Is he the Marx of the reactionary right?
Is he the Marx of the reactionary right?
More like Tolkien of anarcho-monarchists.
No, that would be de Maistre.
No because Marx claims to be logical and reasonable conclusion and thus objectively right. Evola puts forth his claims and basically says take it or leave it this what I think is true. He makes no claims of objective truth
No, that would be Thomas Carlyle.
>take it or leave it this what I think is true
>btw tho, these ideas should be enforced on the rest of society
If this is the best the right can muster up, why hasn't the left won?
>the __ of the __
those cherry picked quotes (with the middle parts cut out) are taken so far out of context they are unintelligible
So, an inexplicably popular intellectual whose ideas are rendered unworkable by his failure to realize that the average man is selfish and disinterested in socio-political idealism?
Sounds about right to me.
Not true at all retard, he explicitly states society can't go back to that, hence riding the tiger.
i'm not sure if you know why this is funny, but it's funny
read a book
Just because Marx claimed to be a materialist doesn't mean that he was one.
>No because Marx claims to be logical and reasonable conclusion and thus objectively right
>objectively right
what about literally any of his theory isn't staunchly materialist
I wouldn't call an ideology which advocates for abolishment of state class and wealth yet imposes a dictatorship on the proletariat logical, m8
>i've never read a lick of marxist theory
>muh theory
He was (though a poorly informed one!) but in order for a man to follow his political ideology seriously one has to either a)believe it is true and teleological, than communism is forthcoming and one may as well be on the winning side of history or b) believe in a sort of moral Idealism where alienation and exploitation are categorically terrible and need to be erased from the world and Universal eternal equality is desirable.
I know this is a Humanities board but surely we as serious adults should not presume either one of these?
The idea that a general will exists among the proletariat, rather than viewing its members each as self-interested individuals, was spooked as fuck.
lets take a closer look at these """arguments"""
>anti-competitive and incentivises mediocrity
nope, that's capitalism. when you're a 7.25/hr wage slave working overtime in order to function as an individual, you're not feeling fucking competitive lol. not to mention that widespread class mobility is a complete myth and there are in actuality only a small handful of people in the possession of the 50 or so conglomerates that make up the majority of the modern capitalist economy. what about this is "enchanting" enough to make people work harder at their jobs? a worker co-op (a business structure founded on a marxist approach) wherein the workers are in charge of the company sounds a lot more 'incentivising' in my opinion, rather than giving the fruits of your labor to your bosses.
>worker-based movement
u wot m8.
>modern economics
what a surprise, a non-capitalist form of economics doesn't work well with capitalist economics! marx btfo apparently. (also if you actually followed modern economics you would see that capitalism is headed for a massive crash because the people in charge are idiots)
>refine words
you're thinking of liberal SJW's my friend
yea man, capitalism is like, the least confrontational system ever right? thats why it violently invades poorer countries and makes people work for $2/hr by purchasing all the available land
the only people who are too in their feelings are the cucks who are illogically attached to a system them fucks them over daily and is literally structured to crash
read closer. Marx CLAIMS to be logical, reasonable, objectively right.
Fuck off /leftypol/
You fucking disgust me. You are clearly too fucking stupid to understand what Evola was saying and therefore associate things you don't like the sound of with le SJW meme like the child you are.
You turlu lack reading comrehension?
You're confusing two definitions of idealist, the philosophical and the colloquial. Marx was a philosophical materialist but an idealist in the colloquial sense.
Not an arguement
Marxism literally seems like a religion, the way you guys always defend him
idgaf about the guy on a personal level.
i can say the same about most of this thread and capitalism
English is such a shit language for specificity.