Do you think we will talk about whites in history books as a "dead race" in 100 years?
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Papa Trump won't let that happen senpai
The left has safe rooms, to hide in.
The right just goes to the basement to clean all the Guns.
It's not just white countries, it's everywhere on earth that isn't a total shithole.
Either we'll figure out how to fix it, the third world will totally overrun us, third world populations will level out too, or there'll be another Malthusian correction.
Either way, the future looks pretty interesting.
>Either we'll figure out how to fix it
Religion is the only way to fight the amorality of atheism and materialism.
shut the fuck up Mohammed
In 100 years whites will be to the Chinese as ancient Greeks were to the Romans.
Something that use to be great that they culturally admire in history books and draw inspiration from but have otherwise surpassed. White scholars will occasionally tutor in prestigious asian universities like greek educated slaves did.
Native Americans are far more likely to be an extinct race in 100 years than whites. There's well over a billion whites. Even if half them are breeded out, thats still a massive population on the earth. Tbqh given how europe is such a small part of the earth, I'd say whites are in a good place. If worst comes to worst their genes will be preserved and used in future generations which will have trendy white children cause its the fad of that time.
Who said Mohammedans have morals?
Shut the fuck up Mohammed, say something else and I'll slap your shit
Does that mean we'll eventually get our own white 'Peoples Republic of China' that eventually falls to Islamic invaders who subsequently refer to themselves as Chinese?
I think that races in general will be extinct in the near future. Or at the very least race as we know it will be extinct. I am sure we can find some different petty bullshit to quarrel over, though.
Heavily religious countries have seen the same effects.
Birth rates in Iran and Brazil dropped enormously with no corresponding decrease in faith.
>I think that races in general will be extinct in the near future.
Which race will the eternal anglo and the eternal jew use to spread pornography if whites are extinct?
Trump is already laying the groundwork for that. What do you think the bonding with Taiwan is all about? That's the future white china. It will then be conquered by Western Chinese muslims and Indonesian muslims.
It won't be interracial porn, it will be interclassist porn. Plebs cucking Patrician men.
>/pol/ memes
To try to extrapolate a logical question from that, I'll just pretend you said "but what will the dominant face of the most powerful cultural influence be if it isn't white?"
I believe that symbolism will take over as a way to represent cultures that are undergoing turmoil as they begin to redefine themselves in a new era of technology where the propagation of new ideas is so fast that culture is getting far "wider" (for lack of a better term) and that what we used to use to show culture (such as a white man with western luxuries or values for western culture) will be replaced with more abstract concepts that still embody the underlying values of the base culture, but still are inclusive to the numerous subcultures within the base culture.
shit comment.
satanic jews and the eternal anglo will always use white girls as slaves
Shut the fuck up schizo, this is an adults only thread, take your 3rd grade education back to /pol9k/
are you fucking retarded? he said races won't exist anymore, so there won't be an "eternal anglo" or an "eternal jew"
on the topic of the op: it's much more likely that in 100 years semites, northern american indians and lots of indio ethnicities will cease to exist
>"shit comment"
>goes on to spout some cucked stormnigger nonsense
source for OP? girl is kinda cute
Don't use /pol/tard buzzwords like 'cuck'. It just gives those buzzwords value.
The concept of slavery still exist. Today there are no more blacks or asians in slavery but most slaves are white women who is responsible for 85% of world pornography
>Today there are no more blacks or asians in slavery
You're retarded or just 15 and genuinly enjoy talking about stuff you have no idea about
Majority of slaves are in Africa, India and China, the Eastern European sex trade is dwarfed by the combined 50 million slaves in the country I listed
>85% of world pornography
Is English your first language, friend?
Anyways, that comment is blatantly wrong if you look over any information about slavery in the modern world. Most slavery occurs in economically poor areas and is usually sex based, such as kidnapping African or certain Asian women from their homes where it is too poor to have any police force or the police force is too corrupt to act on it, where they are then sold throughout several underground markets to wealthy warlords or drug cartels. White women are a small minority of the slave trade because they are often from Western nations that will conduct organized efforts to search for them, which is dangerous because it may expose the entire slave-trade organization which will at least disrupt the cash flow or at worst shut down the entire trade they had going on. It just isn't worth it for them.
shut up cuck
Owned by African masters
owned by indian masters
owned by chinese businessmen/masters
Whites women are slaves of other races such as arabs, jews and the eternal anglo.
I do know there are many chinese slaves but I'm talking in the sense they are owned by other people/culture/race
the sex trafficking in Africa is just as huge as is in europe/eastern europe.
>Today there are no more blacks or asians in slavery
>Whites women are slaves of other races such as arabs, jews and the eternal anglo.
There's not a single caucasian female slave in fucking India, China or Africa, if there is prove me wrong you abject fucking retard
What is satanic about it?
>Today there are no more blacks or asians in slavery but most slaves are white women
there are arab, jews and eternal anglo masters all over europe that own lots of white slaves. That's the point.
What school did you go to, I'm genuinely curious where my tax dollars are going
Communism is the solution.
>People work all day
>Both parents need to work to support a household now.
>Kids are fucking expensive whilst most people don't make very much money.
It's no surprise this is happening. Capitalism is an existential threat to the human race.
I think you live in some alternative universe and have just found some space-time anomaly to contact us with.
There are hookers in philippines for instance who would be considered sex slaves but how many women there are working as prostitutes?
compare to the dozens of millions of europeans working as sex slaves, strip dancers, porn actress, etc.
>Capitalism is an existential threat to the human race.
Idk senpai we've survived 100k years so far, even if shit sucks we won't just vanish unless an extinction level event occurs
Both parents work, the kid is educated by freaks disciples of Karl Radek and Foucault and you'll end up with a generation of degenerates unfit to work
I can have a drink in Europe without even seeing a prostitute.
You cannot walk into a bar in say Phnom Penh without a prostitute being in a 20 foot radius.
Why are you so obsessed with eastern european sex slaves and not the dozens of millions sex and labor slaves in Africa, India, Bangladesh, and China
There are philippino hookers in the US (and just about every other large country) that ARE sex slaves.
No, but as it stands the white race is the pinnacle of humanity and without their guidance it may take centuries for us to reach the same level of advancement.
Not to mention when we do we're just going to face the same problem and the cycle continues until the problem is solved. And that problem is called capitalism. Either we can progress beyond it or lose all that it has achieved.
The education system sucks I agree. But this is also capitalism's fault (not cultural Marxists contrary to popular belief) as it's in the interests of the ruling class to breed slaves rather than free people.
>I can have a drink in Europe without even seeing a prostitute.
Because it's either cold or the prostitutes prefer to work in apartments because it's easier for them to receive clients there.
The point is not saying one is worse than the other. You have to realize there are slaves in China, yes, but it's owned by chinese men themselves. What can we do?
What about Africa? most, if not all, masters are african themselves.
We should help them but the problem of pornography is so destructive that there won't be any civilization in a few hundred years to help those poor chinese and africans. Every european will behave like a savage because of this porn culture.
I hope you realize that there's such a thing as central heating that basically every building in Europe has. Not to mention even in Scandinavia in the winter prostitutes don't mind standing outside.
>but the problem of pornography is so
Pornography has existed for hundreds of years and yet we are still here, still advancing.
capitalism just means you have wealth and create wealth
Cultural marxism means you brainwash and destroy an entire generation in order for them to accept your ideals.
If people were honest they could use the wealth they have to create free people. But they use the wealth to spread totalitarian ideas such as marxism and liberalism. (Yes liberalism is a totalitarian idea because it's against civil law, order and natural law).
>I hope you realize that there's such a thing as central heating that basically every building in Europe has.
Exactly. Which means prostitutes prefer to be in doors not outside like in philippines or venezuela.
We are in the end of history I believe.
>capitalism just means you have wealth and create wealth
Capitalism is actually a very complicated system that involves many things. Not just having rich people.
>But they use the wealth to spread totalitarian ideas such as marxism and liberalism
On the contrary if figures like George Soros are any indication they use their wealth to stifle Marxism. Marxism is the greatest threat to the elite that has ever been conceived.
>Exactly. Which means prostitutes prefer to be in doors not outside like in philippines or venezuela.
I don't think you understood my post. My point was that in a bar in Europe there's no prostitutes the overwhelming majority of the time. In say a large SEA city it'd be more difficult to find a bar without prostitutes.
Both these locations being indoors.
Add latina and asians like koreans and chinese girls.
>Marxism is the greatest threat to the elite that has ever been conceived.
Bakunin on Marx and Rothschild
“Himself a Jew, Marx has around him, in London and France, but especially in Germany, a multitude of more or less clever, intriguing, mobile, speculating Jews, such as Jews are every where: commercial or banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades, with one foot in the bank, the other in the socialist movement, and with their behinds sitting on the German daily press — they have taken possession of all the newspapers — and you can imagine what kind of sickening literature they produce. Now, this entire Jewish world, which forms a single profiteering sect, a people of blooksuckers, a single gluttonnous parasite, closely and intimately united not only across national borders but across all differences of political opinion — this Jewish world today stands for the most part at the disposal of Marx and at the same time at the disposal of Rothschild. I am certain that Rothschild for his part greatly values the merits of Marx, and that Marx for his part feels instinctive attraction and great respect for Rothschild.
This may seem strange. What can there be in common between Communism and the large banks? Oh! The Communism of Marx seeks enormous centralization in the state, and where such exists, there must inevitably be a central state bank, and where such a bank exists, the parasitic Jewish nation, which. speculates on the work of the people, will always find a way to prevail ....”
Source: Michael Bakunin, 1871, Personliche Beziehungen zu Marx. In: Gesammelte Werke. Band 3. Berlin 1924. P. 204-216.
Which is your own opinion and much like your asshole, full of shit.