/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Kirin Thots Edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳Balance patches? In my Monster Hunter? capcom-unity.com/dubindoh/blog/2018/02/08
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
In World, post a room ID. Squads also work, and should be listed soon.
In the 3DS games, create or find a Gathering Hall using passcode '7243'
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

Previous thread: →

>coolest sounding and looking horn
>highest attack

>super shitty songs

devijo when

>large earplugs and affinity boost
>super shitty songs

No Attack Boost, no buy.

Where's that fucking horse

Fighting the lightning rapehorse made me wonder if there's a good SA that does Sleep.

Well I see Jagras has latent Sleep, but also has the usual Exhaust Phial, which then caused me to notice that another SA has latent Paralysis, but also a Paralysis Phial.

So now I'm confused. After Freeing, will Jagras do Exhaust and Sleep? Or only sleep on the axe and Exhaust on the sword? Or just Sleep?

What about the one with both latent Paralysis and a Paralysis Phial? Will Freeing allow it to inflict paralysis in both modes? Just sword? Can sword by virtue of the Phial inflict paralysis from the get-go?

Shit is too damn obscure

>Coolest looking horn.
That's not Teo's horn.

It does tho with a health rec. It can go l attack with encore.

Been using exclusively HBG since MHFU and I want to try something new.

I want something that feels different but is still simple like HBB OR something that feels similar and is more complicated.

I play mostly solo and I don't have MH World, I play mostly MH4U and a bit of MHFU and MHX.

Likes to hang out in the same areas as Legiana.




So once the Deco event ends, how do we get good decos?

I'm an ignorant hunter and only spent a few total hours farming it. Only got a couple useful decos too....

Is workshop lance worth making? Seems like a pretty decent raw option

What are you even saying?


Play HH and you would know :)

Teo's is the ultimate middle finger to Vaal, but idk what else it excels at. Divine Protection is a nice fucking addition, if only it had ATK or DEF up.

Has anyone even tried Teo's horn to see how the Abnormal Status Up helps with it's own Blast?

I have the Nerg HH.




>phials full
>cant do SAED
what should i do in this situation? recharge shield? spam circle attack in axe mode?

Are multiplayer rewards different than solo?

>Reminder that Vaal Hazak is related to Xeno'jiiva and they both have the same eyes
>Reminder that Hazak's effluvium miasma is important for creating the bioenergy crystals that are needed for Xeno'jiiva's incubation
>Reminder that Coral Highlands is an alien ecosystem that crashed into the New World when Dalamadur tried to summon a meteor
>Reminder that a Xeno'jiiva probably hatched during each of the previous Elder Crossings, meaning there's already mature Xeno'jiivas out there
>Reminder that "Treasure Dragon" is probably the second form of Xeno'jiiva and will arrive as DLC

It's sitting at 0.1% attainment.

Then you would know you can get L attack boost w health rec with it :I

So double rewards investigations are worthless, correct?
I should be aiming for 3 and above?
Also what's the fastest route to farm lv2 threat tracks?

Nice fanfic.

What's the best "general purpose" element for Lance?

Hint: Shield is not an element

Anyone tried Vaal 3P with Bazel Horn?

like the enemy is dodgy and you can't land saed? spam o o triangle until your shield runs out


>general purpose

Thunder Spire isn't a bad Lance. It's my choice when I do White Winds.

Honestly though? Eh, Elder Babel is fine.

>leaving out Brachydios
>put in Lavasioth and Jyuratodus
Brave, capcom.

>So double rewards investigations are worthless, correct

Nah breh you can use them to farm tempered tracks by sniffing elder dragon ass

You kind of need Fire/Thunder/Ice


Reminder that Vaal Hazak is a subspecies of Valphalk.

Tempered elder investigations. The event quest isn't even good for farming decos, the quest rewards are skewed towards lower rarity decos so youll entirely miss out on the big ones. If you have a couple friends, tempered vaal can be easily done in 5-6min for 4 purple rewards

dragon, then thunder, then frost

Just wait
They'll add a snow place in DLC and we'll finally get Lagombi and Gammoth girls

Not that user, but curious. I'm farming for a Teo gem to finish my HH because I like the divine protection (shit has saved my life more times than I can count) and the ailment prevention seems super helpful in keeping dps up and survivability.

But I'm sad about not having attack up.
My understanding from EVERYTHING I've read is that nerg doesn't have attack up, and that Earplugs + high deeps is the draw.

yeah and everyone has infinite tempered elder quests, especially with 4 rewards


Was wondering why all I got was shit. Got a nice Earplugs deco, but it's hard to fit that in on a build.


>Xeno'jiiva is a smoothskin alien that spams beam
>Treasure dragon is a golden Xeno'jiiva with purple eyes
>World G adds a Blue Rajang
>There's a turf fight between them
Bravo Kojima

headcanon is not canon

Why do people play Gunlance/Lance?

But that's a fucking lie, retard.


>farming Teo gems


You forget Barioth Girls

Reminder that Valphalk is a subspecies of Magala

>Squads also work, and should be listed soon.
One day they'll be listed, I'll ask again are there any openings for any /mhg/ squads?

FYI, just switch search parameters in 'find SOS' to HR and investigations, just spam search and back out repeatedly until you see purple boxes and piggyback into someone else's. I found a great group doing this last night, we ended up making a session and sharing all our tempered investigations, ran vaal and Teo like a dozen times apiece. If you take the first minute or so of each hunt to let everybody grab a couple tracks before you kill it, chaining investigations gets much easier

Love's Sorrow (Vaal lance) gains white sharpness with some handicraft making it better in many situations I think. The arena lance only gets blue sharpness. Probably better to use Vaal or Kirin or Rathalos lance over raw most of the time.


but it wouldnt be the G rank armor

Do we have anyone from /MHG/ on Xbone?

Preferably HR50+ but I'll take anything.


Easy to use, really fun, and has mechanics that really deliver on the fantasy of wielding a lance, which almost no other game ever does. Only other game I can think of that has decent lance gameplay is DkS2, and MHW blows it clear out of the water in that regard.

And, well, all other regards, let's be honest.

fucking dumbass you need them all, that said if you want to be a lazy scrub look for para and poison

>mfw found a bug in rotten vale where you're forever "in combat"
holy shit rotten vale is already bad but this was definitely a bug. the small monster battle track would never. My girros tailraider probably caused it somehow

Bloody fuck. You brilliant bastard, I'm so happy for you.

I got one while farming for the chest piece, and bought legs with it because
>why the F not, latent power may be something cool on another build
I still don't know what latent power does, but I've seen it proc like crazy while playing lance

Out of curiosity, how long do you think you will get out of this game before g-rank?

Bully the Kirin!

Question! I loved using the Samus Arm Cannon in MH4U
What LBG in World is really close to that? Such as rapid fire and capacity.
Greatly appreciate the help!!

But the snow area would have to come with g-rank.

first free expac MHW is gonna get will be updated zones and enhanced fauna, including new underwater routes and caverns and featuring deviljho and plesioth

You mean you can farm tracks during a tempered hunt?

150 hours here starting to experience some major burnout. Hunting the same 4 elders, of which one (vaal) is an absolute snoozefest is starting to get to me. The things that would keep me going in older MH games are also gone, so there isn't even an escape from the grind. TAs are an absolute joke and an exercise in seeing who can abuse broken game mechanics the best to solo x monster sub 2, and comfy turns rooms are dead because capcom is incompetent and world has the loneliest feeeling multi yet.

>It's been said that there's a bigger landmass of the new world not yet explored
>G rank will be hunting down all the ayylmaos before they take over the entire world

What you don't see is me about 70 quests in to getting Wyvern Gems for my Workshop Weapons and having JUST got one, spent my gold ticket for one today just so I could have Elder Babel.

Latent Power procs after taking 150 damage in one zone I believe. So extended fights are good for proccing.

holy shit how do you do this?

XX room up

>get bored
>Make commission set
>wide range 2
>end of temp nerg have 78 status buffs card

Might build horn next jesus christ I feel like I could carry the entire island of Japan to glorious Victory.

Element Lances beat Raw Lances.

The correct answer is that shield is an element user

Is this b8 m8?

Raw + Elementless Boost is amazing, short of having the best in class element lance versus a 3* weakness monster.

No idea, the gajakalas dudes showed up randomly, first time it happened in 200h+

Mount Kirin when a Gajakala cap is on the map. Ride the kirin over and they'll go to town. Not sure if it works for other elder dragons.

Is that rare or something? I’m on xbox and I got one within the first two or three days. They’re in zone 8 by the camp in the recess.

Destroy the Kirin.

Gajalaka a best

The gajalaka sometimes replace the hornblower trapping lynian after you recruit them. Find the cats in the first four locations then get the quest from the lynian researcher to find them in Elder's Recess.

pretty much the same for me. I still somehow got more hours out of this than out of 4U and X
I wish they would do a nice big G rank expansion instead of releasing singular monsters one by one

Yeah exactly what I said, Element Lances beat Raw Lances.


>You mean you can farm tracks during a tempered hunt?

Yeah. Isn't that how you got all your Tempered Elder HR50 investigations? By sniffing HR49 Tempered Kirin's ass for 6 hours?

G rank will add in the other four legendary dragons from the New World myth
Xeno is the Sapphire Star

>IG gets all its damage on the ground
>but all the fun is in the air

Man elder babel isn't even a good lance, I hope you really like the design.

what is the most STRONG wepon

Moofah armor will never be in world because it's not western enough

>wake up
>no kirin girl gf

>short of having the best in class element lance versus a 3* weakness monster.

Yeah so just get one lance for each monster man

I want to cuddle with a Moofah girl.

>having one Lance which does everything

>making 5-6 Lances for specific situations and Armor sets to match whilst weaving in Lance specific skills

No thanks. Not yet. I'm perfecting my raw class first.

>by sniffing Kirin's ass for 6 hours