Valentine's Day with Kled!
Valentine's Day with Kled!
If I transferred to the JP server to get a name with JP characters would I instantly be able to transfer back to NA and would the name keep?
creampie jinx
exactly 8 posts too early.
Where's my Smug Garen Pepe user?
xth for my wife Syndra
Only tight waifus are allowed in this thread.
Poppy buffs
I want to fertilize this plant.
Anyone wanna duo in EUW?
Add me IGN: nononthesnake
>tfw no qt petite gf
I wish I could!
>Swain will get buffed in the future
this is kinda sad but it's also pretty cute
user... do you like my breasts?
user I do appreciate that you ask others to add me, but I can't play right now.
pic related is objectivley the tightest
Post memes
>he doesn't consume and adapt
if ur a jungle main and you dont have kha'zix, rengar, elise, lee, eve, nid, or kayn as one of ur mains you are a hard R virgin
Lux is very tight but Kat and Irelia are objectively the two tightest (human) league girls
>already fed as fuck
>3 levels ahead of everyone
>opponents are actually braindead, like straight up started playing 2 weeks ago bronze tier gameplay
swain sucks
>hash talks shit about illaoi and how broken op she is and how she's so easy to play that even braindead people can play her
>play her
>feeds out his ass
>continues to talk shit about her when he gets beat in lane by her
I was looking for this image for so long
I concur
Their lucian had 10 kills and so did their Diana whole I had 3 and I killed them both early game.
Swain has a bunch of utility and the more people complain the worse it becomes.
*Invades your jungle*
Is Akali tight?
How can Kat or Lux be tight after they've been thoroughly Might of Demacia'd inside repeatedly? Does having sex actually tighten your vagina? Are the loose woman memes wrong and the vagina gets stronger as you use it as expected of muscles?
uhh yeah have you seen all the athletics she does
All Ionians are very tight
Really, I just dont get it why no one groups.
Zed gave gp solokills and fed him so hard. Trist never grouped with me and Tahm and got killed. We couldve killed skarner, but nah, she died to corki.
Also, fuck corki so much, Ungankable cancer rat.
>stopwatch stasis reduced to 1 second
>fleet footwork grants a medium rapidly decaying shield instead a of small heal, haste duration slightly increased
what would you guys change
>Have gangplank in his most broken since release
>fuck this up
NA is a meme
>Garen having sex instead of committing entirely to JUSTICE
What would it be like as SG Jinx's bf/mana recharging station?
Group? What group?
He's comitted to bringing Kat to the side of JUSTICE. JUSTICE is what he calls his dong
He's gonna father a whole army of Demacian THOT-slayers.
You ARE getting your end of season ranked rewards, right /lolg/?
You'll end up with a lot of scratch marks
>Jarvan will bring the blood of literal dragons into his line
>Garen will bring bring the talents of one of the best assassins into Demacia
T1 is the man! fuck NA kids fucking faggots.
Vaginas are just like penises. Train them properly and they become better at their job. Overuse and abuse them and they become decrepit shells of their former selves.
she's pretty energetic so I imagine she would get impatient if you didn't cum fast enough and would start riding you like a maniac to try and milk you faster
also this
And Katarina has doing an excessive amount of training her vagina
>do quests
>get two orbs
>one is Morgana cooking skin
>Slayer jinx and another orb
>third orb is a renekton skin
boy I love all the free orange essence I guess
Best girl.
Best pussy.
Best wife.
I do my placements, then play 4 games to get in my promos, then another 3-4 if im unlucky and I get my rewards.
I dont aim to go higher, the ladder is a joke.
If people took ranked more serious Id like to climb, but it often feels like a diceroll.
"oh well their top is tilted and keeps feeding us so i guess we win"
"oh our botlane got angry and is afk now, guess we lose"
"oh our mid is a booster, guess i get a free win"
sure itll even out after 100s of games but it feels a lot less skill related when so many games are not played at the level they should be at.
>grouping ever
A good Zed will try to splitpush instead of participing in teamfights
>Want to go Domination/Resolve on Swain
>Don't know if I want Cheap Shot or Taste of Blood
Thoughts? I'm going to be going Ravenous Hunter anyway so there is that, plus he gets healing from his passive so greater trading power, no matter how small, seems preferable.
Slayer is the best Jinx skin. Also which Renekton skin?
>if you didn't cum fast enough
>Star Guardian pussy
if anything she'll be annoyed that you came too early
I've ascended. I am seeing shit you won't see anywhere else - AP Alistar mid, AP nasus top, pve junglers. Maybe killing myself would be the better thing to do.
Post yfw you realized that for the past 2 seasons nobody has had any idea of what is OP and what is a shitpick and even pros and challengers at the highest level are just guessing what to pick based on what is popular.
*bans you*
get owned dumbass wolf
in that case she would probably want to go another round after she came. As soon as you finished she would probably start teasing your dick until it was ready to go again
>his dick hasn't broken from overmasturbation yet
You are in for a nasty surprise, if you ever even get to use that lil thing.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I need autism to deal and accept that autism is a normal thing on NA server for games.
Which Star Guardian has the cutest sleepwear? The lewdest?
>nami and sivir go 0/5 0/5 bot
>they go through huge mental gymnastics to shift the blame towards me "jg"
>sej ganked their lane twice
>i counter ganked the first time cause i saw her coming
>didnt the 2nd time
>they try convince me that they won botlane despite the enemy botlane having 0 deaths for the entire game
>they just complain and complain about how fucking bad i am and that the only reason we lost this game was because of me
>since im a full on tank there isnt much i can do since every lane is super far behind
>end with lowest damage
>duo told me they spent 5 minutes of screaming about how terrible my dmg was
Jesus christ i guess i have to play adc if i wana climb because i get these people who need to be checked into a hospital
*eats your jungle at lightning fast speed*
Do you like carrying or being carried?
>implying she even has to tease your dick to get it ready for another round
she's probably just gonna go round after round until you're firing blanks
You don't have a grouping comp, and even if you did, your jax is too behind for that to work anyways.
>Ghost pick Jax jungle
>Mid bans him
>"sry was on phone"
>He didn't mute them the moment they got salty
Why? Literally why?
Well... they are not wrong..
Soraka and Lux
Jinx, Janna, Ahri, Syndra
Well on the NA server carrying just feels like picking on a bunch of retards, but i guess being retarded a normal thing there?
I like doing my job and earning a victory
>Jungler goes to invade
>Alert him and tell him that I can't respond because minions are shoved under my tower
>Chases enemy jungler anyway
>He overextends and now is inbetween the 1st and second tower with low health
>Enemy toplane goes in for an easy kill and gives free buffs
>Wonders why I didn't fucking try to save his retarded ass
I swear to fucking god junglers ganking toplane can either be a blessing or a curse.
I would like Noxus more if it's champions weren't ALL literal edgelords.
Imagine if Jayce had been Noxian. Holy shit.
Jinx seems like the type of girl to like playing with her bf's ass, whether in the form of rimming or stimulating the prostate
>its the jgs fault of i get ganked once or twice in lane
You do know what wards are right?
And you do know that you can back off if you do see the jg coming right?
>all lanes are behind
>still goes full tank
You can't do that. Somebody needs damage to clear waves. That somebody is (you).
The Void.
Your rengar killing their jhin confused the hell out of me
>open hashinshin stream
>complaining about tanks every 5 seconds
Cheap Shot
>being a lying autist
don't you get a warning that a teammate has that hero softlocked? Like a big goddamn warning?
>hes comes to lolg to talk about the game
come on how new are you
>going full dmg sejuani
Id love to be i cant
Can I pick up Ivern as my first jungler or nah ?
is not for lewd
>being a closet faggot
He is much, much better.
>closet faggot
You cant she's going to japan
>cheap shot is strictly inferior to sudden impact in terms of damage
>literally just exists to penalize immobile champs taking domination as their primary