>bitcoin at 1776usd
Bitcoin at 1776usd
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mfw I'm half way to becoming millionaire in my country
>mfw I sold all my shitcoins 3 days ago
1850 in next hour.
only less than day until SegWit
prepare your rockets
this one will be epic
Litecoin right?
who /boughttheethdip/ here?
I've got no money, so nope.
I love Alex Jones.
He's truly THE artist of our time
>bitcoin at 1488
>bitcoin at 1776
What did kek mean by this?
We's free.
I have over 20 million dollars in Bitcoin, I shit you not.
But how the fuck do I change those into dollars? Like, how the fuck do I sell them? Who would ever be willing to?
Post proof.
Answer my question first.
I'm a noob but I thought you could sell them on exchanges for usd. At the very least there is a sell option on coinbase
sell them on coinbase for USD and withdraw to your bank account
this is how i know youre lying: you don't even know how to withdraw bitcoin
4th dimensional crypto gains and deadly mma fight abilities 2u
Yes but 20 million? I can imagine how someone can sell 50 USD of Bitcoin but is it that easy to sell 20 million USD worth of BTC? Is it something instantaneous if not how long will it take for me to sell everything? I don't care if you believe me or not, that's completely irrelevant. Just answer the question if you won't mind.
i would do it thousands at a time...
but yeah i have no idea how someone with more than 10000 USD can cash out..
taking 20,000,000 out at once would cause bitcoin to drop by $100 or more.
MFW if I had invested in Bitcoin a year ago my money would have tripled. Any thoughts on crypto-currency as an investment?
So you want to at least sign up for Coinbase and Gemini Exchange.
Both will ask for ID and what not for verification. With Coinbase it was almost instantaneous, with Gemini it took a couple of days. When you sign up at these exchanges, they give you the option to link your bank account directly to them- do so.
I know Coinbase has a $15,000 per week Sell Limit for new users, but that can go up over time as your account matures. Gemini doesnt seem to have any as far as I can see.
On top of those, youn also get MyCelium Wallet which has an option to sell $1000USD per day, everyday, which adds up quite a lot over time.
Now while doing this, you want to check up repeatedly on news regarding USDT (United States Dollar Tether). It was initially how one was able to exchange Bitcoins to USD in one lump sum by selling your Bitcoins for USDT, and then letting your bank know you have USDT that you wish to exchange for dollars into your bank account. Unfortunately, for the time being, USDT is going through some problems so you cant do this YET. Watch for news on USDT and in the meantime use the above exchanges to change your BTC into USD.
You can also use localbitcoins to sell BTC peer to peer. Ive also heard good things about BitPanda and Kraken, but do not have any experience with them as of now.
Good luck, and if you appreciated this advice and are feeling generous, a tip in Bitcoin would be great if at all possible...
I promise to reinvest it in the market and not spend it on stupid shit. Thanks man and good luck.
Remember the 2013 boom? When it reached around 1000 but then quickly fell in just one or two days? Let's say I go back in time. How easy would it be for me to sell the then 13 or so million USD in Bitcoin to get cash? Would it have been possible to cash out all BTC in just a few days back then? Did the USDT thing work back then? In other words, let's pick the time between it went through 800USD and then fell through that value during the "crash". How much could a person have sold back then, in this said back span, at best and worst?
And thank you.
I may or may not make an act of generosity. It will depend on the effort you put into this next answer.
don't give your shit away man. No, it wasn't easy to cash out. Right now it isn't easy to cash out. You can see a lot of people sweating because they can't cash out to their bank accounts because coinbase or whateverexchange is fucking them.
Yes USDT did work back then.
If I understand your question correctly, as long as you sold your Bitcoin into USDT you were safe from the crash. USDT is traded alongside cryptocurrency on big, high volume exchanges like Poloniex as if it were a coin itself. You are able to convert all your BTC into USDT instantly, as if you were trading BTC for any other alt-coin (you can still do this today to shield yourself from Bitcoin volatility- you just cant exchange back for fiat cash any longer at the moment). USDT is basically crypto coin that covers every US dollar in circulation, where crypto traders can put their money into something instantaneously that represents US dollars to protect themselves from market volatility and (eventually again) exchange the USDT for real fiat cash in a lump sum.
I believe you can even get a USDT wallet at tether.io to secure it off the exchanges.
Let me know if this answers your question.
You can cash out. I just cashed out $2,000 with Coinbase just the other week. Had no problems at all.
Play by their rules and they wont fuck with you.
If you really have 20 million it is probably not worth evading taxes on them. Unless you plan to live like a poor person your whole life just to keep anyone from noticing the change in lifestyle, but then what is the point of having all that money? I would say split your coins 60% in secure wallets, loan out 30% to margin traders on different exchanges for some extra income, and slowly start exchanging your bitcoins for other assets such as stocks. You should file it as capital gains, and probably live in a state with no state income tax for when you want to sell the bulk.
Can I have 0.1 btc? :)
Heres proof btw that you can cash out with Coinbase without any problems (pic related).
Just play by their rules and they wont fuck with you. Do not transfer to or from a competitor exchange, always go through your private wallet first.
you can cash out today with coinbase, sometimes there's problems. You have to wait 10 days to get the fucking account going or sometimes wait more than one day to cash out.
The other user asked how was the situation almost 4 yeras ago. It was worse.
Read the fucking posts.
>Had no problems at all.
sell fee .025%, transfer fee 0.0004btc, 0.0149% sell fee
How does it feel owning your shit currency as btc taken off to moon mission
>You have to wait 10 days to get the fucking account going or sometimes wait more than one day to cash out.
This doesnt even make any sense, do you even know wtf youre talking about?
Yes, Coinbase can be weird at times when it comes to sudden spikes or surges in prices. Thats why I just use it for converting BTC into USD instantaneously when necessary while holding everything in my private wallets. It serves its purpose well in that regard, and its as simple as that.
>Muh fees
Fuck off you broke pajeet. Paid about $14 in total fees for an instantaneous exchange into $2,000 USD.
Better than waiting all day to meet some shady fuck from localbitcoins in person and do some awkward exchange.