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Exactly what I thought at the second Summer Games and both Halloween Events. Not gonna happen a third time.
Also, I'm done with Arcade. Fuck that.
Almost missed the Combat Medic Skin too, bought it with the gained credits at the last day and then proceeded to rank up and got it again.

Third party stepping in to tell you that you're right. For someone to be a primary tank, healer or damage dealer they require consistency. A healer that's able to reliably and consistently heal their team with a good healing output is a primary healer, AKA Mercy and Ana. A tank by definition is someone who can actively and reliably protect their teammates, so Roadhog isn't a tank of any kind, Mei is a secondary tank and the two primary tanks in this game are Reinhardt and Orisa. As for damage dealers, I'd say that McCree, Soldier 76, Reaper and Pharah are this game's primary damage dealers. The other offense heroes are flankers that should ONLY be flanking the enemy healers and other priority targets, and Reaper only gets to be a primary due to his lifesteal because playing Reaper as a front line bruiser is very effective. As for Defense heroes they're simply niche heroes for the most part, built to be strong at defending objectives, so we can pool them with the other secondary damage dealers. Except Mei, who again, is a secondary tank. Ice Wall blocks more damage than Reinhardt's barrier and can be used to hinder or prevent enemy movement. Stasis also creates terrain which can block damage, your damage dealers could even use you as a shield during stasis by strafing behind you for cover. She also has a strong presence due to her ability to slow and freeze enemies, and her ultimate can cover an entire objective. But I'm sure you knew all of this, right? You're in Top 500 after all.

t. shitter stuck in Master tier


>character ages already listed
>can't give out birthdays for fear of continuity mistakes

Does that make sense? The year seems like the most important thing and that's already known.

month and date so they can release special character lootboxes on that day

>got all of my lootboxes from arcade
>no reason to play the game anymore

it feels like im playing an FPS gatcha

You can't get banned for picking a specific character anymore because all the totally serious attack symmetras cried.

>no 3v3 elim or 4v4 tdm comp

There really is no hope for saving this fucking shit community. I love this game so much and all of the free content blizzard gives us but the community is absolute shit. Ever since the year of the dog came out my SR has plummeted. I always get paired with the absolute shittiest people. 2 Tanks 3 dps and a zenyatta. 2 healers 2 tanks but a widow and hanzo that refuse to switch. Defense characters on attack. 3 stacks that never make any callouts, or say anything at all, until you get mad and say something to them, then they all join voice chat to talk shit the rest of the game. Symmetras. And the healers I get...ever since the Mercy nerf now everyone wants to play Moira. Problem with everyone playing Moira is they purely try to DPS instead of actually heal and help the team. Everyone tunnels too hard. No one listens to your advice in team chat.

I've learned how to fill. First I played healer, then I get stupid tanks that rush in by themselves or shit dps. Then I learn to tank, then you get aforementioned shitty Moiras or bad heals in general, paired with bad dps. Then I learn how to dps, and then you get stupid tanks that rush in by themselves and aforementioned shitty Moiras or bad heals in general.

I've tried staying positive and not getting toxic and tilted in the chat. I ask people to group up. I ask people to push together. Half of the team is dead and Zarya uses her ult, sucking up everyone but dying shortly after it ends. I ask people if they could switch to another character, not because they are doing bad, but because maybe Widow isn't the best option when the Winston keeps diving you over and over, or maybe we need a hitscan because the Pharah is destroying our healers in the back. Sometimes people will listen, but mostly no one ever communicates until this is your 5th game in a row where some faggot is doing stupid shit and you get mad and say something toxic in voice or text. Then they get on their mics.

Watches Genji fuck Mercy in front of her and likes it

nah blizzard would find some way to fuck it up

FFA is the only DM mode that works.

If Moira's not a primary healer than what's going on here?

Every other supports is shit.


The worst thing is this: when you complain about how many people are peoples have single-handedly ruined the game for you you are almost always met with a sarcatic 'git gud' or 'carry more'. As if individual fucking skill matters AT ALL in this game, you can be the best DPS ever, but if you aren't getting heals, you are going to lose. You can be the best tank ever, keeping your shield up all the time and smartly choosing when to engage or when to not engage, but if you have no DPS, you are going to lose.

This game relies way too much on team chemistry for it to be fun. But that's the fucking thing about this game...when you FINALLY get that team that works, that team where everyone is comfortable with who they're playing, the game is neck and neck, everyone's shouting out their callouts, that's when this games beauty, genius and FUN shine through.

Problem is we live in a world with a million generic bullshit FPS games out there that poisons peoples minds and make them think they can really carry in a game like this. I can't do it anymore. I love Blizzard, I love all the time and energy they put into this game and all of the free content they give us, but the community by large is pure fucking trash that cannot be saved and it makes me hate this game now.

It doesn't get better at high ranks either. Remember Effect getting pissed at seeing yet another sym one trick in his games? Fuck this shit.

Sombras VA supports the furry ship.

Genji is a balanced and fair hero.

The VAs will say anything if it keeps their 15 minutes going a little longer

oh shit that means all of them are canon now!



Her and Symms va have a really sweet relationship

more people play easy heroes, more news at 11

How do I get a team and become a pro esportser?
Low-GM currently

Maybe if he either didn't have deflect or his ult got shut down like a channeled ability.

>Problem is we live in a world with a million generic bullshit FPS games

old fag here, team work or lack of it was a huge problem even back in the Quake CTF and UT2k4 CTF/ONS days. Team DM'ing in the middle of the map vs getting the flag back. Run past them with the other team's flag, no one protects or fallows you back to base. Get jumped, lose flag 5 feet from a capture due to no back up.
UT2k4 ONS required node building you linked together to win the game. The #1 must do thing at the start was take the fast land vehicle to the far node and......... ok never mind a shitter took it to go randomly run people over.
Need the node back, need the node back.. need the.. worthless fucking snipers sitting on the base walls just sniping at who knows what..
The only difference is modern games now have stats and match making, but still tons of shitters. Shitters in my games back in late 1990s grew up and had kids who are now shitters in Overwatch

This site is for young people grandpa, fuck off.

Is this a joke? How is anyone 6'2 52kg? at 62 your bones weigh at least 50kg so are you saying he has less than 2kg of lean muscle/fat?



Happy Valentine's Day, Veeky Forums!

Spotted the amerifat

he's probably a manlet and lying about his height

this is my valentines, say something nice to her!

he's a skeleton


Already over by two hours and 46 Minutes.
Cute Drawing :3

Spotted the Amerifat? You saw me literally put the metric conversion so that I could understand what 120lbs was right? How fucking retarded are you.
He looks kinda lanky

Maybe the 6'2 is a lie


He's definitely lying about his height. 6'2 120 is bordering on aids patient.

How do you think Torb is gonna get fixed?

>ana requires skill and team support
>mercy just got nerfed
>lucio and zen suck at solo healing

>moira is pretty easy
>moira is team independent
>moira can frag charlies easily as well as heal
>moira works great with every other support and team comp

wow such a mystery why moira has a high pick rate

Spotted the retarded burger

It's in.




Time means nothing to love, user. Happy day-day.

Thanks for the cute Mei, my dude.

Y'all know this is bait right


>tfw xqc will never be your boyfriend

With how autistic self inserting genji mains are I don't know anymore

It's probably overplayed a bit though, maybe he's hoping to be a copypasta or something.

Best shit is lena and bloo!


thats a doll

Both of you autistic weirdos stop.

I'll never understand why mercy mains are in favour of pharmercy

Is it because they get carried in Comp by pocketing a pharah so it develops there?

Is it because they want a lesbian ship? Why not Mercymaker or Dva/Mercy

What am I missing?

I don't think xQc could ever be the man in the relationship

Pharah has more mobility than Widow, otherwise MercyMaker would be the dominate Mercy femslash ship.

Bloo is poo you foo'.

Nah, his relationship with his ex was practically a mommy type relationship.

She was basically his mother, I think that's the type of girl he needs, one to take care of him because he's a lost cause without a mommy gf.

Spotted the sandnigger.

Because the game strategy is so easy a caveman can do it and it was back before anyone could actually aim. Then the les group jumped on it and we have the meme of today.

Why did they increase the freezing time for Mei?

>0-5 today
Literally ooga booga

>tfw you will never have a skelly xqc boyfriend to make fun of fat people with

It's in you baiting fag.

I hear /v/ love sucking shit twitch eceleb dick, you should go there.

why not

I love my wife Sombra!

it's supposed to make her stronger against high-mobility heroes, I kinda doubt it'll make a big difference though

I'm guessing we're not getting a 27th character for another four months.

Your wife is a street puta who took gang cock in the back alleys.

Taking away Sombras ability to gain meter from health pack usages is like taking away Mercy's meter gain for healing. You should be rewarded for playing your character as intended.

Sorry but I "loved" her all night already

If these other changes work out for the better she needed something taken away to better balance it out.

If you wanted Chinese Genji and Mercy you could have just asked.

Why would you go on the internet and lie like that? Sombra is pure and for me only

Olivia Colomar es una perra y una puta que chupetiaba a Los Muertos.

>in a gang

chowder was a reddit show you faggot nigger

>chowder was a reddit show
you what

>loli in the mexican gangs
user... do you know how the mexican gangs are?

They obviously didnt intend for sombra to just camp a healthpack, pop up behind your team 3-4 times and farm her ult every 30 seconds. Any change that makes a hero more IN the game is fine by me.

Mercy no longer just hides in spawn on anubis only to fly out for a 5 man res, sombra will no longer just troll around giving free ult charge just to EMP twice a minute, now, she'll have to earn her ult through damage just like 25/26 of the current roster

ive been thinking more about what user wrote about healers and how they each slot into different teams

heres how i see them

>requires line of sight
>high single target healing output
>no mobility
>some self sustain
>amazing utility (sleep/nade)

>requires proximity
>low single target healing output, heals multiple allies
>great mobiltiy
>great self sustain
>amazing utility (speed/boop)

>requires proximity
>high single target healing output
>great mobility
>good self sustain
>great utility (rez/damage boost)


>requires proximity
>high single target healing output, heals multiple allies, resource meter
>good mobility
>great self sustain
>meh utility (heal/damage orb)

>requires line of sight
>low single target healing output
>no mobility
>no self sustain
>great utility (discord orb)

from your healers, during a fight you generally want high single target healing
mercy is the canonical example of the healer, she sticks her heal beam on an ally and they get healed through lots of damage
moira heals for 80 hp per second with her piss beam, which should put her into the same category as mercy as a high heals per second healers, however she is on a resource meter, so she cant quite heal like mercy can

she can for a bit, in fact she can shit out healing like nobodys business, she just cant do it indefinitely like ana and mercy

high mobility and self sustaining healers work well with flank heavy teams who dont want to keep having to come back to help out their healers
low mobility and self sustain healers need team support, ie dive tanks or deathballs
so where does moira fit in? she can heal like crazy to allies near to her for a time, but cannot heal through a long grindy fight, so i suppose she works well with tightly packed teams who try to steamroll their opponents quickly ie quad tank on first point horizon, you wouldnt want moira paired with genji, tracer, pharah, winston, etc... on second point numbani

>tfw you will never clean xqc's room for him

did you honestly just write all of that out?

Is this what you think about late at night when you're lying in bed trying to fall asleep?

This is some real low gold SR level analysis here

best skins from each event prove me wrong

>Lunar - Baije Roadhog
>Uprising - Blackwatch McCree
>Anniversary - Cruiser D.Va
>Summer - Lifeguard McCree
>Halloween - Witch Mercy
>Winter - Nutcracker Zen

Thanks for the feedback user

>high single target healing output

It's not that high, given it's the only aim requiring resource limited healing in the game. No other healer has to fucking reload mid fight and watch their target die while doing it.

>requires proximity

Maybe if you define proximity as being bigger than entire control point areas lmao

>requires line of sight
>no self sustain

His orbs have a range limit, line of sight is not enough on it's own. It's a long range, but not that long. Zen also has minor sustain with energy shield regen.

horrible taste

Lunar and Anniversary were taken by Genji. Last year, it was Sanzang.

post your sr

>Lunar - Baije Roadhog
already wrong

>Lunar - Baihu Genji
>Uprising - Talon Widowmaker, Medic Mercy
>Anniversary - Oasis Symmetra
>Summer - Champion/Weightlifter Zarya
>Halloween - Ghoul Ana, Witch Mercy, Dr Junkenstien Junkrat
>Winter - Snow Owl Ana, Ice Fisherman Roadhog.

>43% win rate
>sr has gone up this season


objectively, the best Halloween skin is junkenstein

You know, I thought about putting in that caveat about ana's aim, but character limit, surely anas as low as platinum or diamond can aim well enough tho, fuck I don't know, ana can aim in my games at least, she gets pretty forgiving hitboxes
Also during a fight you should be using nade to cancel your reload animation, nade at the start, then shoot, then nade again when you reload, this helps avoid people going without healing for too long
Where I said proximity I really only wanted to point out the difference between zen/ana and the others, they can heal from further away, I know it's not unlimited in zen's case, likewise I know the orb doesn't disappear instantly on loss of los
And while he does have some shield regeneration, again, I'm just trying to point out a difference between the way you can play mercy, lucio or moira compared to ana or zen
The whole point of posting anonymously is so that you can judge the merit of an argument by itself, if you need to check out my instagram before you talk about overwatch with me, then I suggest you might fit in better elsewhere

>He doesn't jerk it to witch mercy


Performance based sr

even at higher levels aim isn't a guaranteed thing like it is with the other healers. That's partly why she fueled triple tank comps back in the day