

It shows that God doesn't need the west. If the west becomes pagan and degenerate, He will simply use other people for His glory.

>Will the dog eating chinks who destroyed their own religion and genocided the ethnic groups which practiced it revive the world's.kindest, most passive, most tolerant religion?
Really activated my A.I.

Even the Romans were converted eventually, no one is immune from Christ.

I'm not going to lie. I'm chinese and raised in an agnostic family, I'm fascinated by catholicism and faith. World seems like a terrifying place without meaning and god seems to me to be one of the few exceptions

What about me
I'm not converted

The fact that they destroyed their own culture works to our advantage, when Christianity spreads throughout China it will fill their lack of culture with our rich cultural history. They will become like the western world in this way.

What kind of Christianity are they converting to?

Catholicism is not Christianity.

Read the Bible.

you can be

gospel-believers, the only real christian kind

If China is part of your world, you are just a part of the Chinese world. That is how it always worked.

I never said I was Catholic.

I'm quite okay simply not caring.

Look guys, I Wana convert and LARP with you guys too. I really believe that universal love and kindness is the way. But I just can't believe in undocumented miracles and an all powerful god. My faith is broken. Also god hates me because I'm a faggot.

anime is idolatry

He said hes interested in catholicism and faith, not christianity.

you're really not user
look up the fate of unbelievers

How so?

God provides zero meaning to reality. If God exist, that means that everything is possible, so nothing truly matters. Jesus himself showed that even the death can be hand waved if God wills it. Voluntary omnipotent power just makes world more absurd, than it is already is.

Is this better?

Jews are

According to their doctrines. I'm sure all the Abrahamic religions have some equivalent, so why would this one be correct over the others? Because you believe it to be?

Besides, they don't take kindly to bisexuals. And my childhood left me with a poor impression of Christianity to begin with.

Never heard of Jews for Jesus?


God help us all...

>somebody actually sat down at designed this scale
>they had to present it to a committee with a straight face

what denoms?


Eh, I can't really convert you. I don't believe in God for just one reason, but from a combination of multiple reasons. Scientific, historical, testimonial, and philosophical hints towards God all come together for me to the point where It's no longer a question in my mind anymore if God exists. But I can't make you believe in him. Although, I find that going through the motions even when you feel like he's just a spook helps.

My deep disconnect with faith really depresses me. I haven't felt belief in God since I was 12. I really just cant get over the notion of hell and the "bad things, good people" arguments. What comforts you when you ask those questions? How can you believe in a true, loving God that created a torture dimension?

The ultimate act of faith is not to believe in the one single God, but to saw how multiple of Gods exist being equal to each other in their all importance to us. Sadly, humans are natural atheists. They care about God no more than it useful for their goals of feeling good, finding purpose and just repeat their religion practices. Not many of us are really brave enough to walk the road of the spirituality, to let a reality test our faith and our ability not to find God just once but to met Great Being again and again.

Honestly, I think its easier to view other people as "good people" than it is to view ourselves as good people. At least for me it is. I know all the dirty and sinful thoughts I've ever had, there have been times where I would be willing to go to Hell as long as I could get whatever sinful vice I was addicted to at the time. And it was in those moments that I realized what sends people to Hell, the pull towards sin is greater than our desire for God, but that doesn't mean God's desire for us is any less. "The gates of Hell are closed from the inside" describes the situation fairly well.

I would recommend reading The Great Divorce by CS Lewis, its a story told from the perspective of someone in Hell, and it gives a good explanation on the nature of sin and Hell.

Thank you for the reading. I'll look into it, but tell me, the idea of Hell in cartons and media, that's not really the case is it? I know it has to be wrong. Luke, how can someone go on knowing their daughter is being tortured forever because she loved a girl?

>"By my calculations China is destined to become the largest Christian country in the world very soon," said Fenggang Yang, a professor of sociology at Purdue University and author of Religion in China: Survival and Revival under Communist Rule.

Hmmmmm quality source


In Catholicism at least (and probably in Orthodoxy; not sure about the various Protestant versions), Hells is not supposed to be Torture Central, but instead absence of God.

Sort of knowing the best posible thing exists and then refusing to be with that best posible thing. The idea is that Hell is actually self-imposed, since God will always forgive.

Or something like that.

>Islam has the largest proportion of followers under 30