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elvish wombs for human seed edition


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>like Paladins aesthetic and class fantasy
>class plays like shit

What do I do /wowg/?

Check me out...jelly??:))


Cool toons bro :)

Wait for the next xpac to see how they turn out.

Play Warrior, pretend you praise the light.

>Blizz nerfs xp from dungeons



Why do you have so many?

Are the twinks? None of them have transmog

If the hunted guy takes your gif into his hand, and it's still animated? I'll be impressed.

I expect no less.

don't be a retard, migrate now this one is obviously going to be deleted

female characters were a mistake

paladins are virgins who need the light, warriors are chads who need no one

No, I like them simple

No one wants your reddit meme thread

this is a good op
fuck off


>more people have timelost than the argent tournament mounts

>wake up
>about to most likely eat something
>checking out gold missions on my toons
>will run a mythic foundry today
>americunts that insulted me because they were jelly of my mounts have another school shooting

what a time to be alive


Tournament takes effort.

thank you sir! :)

Which is the coolest artifact weapon? Ashebringer just looks like compensating for small penis.

corrupted ashbringer is actually really low res in game otherwise that would be

>waking up at 10am

Priest knife. It's not over the top with ebin glowing effects and talks about cool lore.

its 22:40 where i live

>Tip: Smile early and often.

What class has never interested you /wowg?

For me, it's priest. Probably because I have high testosterone and am not a faggot.

Fist of Ra-Den looks really cool all around, even for a Legion OC artifact. It's basically made out of the best parts of Pandaria lore without being well...pandaren looking.

And Rhegar's Legacy is a top-tier mage tower skin
The Doomhammer is also good, but I'm not really a fan of hammers so whatever.

Play monk. The fantasy isn't as cool, but it plays very nice. I have both a paladin and monk and am switching to my monk as a main.

you can't just up and suddenly get one of the argent tournament mounts, user

I for one am happy with doing entire quest zones for a change with the occasional dungeon when I feel like it. Leveling is much more enjoyable now that it doesn't involve spamming dungeons ad nauseum. Fuck was that a terrible system.

Monk because it's an asspull class.

you belong to me now.

The Horde makes no sense to me whatsoever. The orcs, tauren and trolls I understand, their alliance is justified and was done nicely in Warcraft 3.

But what the fuck are the elves and the undead doing in the horde?? There is literally nothing tying the elves to the horde, they're from the other end of the planet for heavens sake and have completely different mindsets and ways of life. Can you imagine an elven commoner in an orcish tavern for more than 5 seconds? Can you imagine an orc in Silvermoon at all?? Also the blood elves have basically no reason to even have animosity towards the Alliance, the elves that the Alliance had beef with were always Kael'thas' goonies. And the Nightborn just join up after the shit in the Nighthold? WHY?!

And the undead, last I checked they were STILL trying to perfect plagues and wiping out all life on Azeroth, you know just because fuck life. The Horde is a huge organization and I'm sure they have some idea of this going on, so how the fuck is a faction built on honor okay with any of this?? They have no sense of camaraderie with any living thing, and deserve none from the other races. Sylvanas has at every turn proven herself to be untrustworthy, how is this bitch let anywhere near the mantle of the warchief?


Literally the funnest class in the game though.

I just RP as an auchenai draenei monk. She has no relation to the pandas at all :^)

I wouldnt know. I no longer have any need for either method.

Now i am just farming treasure for 90-100 then invasions for 100-110

These 9 bring me up to 38 total on my account

Also, i didnt even know they considered the xp boost an exploit. I was just doing it because i had free time at work and i already got 36/36 mage tower appearances

actually made me chuckle, very nice

'member back when devilsaur shock baton was relevant?

>Blatantly cropped porn
>file not deleted
what the fuck?

did u try reporting it u retard

Pleasantly surprised that this thread survived in place of the other one desu

make a cuck montage with my elf bro

Aside from all the spell effects clearly being Pandaren in origin. Blame blizzard for making Monk class so blatently intended for pandaren.

yeah me2

half porn op more often pls

face is too shitty for it to get deleted

>hit 2k for elite set
>wont be able to transmog the elite set for 6 months

fuck you blizzard

>implying you can announce reports

>huntedautist thread deleted


I have the same problem
easy solution
don't play them, you're better off that way.

Don't make Horde allied race characters.

hunter and warlock

Hey /wowg/, how good is Rogue this xpac? It was my main in MoP then was shit in WoD

>literal avatarfag shitpost
>mods allow it
>but god forbid somebody do a garithos parody of a disney song

/wowg/ I'm an altoholic.

I've finally gotten 12/12 classes to max level, so now I'm probably just going to work on shoring up on races that aren't represented in my roster.

Please help me decide on my next character.

I currently have

>2 Darkspear (Monk, Priest)
>Goblin Mage
>Orc Warrior
>Forsaken Death Knight (probably gonna switch him to Orc when we get straight backs)
>Highmountain Druid
>Blood Elf Demon Hunter

>3 Dorfs (Warlock/Hunter/Shaman)
>1 Dorf who's going to be Dark Iron in BFA (Rogue)
>Lightforged Paladin

>Someone else kills the horde
>Fag runs over and uses selfie cam

So does playing DK or Monk make you a cool dude? What's another cool dude class I should play? Shaman?

I want to be a cool dude. How do I be a cool dude /wowg/?


>stormheim invasion pops
>4 are elites

awww yeah nigga

Literally what's wrong with Highmountain.

The giantism/scat/brap fags are probably a mod.

Also, the only good nightborne is a dead one.

These are all my own kills.

>Be Blizzard
>Character boosts not selling
>Oy vey what do we do?
>Bootlicking brown noser from the forums tell us about the dungeon exp thinking we will give him something for free for being a good goy
>Give him nothing
>Nerf exp from dungeons into the fucking ground
>Watch character boost sales increase by one sale
It's good to be in charge.

You have to play human paladin with the anime hair.

>level 110 requirement to loot wyrmtongue caches

for fuck's sake

I play DK and Monk is a cool dude class.

DK is mostly frost, which is mostly a 3 button class for mongoloid niggers.
Monk is underplayed with cool abilities


Monk is the coolest and has the most laid back and fun community.

Paladin has the worst community, for comparison. Just look at the paladin forums. Ret players always think their class is useless even when it's top tier in pvp. They don't believe it. They could be #1 class in the game and they'd still complain. Definitely not a cool guy class.

If you killed them you'd proudly stand there wearing your full Armour.

Nice to know theres still alliance players assmad that the horde got better stuff, again

>orcs genocide dranei
>orcs inaved Azeroth commit amss murder and destruction
>they were good shamn guys all along it was the demon blood
>sylvanas repeatedly uses plague
>sylvanas betrays Varian
>sylvanas is clearly being prepared as BfA hero

fucking Blizzard

i would believe this, however blizz specifically made it so you had to lv to 110 to get the heritage armor. if blizzard were full jews that restriction would never have been there, and you would have been flooded with 110 nightborn in heritage sets day 1. basically what im saying is blizzard is about 75% jew and somehow the 25% got through on this part

It changes every 1-2 expansions. Just hope BfA fixes it. The class is nothing like it was in vanilla or even WotLK for instance.

well, a 110 can just walk up and oneshot punch them while naked which is likely what he is doing

Should i use my boost on a class I already leveled or should I spend 50~ dollars on a transfer/race change

>nigger orcs
>elf with tusks
>better stuff

If he can punch through the blade, why did the spear pierce him so easily

They really need to remove heirlooms and fix xp boosts.

The best system they could use is to give a flat 10% xp boost per character leveled to max level with no cap.

That way people who are interested in leveling natty will have a bonus each time they do it, and the people that buy tokens will continue to buy tokens.

They dont lose out on potential sales that they wouldnt already get otherwise from the whales.

>how do I be a cool dude?

Post more kitties.

I am in my armour, user.


>implying I'm jelly of the 56% faction
>implying I couldn't make the situation worse by creating a large number of horde elves

Ret isn't top tier in PvP at all right now.

It was tipped with #HerTurn poison, strong enough to punch through any plot armor

>this is deleted
>the post it replied to isn't

>sylvanas repeatedly uses plague
>sylvanas betrays Varian

because blizzard couldn't be asked to give him a heroic death.

We have blood elves now.

That's all that matters, and will cause people to reroll alliance who only played horde for belves.

it works both ways

you can still buy a boost if you hate leveling

or you can spend a ton of time leveling an alt to 110 for some armor. either way, blizzard gets ur money

go cry to mommy sylvanas

She's a woman obviously she can't do wrong ever

I blame D&D. It's archetype has always been to be the out of place weeb class ever since.

>not playing cutie female Dwarf

you're the only one crying bitchboi

It's pretty damn good in rated bgs, dude.

If only there was some sort of invention that could stop this exact situation from unfolding

you belong to me now.

based mods, please ban the giantess scat vore poster too

Whats your CR in RBGs?

It's alright, melee in general is pretty dogshit in RBGs.