What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
The only good roach is a dead roach
The Eternal Turk
I think what Napoleon wanted to say is that Turks are brave people capable of dying for their nation, they would die instead of giving in to a conqueror
Cockroach infestations were basically unstoppable before mas chemical treatment
he fought against turks. he saw how they fight. turks didnt fight like europeans napolon encountered. those europeans could just give up fighting and go "we wuz french before napullion" but for turks napoleon and frenchmen were invading heretics, not gaming imperial euro-bros. concept was entirely different so they fought in different way. also turks dont care about death that much.
Funny, seeing as Turkey lost nearly all their wars with Russia except for the ones where Britain and France defended them.
I think he meant that they could be killed
Russkies got TATAR'D so Slavs lost in the end
it does not contradict what i said. bravery of soldiers and technological advances arent the same thing. losing the war doesnt mean that you were "less brave" or something there are many reasons for that. russians are also very brave, dying 3 times the number germans do; its freaking genius. german panzers couldnt melt russians corpses.
He meant that you could beat the Ottomans in a war, but they were so culturally and economically different that diffusion and true conquering would be impossible.
He meant that unlike christianity, which had at his time been an impotent and castrated thing, islam can't be taken over by foreigners, as the people will forever rebel and revolt, and it wouldn't be economically reasonable to occupy them.
He said turks, not muslims. Note he also didn't say 'the ottomans'.
I'd say he was talking about the Turkish people having a strong spark of nationalism in them. For evidence, note how they've always despised the arabs as much if not more than the Christians.
If you wanna take and hold anatolia, genocid is the only way. Even the turks themselves realized this and acted on it.
This is what he meant
That you can beat a Mudslime in battle but you'll never be able to beat him into being a civilized taxpayer.
turks ruled over most the muslims at the time
the ottoman state was a caliphate
This is exactly what he meant
samefagging this hard. here is a (you)
That it's ok to kill Turks.
he meant that you can kill the turks but would never be able to control a large turkish population under occupation
a century later this claim was confirmed when the allied troops tried to invade and occupy the turks. they were met with a country-wide fierce resistance under the leadership of mustafa kemal and were driven out, resulting in the formation of the turkish republic
If you kill them, they win