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me on the left
Nowhere near as hard as I was dreading it was gonna be.
Fliers>Infantry>Armors>Cavs for easiest to hardest, just based on the amount of tries it took
Couldn't show the final blows for infantry and armors cause they died on enemy phase.
Only master tacticians are allowed to post in this thread.
This took a bit more effort than I care to admit
Why did you hide your name? I want to know you, master tactician
Breed the water
Infantry > Fliers > Armours > Cavs since Cavs need a few dumb setups like Grani Shield Brave Lyn.
kys spik
>777 KB
blessed image
How much orbs do you have saved up for the next banner?
Sorry sweetie, but only I'm allowed to have Dagger Breaker
Dammit he hid his name, shut it down. The hack is a failure. Alpha Bravo Oscar Romeo Tango
Fliers >>>> Cavs > Infantry > Armor
All these quests taught me is I need to look into more flier options
110. I hope it's Thracia so I can save even more.
>had to craft a spur atk seal just so bk could kill the armorknight without dying
At least it's over
>That name
Post those merged Cordelias if you really love her.
>Not hiding your name
I'm hacking your bank account
just stack wards and swaps
Only 29. Going to save til the legendary banner unless new heroes has a qt husbando.
>not Virion
>had to rank Leo's Hone Cavs down to Hone Atk 1 so that Brave Roy could activate Heavy Blade on the green mage without killing it
ahaha opposite problem my dude!
And infantry was ez thanks to tiki
>4.5% pity rate on Amelia's banner
>want to at least break the pity rate again before giving up, but days are running out, as are Orbs
>would really like Elincia or Tana too as I have both and are powerhouses on their team
>get nothing
>can't even get a Tiki, who SHOULD be a common unit, from the red Orbs in my attempt to get Elincia
>just faced a Tiki in the Arena who nearly destroyed me, that's how good she is (or how bad I am, either one)
>can't get Amelia, Tana, or Elincia, the rare units I DO want
>can't get a single Tiki, who should be common
>haven't gotten a single Tiki in the past 400+ Orbs
>probably should have been summoning for Vector but keep hearing horror stories about getting his daughter instead
>his banner's around longer though
>either way, Legendary soon
>nothing to show for it
>nothing at all
Maybe the game's punishing me after having gotten Myrrh and Hinoka so easily on their banners, as well as getting Gunnthra and PA! Azura on the last Legendary banner.
My luck's probably run out. Just fucking Merric me or something so I know I can proceed to stab myself and end my suffering. Then I can at least get a thousand feathers from Merric. Just give me fucking something. Please.
>4.5% pity rate
>neutral :D
RIP Hector or Lyn
That's 'bout the only way the askr trio could score a kill.
More wolves than a hot topic outlet.
Why do people have to ruin Yoshihiko like this... ffs
I didn't know you were a faggot, I am so sorry I offended you.
God I love the Macedonians.
I just used hit and run for my BRoy and repo'd him outta the danger zone with Cecilia afterwards
You can put bladetome on Lyn when you get her :^)
Dumb weeb
Keep trying buddy, maybe you'll succeed at something one day
Alive game.
What's the BGM in Minerva's trailer?
I keep forgetting Myrrh is a flier and am always pleasantly surprised when I remember she makes the flier emblem quests way easier.
You let Fae get hurt you asshole!
Post the "Kill all tripfags" filter pic while you're at it.
I hate fliers so god damn much
Thoughts on navarre's new map?
Why do more people use Myrrh for their flier teams than their dragon teams, especially since she comes with Hone Dragons?
Does anyone have the azura time traveling comic?
is there such a thing as a BAD IV LA Hector?
I got +speed -def and even then his def is till 37 which is still high as fuck
Like seriously does IS JUST LOVE HECTOR or something?
god tier music
People bothered by homos shouldn't hang around a general for a series filled with sexy husbandos and whose mascot is a giant homosexual.
Holy shit I'm in love with Deirdre now.
she's considered a flier so people can't use her on infantry teams for the ghb quests
I can't even strip delthea off her clothes
Warriors Maps re-rerun when?
>dancer's ring
>darting blow
this is spicy but i like it
Get bent you cum guzzle faggot. Or better yet go get AIDS.
Good man.
+Spd -anything is bad just because his speed is even worse than normal Hector's. It cant even be memed into something decent so you wind up with a useless boon and missing out on another stat he would make use of.
Not say it's terminal or crippling or anything just that it's certainly a bad thing to get.
This was more difficult than I thought it would be
He's not "bothered" by homos, he just doesn't like them. You can dislike something and still tolerate it
>want to train a melee unit
>lol ranged training map
>navarre sucks as well
Fuck you ISIS just make the damn camilla map permanent
>doing TT battles
>on the desert map
>Ogma runs around the exterior of the map and I'm forced to waste chase him down
Fuck whoever designed this
do you think she'd accept this apology
Ok, that's impressive
Is the upgrade worth it?
Give her Lyn breath instead and refine that
>alone on valentines
>didn't even get drunk
>just got LILINA'd at 4.25% for hector
>She's -spd
>-spd is a superbane
Is there any possible way to cheer myself up?
>guy in /feg/ calling someone a weeb
>Local candy haired murderwaifu goes berserk
4 kills for her. Galeforce Slaying Lance is one hell of a drug
Can anyone stop the dick?
The fact that this is going to stay here and taunt me for an entire year just makes it worse
>wanted to stop using stamina pots
>haven't even done TT yet and I've already used 3
Give more stamina pots as quest rewards damn it I'm down to 59. At least there's no more GHBs to worry about for now
Is Blue Cow useful?
Be glad you aren't the spic
>ninain with merges
Give her lightning breath
She's bootleg Olwen.
Keep rolling for Hector. If you don't have orbs there's always another way to get them!
>tripfag spic openly wears his like it's a badge of honor
there's something about mobage that's attracting lowest tier of trash
What a pain this one was
>weeb thinks everyone is like him
Not really, but low tier arena loves horses, so wolf+vantage is hilariously effective if you're new.
I keep pulling fucking Boeys whenever I open Green orbs, why won't that fucking nigger leave me alone?
It's because people like you keep giving it attention instead of just ignoring it.
I could not hear you, take the cock out of you mouth first faggot.
>The bull and the panther
Good man
Wait you're still keeping this up? Have fun replying to all my posts then.
Ike's parents are cute!
cute cav duo
many thanks
image minerva thighs
Slightly weaker than Olwen, but at least you're guaranteed to actually HAVE Ursula. Slap a blade tome on and watch her work. Also the only owner of blue wolf tomes right now
>Ike never got to fight alongside his father in his prime
He really has suffered.