Stinky Riven Edition
Stinky Riven Edition
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Riven has good hygiene and is NOT a stinky hobo
My favorite part about ADC is how you can lose lane due in no part to anything you have control over, but instead 100% due to Support/Jungler.
please post your MOST cute poppy pictures please
I don't care about winning lane as an ADC. I'm just gonna farm, get my items, and kill as much shit as possible, win or lose and try to die as little as possible.
new splash
fuck off nigger
poppy doesn't even look like that.
i love the diverse picks of top lane!!
its a skill based lane definitely not just some do fucking nothing cancer shit hole haha :))
dont forget to pick top .01% heroes exclusively if u want to win!!!!
1v1 me ign:imthem
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
>ywn be Swain and mindbreak Sona into a proper Noxian concubine
>Implying Swain has time for this bullshit
he got a land to conquer
>play adc sivir since no champs and autofill
>enemy is a draven lulu with aery
>I have a fucking lux support
>she stands behind me idling while throwing out her Q and E whenever it's up
I mean come the fuck on, clearly we have no fucking synergy, I'm not a fucking ezreal and all I wanted to do was fucking CS until blew people up. Fucking autofill supports
>draft a mad scaling comp against a comp that has to win early to do anything at all
>"alright free game just play passive early alright"
>vayne feeds 5 kills within 10 minutes
>blames support for not wanting to fight with him against draven zyra
>say nothing until we lose base
>"maybe you shouldn't play scaling champions if you can't handle a passive early game"
this game is full of crybabies
xth for my wife Syndra
>she visits you tonight
what now?
>qt petite gf
Me on the left
hide because she kills no sex
Absolutely not, this would never happen
>implying it doesn't come natural to hee
Hi Veigar
>I would like Noxus more if it's champions weren't ALL literal edgelords.
And thats how you get "LE NOXUS IS LE PROGRESSIVE AND DIVERSE!!!!! GRRR DEMACIA IS MAGIPHOBIC!" bullshittery where apparently Kata-Murdered-her-father-rina isn't evil and Joseph Stalin, er, Jericho Swain*, actual tyrant is the good guy protecting his people.
While ruling from a giant skull housing the Death Master's phylactory and keeping him from being completely killed and controlled by actual shadow Organization the Black Rose.
what's the best, non-meme way to climb out of plat and become a dia 5 0lp babby?
Camille or Fiora?
it is just his job nothing personal
why does the fat gay running man of infinite silence duration sprint as fast as a riven can dash or a singed with ult and/or ghost can sprint
thoughts on new AP items?
>swain no longer limps
>they buffed his movespeed
Noxus isn't about "not being edgelords". It's pretty cemented as Demacia's edgy brother. Moreover there's been a push to humanize Noxus for years and it started with Darius and Draven, because before they came along Noxus was that one faction that ruined people's lives and was the reason half of the champs were in the League or had shitty backstories, it's retarded.
Anyway Noxus sounds a lot cooler than Demacia because it's more of a practical meritocracy even if it sounds bipolar as fuck because people who are ideologically possessed can't stop using their buzzwords. They were clearly trying to say that again, Noxus was a meritocracy but they are also so far gone that they just can't help themselves.
what the FUCK is that thing on your picture user and does it have a movie?
>mad scaling comp vs lane bullies
>surprised somebody fed
gangplankiv been a d50lper for my whole life nobody no how to sit at the bare minimum for "good" better than me
Whose fucking idea was it to add infinitely scaling champs to the game? Fuck you Riot
R>Q>E>W is standard order afaik. Start Q-E-W or W second if you could get cheese ganked. Corrupting pot is super good start, sustain is wonderful and the burn can help you trade and harass. Build is usually Phage-Sheen-Triforce. IE/RFC/Shiv/(whatever). Some people build pen boots, I always go for Tabis or Mercs just to avoid getting oneshot if at all possible. Corki does hella damage but even with the Triforce HP he's squishy and he wants to autoattack people.
Q is hella good for waveclear because of its range and damage but it travels so slow that you eventually almost stop using it in favor of R spam. Max first for waveclear.
W doesn't have a reset mechanic on it so you get one use per fight basically. It's the last card in your hand. Using it to engage is a great way to get yourself killed.
E does shred resistances so applying it at the start of a trade is a really good idea but the shred is low until you put points into it, by which time you kinda don't want to be sitting on people's faces with E ticking. Good for pushing waves if you need to, EQ will clear a lot of shit.
R is longer than Ez Q but also way thinner. You'll miss a ton of these until you get the hang of them. Every 3rd deals double damage in a larger area, use them to harass people while they're in the wave if you can. R is actually weird in that its AD scaling increases with rank so that rank 1 R is actually dogshit but rank 2 is hella good and rank 3 does like more damage per hit than your Q, on 1/4th the CD or something. Your bread and butter is R+Triforce/RFC proc.
Passive can be used as an extra TP since you can use it to get back to lane ASAP, push and then roam. It gives Corki huge playmaking potential for engaging fights and catches since it applies a massive slow and can split the enemy team. It can also get you killed really really fast if you decide to Package on top of 4 people. Not that I've done that a lot or anything.
I fucking love it when a gp rolls into lane level 1 with 700 health and a fucking relic shield
the top most satisfying ults to pop out of 100+ champs are all demacian and involve screaming
2. D E M A C I A
no one comes close to being as fun
maybe darius on dunkmaster skin
You DID spend Valentine's with your wife, right user?
>no AO rated visual expansion pack version of league where every skin is sex/drug/edgelord/racism themed
>you will never watch your waifu brutally murder everybody else's waifus
>Urgot losing lane that hard against GP
I bet he was first-timing him, too.
*Blocks your path*
I wanna hold Lulu VERY tightly in my arms!
>people can't play defensive in diamond
they should know by now. jungling is torture
Please say hi to my wife.
>yfw 0 LP
>Lands 1 Q
>Gets a red pot
>Second Q
>Exilir of Wrath
>Every Q for the next 8 minutes gives bags of gold and deals 800 damage
Nice game lolbabs
good night /lolg/
>Support starts trash talking me from minute 5
>Non stop shit talking, non stop passive-aggressive pings, blames me for literally everything bad that has ever happened
>Make the mistake of insinuating that his missed Q's might've caused some of our hardships
>Entire team goes anti-bully-rangers and turns on me for harassing the poor widdle support
I need to just /mute all every game Jesus Christ.
Why is she so cute?!!?!?!
goodnight lulu
when the AD only heals for himself (only at double digit health) mid never roams you got a tryn top and your warwick don't know his ult prevents the enemy jungler from using smite
I wish Sona was in a better game...
if I'm picking janna to W harass should I be rushing ardents for the 60 ap?
Eventually something has to give. You can't just have every lane down cs and objectives and expect to win in the mid game. It's a slow bleed to defeat and some people would rather get on with it than play like a bitch for 15 extra minutes until you lose.
its good sona is in most popular worldwide game
means she gets more porn
Draven and Kled. They're the only exceptions though, and even then they're kind of edgy with their sociopathic desire to kill shit and everything.
>look at revel orb loot table
>buy revel orb with tokens
>get one crap skin
would smash
what is the best way to spend Revel Tokens?
2 Revel Orbs and 80 blue essence
Is a waifus only purpose to encourage porn?
I wish Sona would bully me with her bust
How do I get a girl to do this to me but a bit more gently
orbs unless you really want one of the gold chromas
armor is too strong
its really interesting how i can lose lane to counter picks but still farm anyway and have more items feels real fucking stupid
no my only two deaths were in lane actually he shit on me but thanks to incredible game design i still did the most damage
actually out of those the only times i actually won the lane was vs the akalis lol....
too bad gangplank is really boring or id actually be having fun winning so easily
porn and lewdposting
If they're fucking trash like Sona then yes
Ninja Tabi are my favorite ADC item
why is she reading ero of herself?
Good thing Sona is the breast waifu
lewdposting gets me harder than most porn these days
what about Revel Orb and Revel Skin Shard?
44 + 52 = 96
Apparently a decent movie.
I bet Poppy has the nicest puffy vulva
It's not ero she is reading user, it's just a magazine with her picture on it.
>jungler hovers kindred
>tell them not to because she isn't good right now
>they pick it anyway
>real reason I told them not to pick kindred was because I get too distracted the entire game staring at lambs ass
I need to start banning her so I stop losing games.
I tried to explain this to you already but you seem to deny it, I think she's reading something lewd. She might be getting ideas for things to do to you later
Is AP Tristana the sleeper of the meta?
Kled has the cutest ears out of all the champions!
What are the unironical best tags to use when searching for League R34?
can boys get pregnant?
how does hash win while inting?
sniff those feet
user those things are usually extremely lewd I doubt anything good is going to come out of it that we can't imagine by ourselves.
All that matters
hes master tier when he wants to be
Camille is overpowered again