Fighting Games General /fgg/
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post below this if you're a cuck
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to evo.
Marbles sucks and not even the shills like Wong and FChamp care about it anymore.
Year of the dog!
>the same thread all day
Is /fgg/ dying?
Thoughts ?
>there is someone in this thread who truly, unironically thinks that graphics are what make fighting games good or bad
This is why fighting games should go back to being dead again
literally not an MvC game
is there an easy way to tell if my joystick is centered? It feels/looks like its not but I cant tell if its an illusion/my inexperience, and when I open it up it looks perfect
What about Cyberbots flight though?
>DBZF and SFV have the same amount of entrants at NLBC
NOOO it was supposed to defeat Capcom
Should have bought fantasy strike
most people do.
See: marbles infinite
Based furryfox killing another game
Nah they just fell off cause they suck at it. MvCI's all about the new guard, dudes like dualkevin, sonicfox, cloud805, Richard Nguyen, etc
>frame data app says Bison VT2 Psycho Crusher is -8
>Go into training mode and make him mash lights after psycho crusher
>He jabs me out of everything
>throw fireball
>psycho crushes through it
>neutral jump
>he recovers and jabs me 3/5 times
you guys think juri and mileena would get along
Play Weiss
Graphics are a good indication of effort put into a game, so yes they matter.
Otherwise go make a fighting game that’s just 8-12 different colored stick figures and prove me wrong.
I love fighting games bros!!
Is Unist the biggest fighting game now?
Yeah, And most people don't play fighting games, so it's understandable that they wouldn't get what more there is too it just by looking at it.
But this thread is supposed to be for people who DO get it. You clearly don't though. You couldn't even post 30 seconds of yourself playing a fighting game.
>the piano part
le kino frog .png
>the dubshit part
le disgruntled frog .png
I know, I know. But still, holy shit.
Play/post succ.
Please play her user.
chrisg got 2nd place at battle for the stones and consistently gets results. also not really sure about those guys being new guard since they have a lot of experience in marvel games before infinite
The capcum option select.
so go play your dead ugly boring games then. what's the problem? sure there's some discord for people who like ugly low effort unsupported cashcrab marketing games too
I tried playing Carol in marbles but I'm to stupid to do fly combos. Sorry senpai.
16 player bracket after 2 and a half weeks. lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooo
is that our guy nerdjosh
People getting they dick wet tonight man.
Reminder that posters are extra angry tonight because they have no gf
play King of Fighters
Fuck you faggot I bet you play dooberz.
mileena a cute and needs to be mentioned more often
damn DBFZ at Evo is going to be insane, i absolutely cannot stand to wait
You are right i can't. I am at work. I do play jive occasionally though. Got too busy at work recently so haven't had the will to play.
Nice. Thanks.
It's ok.
Who dis?
I wish smash bros was on PC and used a regular arcade stick bros....
don't say some smash clone. I want the real nintendo characters bros
I mean that the days of Justin and champ winning everything is closing, Chris is still strong mainly because he's playing characters no one else is. I didn't say EVERYONE from pre-infinite fell off, but it's certainly not gonna be MvC3 part 2.
I never said either of those things. SFV and MvCI are both great and it has nothing to do with how easily a newcomer can beat a veteran.
We're all on PS4 brother.
I know you'll call bullshit but the fact that I match with between 30 and 40 players every DAY I play, it's gotta say something.
Surprise surprise, everyone wants to streamboar the new flashy anime Reddit game but no one actually want to play it
That's not gonna cut into the DBFZ audience at all lmao
Hope you're ready for the most boring top 8 of EVO history. And that includes fucking Pokken.
No way this series actually gets better animation later on
Love you bros.
Whens the porn movie of this?
wow me 2 :^)
>responds to everyone
>low effort unsupported cashcrab marketing games too
That describes DBFZ way more than Marvel though. With the low budget Marvel had they still went through the effort of having great netcode, proper lobbies, proper menus, online training mode and even a short lived pro event, while addressing all the "low content" complaints of SFV. For a game with less budget than SFV's DLC. Meanwhile DBFZ had all the work done for them with reusing Xrd's engine and lobbies and they couldn't even be assed to put in proper menus, invest in netcode or any other general improvement on the Xrd experience, they literally copy and pasted and yet made it worse. The only explanation for DBFZ's online's sorry state is that they invested everything in graphics and marketing.
$825,415 is quite a lot of money....I rule that the soyface is justified in this case
when people stop making edgy and dickgirl sfm porn
>responding to more than 2 posts
I was gonna reply to them anyway but it's easier to do it all in just one post
Animations are atrocious now and the new engine, or tool whtaever, they are using just doesnt work
>This is what Capdrones think
Good luck with your dead game user! I can't wait to see it at EVO! Oh wait.....
the dickgirl SFM stuff isn't bad though
>being a postlet
I bet you use your fucking phone
Holy fuck this
I don't really play marvel. My point was that people will dislike a game with bad graphics. Hence why you won't see it at evo
Well, since one of them is dead. I don't think so.
I'm legit starting to want a Blanka plushie
Why did we stop supporting DBZ?
>Animations are atrocious now and the new engine
mvci's menus and character select were eyesores. and the character select was laggy
dbfz's hub looks way better and you just press L2 to open the menu if you want. brainlets can't figure that out
>For a game with less budget than SFV's DLC
Literally fake news. Dr. Cupcakes is a known liar for attention.
death in mortal kombat
>nrsbab is a rwbab
These DBZF matches feels like they go on forever
if you think the animations was better in the old episodes you are blind
Slow day at the office I guess.
just look at the clock at the end of each game, and remember the clock is frozen during super animations and character deaths
Did Capcucks really think this game was worth $60 + $30 season pass + tax + tip? What's wrong with them?
>people play more hours when game comes out
ok now post mvci and sfv "player base"
sfv and tekken didn't lose 80% of their pc playbase in 2 weeks
who gives a shit about marvel
>Dooberz is lazy because they just reuse GG engine and lobby system
>B-But Infinite isn’t even though 90% of the roster is from MvC3 with the exact same models and animations
Did I do a shitty job painting my RAP considering I've never touched paint before in my life?
me on top
who cares? sfv launched with no content so people would have zero reason to be grinding the game for 10 hours at launch. No story mode and no unlockable characters. yet dbfz numbers are still way higher than sfv and people more excited about it
and apparently the capcuck who keeps defending marvel
would really help if you removed the middle piece and touched up the edges, otherwise pretty solid paintjob
Yeah, And it kinda sucks. Now it seems like EVO is just the yearly fightcon instead of being the hub for all the tournaments, it's just a battle of who can pay most to have their trailer shown for a sizeable livestream audience. But people will still see it as this big fighting games mecca that they always HEARD it was, and dickride it all day.
This is the most "I don't actually play fighting games I just watch other people play them and regurgitate what they say" post I've seen all day
It's really a travesty. It's like all that these kids online see fighting games as is a big joke. They wanted MvCI to be the next big ebin TORtanic meme to latch onto and dickrode BASED DBFZ when it was announced, and then when release week came and went everyone realised these fags don't even play fighting games and left both games dying and impossible to discuss.
Yeah, the damage is pretty shit so things take way too long. If it had MvC2-tier damage it might be fun, but unfortunately it doesn't.
No that isn't worth $60 + $30 season pass + tax + tip because that's the ComicCon build lol. MvCI has problems no doubt but you don't gotta lie or make them up.
90% of MvC2 was reused assets and people liked that fine. The only MvC2 game to have more new content than reused content was 3, And that's only because it was the first one after an 11 year gap.
Do dooberz think that a game with delay netcode in 2018, shit mandatory lobbies with random disconnects and homogeneous movement options is worth $60 + $35 season pass + tax + tip? Even if you want to shit on MvCI, the game you should compare it to is Skull Girls, which shits on both of them in terms of features with nowhere near the budget, ArcSys has no excuse for the shit product they delivered.
Is Soul Calibur going to retain player better than DB Fighter?
Yeah 3D fighters are great for mashing.
are people still playing the last Soul Calibur, or at least the one before that?
The create a character mode will
just bought a fleshlight buy 2 get 1 free pack for $99.00
lady (wonder wave)
butt (heavenly)
cheeks (vortex)
did i make a good buy? i heard destroya was good but heavenly looked nicer and i hear vortex and wonder wave are must haves