Void edition
Void edition
Xth for exterminate yasuo mains
What happens if Katarina does kegels while your dick is inside her?
First for fix top lane
What champion pisses you off the most?
>ywn have a threesome with Jinx and Soraka
>when Rek'Sai's after-meal drowsiness kicks in
What if Kindred was reversed?
>want to win
>teammate picks sona
>League's armpit game is absolutely ridiculous but absolutely no one cares
This shit is criminal
Katarina, I have a hard time reacting to her blinking around and even when I do it doesn't matter because of how high her burst is.
Support main, please direct me to which support I should pick up next that's viable and my team would be glad to have!
Happy Valentine day!
I hope you're have a great day!
Sion is great
xth for my wife Syndra
>ywn have a threesome with Syndra and Irelia
How does Sona stop her super-massive cowtits from bouncing out of her top?
Then it'd be like Warwick but with a trail of cum following him
xth for lulu
>He thinks TF is a bad pick despite Apdo (best soloq player in the world) almost 1 tricking TF
>Despite TF not having any losing matchups in lane
>tfw no qt petite lewd punk gf
>Says he's a support main
>Hasn't play Nami
>Play Blitz
Get out of here
You ARE getting your end of season ranked rewards, right /lolg/?
You forgot
>Despite TF being one of the most popular picks in the game and performing very well on average
Reminder that Yasuo can literally 1v9.
>tfw used to be TF main
>ebin silver redditors ruined TF because "muh apdo tf main"
*blocks your cock*
>ywn cuddlefug Jinx
>he thinks he's apdo
Imagine getting so tilted that you spam the same webm for months
>tfw no neck kissing syndra
Fuck, I loved this guy.
What is she blocking exactly?
I just played other video games for the first time in literally 2 years. Actually good ones. It really made me realize how terrible League is.
And I'm still queuing up. I think I just need to kill myself at this point, the Jews over at Riot have me on a cute little leash.
If you have more control over your own mind than I do then you need to quit before it's too late. You'll never even get diamond you faggot.
Bros, what should I focus on for the rest of this season, mid or adc?
*pets your head*
With what?!
>Syndra and Irelia
I am equal measures aroused and scared.
But I'm plat! Isn't that good enough...
Pm me Zoe feet pics
Its been at least a year
Sounds hot
Just don't expect to be allowed to move for the next few hours while they take turns with you
Hey at least I'm not the guy who started playing after two years
>want to play Mordekaiser
>remember he's fucking MORDEKAISER
feels bad man
stupid fucking redditposter
xth for snek
He gets it
No. Anyone can get platinum if they grind out enough games. It's only meaningful if you get it in 100 games max.
And be honest, at that point you just want to get diamond so you're not really happy about it. Quit this atrocity now.
no bullying plz
bullying is not the wae
Why is EUW so toxic?
Is NA or EUNE like this?
I'm seriously entertaining the thought of doing a transfer to one of those, and still would have good ping so...
>cass will never wrap you tightly in her body while her snekpussy drains every drop of cum from your balls
You have to try Nami... Taric is really good too but extremely underrated considering how useful his kit is...
plat isnt that meaningul at all
besides all those people who get in 100 games or less usually have thousands of games in either normals or previous seasons.
that sounds cute
ADC is the least enjoyable role in this game.
That face barely looks like Syndra
>Just don't expect to be allowed to move for the next few hours while they take turns with you
I don't think that will bother me too much.
As much as I like girls like Jinx and Soraka, Cass has a very special place in my heart.
I think top 10% in any big-ish game is pretty meaningful. You're nowhere near the best but it shows you're pretty gud at that point.
How do I get over this issue I have when playing where I always seem to be "just out of range" to do what I need to do? So many champs I play I have this, where I go in for a trade and my attack/spell barely isn't enough range to hit, but I'm in range of being hit. The most exemplary champ I have this on is Orianna (the champ I was recommended by a friend to learn mid on) and I'm always just out of ball range to punish them but they are able to hit me and so on. Shit is getting annoying. Please help with this.
t. newshitter
>Lulu presses EWR on adc
Wow Riot, thanks a lot for this balanced support champ
>helpful ally skills are still targeted and not also skillshots
I feel like Syndra would be more abusive and Irelia would be more sensual and loving, it would be a nice contrast
You cum buckets.
wow :D hows the bronze elo these days? havent been there in years!
have you tried killing Lulu
>Using Lulus W on the ADC
>you still lost
Wow you sucks
>using W on her adc instead of the opponents
no you lost because whoever the support and adc were are shit
snek is best monstergirl
it matters a lot less when you realize that like 60% of the playerbase is either underage, extremely casual and barely even trying to climb, they play for friends or "muh playz"
EUNE is even worse. If I were you I'd consider NA... unless you want to play with braindead polacks calling you a kurwa every single game
>Skeel shawts maek bettah gam hahehe
>no Bortz champion
uhhh.... hello?
holy shit I cannot win a game of fucking league of legends right now to save my life
>implying you aren't already cumming buckets just being inside Kat
But can the snekpussy compare to Nami's dolphinpussy?
>implying I can get an erection during sex
why do you guys keep memeing this
I just went 2-8 in my promos after ending last season Diamond 5. I haven't played since preseason started and i feel like i don't know how to play top lane anymore.
Nami is a fish, not a dolphin!
Supports are sluts
>1vs10 and the only kill we have is me
Haha I can carry r-right
I want to cum inside a support main!
>if this body was naked and on top of you, you wouldn't get hard
you got an issue man
I don't think that's true
why? I enjoy
I was on a tear all through the start of the season through plat but now every game I play I’m just full spaghetti
I volunteer...
Depends what champs you play, but in general you need to play more passive and safe in lane than last season because junglers get more EXP and tower dives are more volatile due to Stopwatch.
Stop fapping to 2d.
Fugg girls instead.
Nami is confirmed to be a mammal, and dolphin pussy is the correct meme
>no tits
No thanks.
>Fiora x Darius
I actually threw up in my mouth a little
Nami has a horizontal tail fin, this is a trait of mammals, not fish. She also has, you know, mammaries.
How bad of an idea would it be to tone down some damage on Trist E when used on other champs but make it so that it works like Zilean bomb so it's an AoE ability that latches onto the people it hits, so it's actually easier to use in teamfights?